NOED is Unfair! Sincerely Meta Survivors

Love how I get crapped on for using NOED and sometimes camping or tunneling but when survivors use Adrenline, Soul Guard, Unbreakable, Borrowed Time, Dead Hard, etc that’s just part of the game and I need to git gud. How many times have Killers been denied kills by these perks but survivors get salty when the killer manages to kill maybe one of them with NOED. How dare that killer! Literally one of my matches ended with downing a Kate, one second later all gens pop, she gets Adrenline and bolts while I’m still on my “cleaning my weapon?” Animation. Which is so stupid btw. So I got denied that kill. Then another with Soul Guard. But heaven forbid a player uses NOED.
Yep... I'm SO meta dude.
Like... OMG...Like you wouldn't BELIEVE the meta stuff I run!
Bond, Kindred, WGLF, and... Wait for it... This is gonna blow your meta-screaming socks off!
Yep. That's me! Mr. Meta!
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Yes I meant you. Only you. This post is completely about you. No one else. I don’t even think other people play this game but me and you
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NOED is unfair.. And, according to your post, only people who are "meta" say that. So... Yes, you were meaning me.
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No buddy. NOED is not unfair. Do bones.
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Yours maybe isn't, but there are 3 more survivor in there. If I knew they had "nice" perks, then I would run nice perks as well. But if they run meta perks and I run ######### perks I will get stomped. Why take the chance of getting stomped? Survivors won't be nice to me most of the time.
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Most survivors have one or use all of these perks most of the time. So many second chance perks but heaven forbid a Killer uses a second chance perk that is usually easily stopped.
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NOED needs to be changed to no one escapes the end game chat.
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"Do Bones" doesn't work on maps like Midwich, Lerys, Hawkins, or Dead Dawg.
Plus, there's no way for me to know if all the totems are broken unless I specifically do all of them.
When the devs add a totem counter to the base HUD and NOT just perks like Thrill and the new Small Game, only then will you have a bit of truth to your "do bones" argument.
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Don't worry survivor main you got lucky break coming your way....also if totem bother you that much bring dectives hutch/ small game/ or probably a map cause i bet people have maps cause their precious item.
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Hm.. yes this post was about us survivors, Like literally ALL survivors are toxic They all run META perks & tbag
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I’m talking about survivors who run these perks then get mad and send me hate messages over using NOED.
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Most totems spawn in the same areas. If you can’t find them that’s on you.
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Thing is, NOED isn't that good. It's a free kill perk and nothing else, and the only ones that can disable it with the "CoUnTeRpLaY" that everyone keeps pretending exists are co-ordinated swf teams. Because even a dedicated totem hunting solo will fail miserably because who cares that you got all 5 dulls if the last gen never gets done?
The problem with NOED is that it's unfair, not OP. Get outperked, scrub. It needs to get changed along with every second chance perk.
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You can't just say an argument is invalid because you need the game to tell you what you can figure out on your own. Also, just because a map has harder to find totems does not mean cleansing totems doesn't work.
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I’ll stop running NOED when everyone stops running Dead Hard, Unbreakable, Adrenline, etc. Those are just as unfair as NOED
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You're saying that every survivor should memorize all totem spawns in every single map in the game...
I already knew you didn't play both sides, but holy ######### dude...
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Lol yes. I don’t both play both sides. Which is why I’m a red rank survivor and rank 11 Killer. I haven’t been playing this game long and for the most part a lot of the totems spawn in the same areas.
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Honestly I wouldn’t mind NOED if they would just add totem counter to the objective section on the HUD. The buff to small game as great but if the devs want to encourage survivors to do something else other than just generators, especially in solo queue where there is zero communication or notification that totems are being cleansed and they’re literally one of the objectives, it’s counterproductive. I don’t think Noed is a super great perk to begin with when compared to other slowdowns that help you during the match but everyone is allowed to play how they see fit as long as it isn’t against TOS.
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I honestly only complain when the killer is playing really bad and gets a 2k+ because of NOED If the killer is a low rank its okay tbh
BTW I run aftercare repressed alliance inner strength and calm spirit every match
If the killer DESTROYED us all and he had NOED i would just say GG WP and leave
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Another one of these posts? Step right up, everybody!
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"Do bones" "Apply pressure LOL" sound the same to me, both are ridiculous, though I can say all the former needs is a totem counter, NOT in the form of a perk.
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NOED can potentially kill every survivor in the game in one hit. Dead Hard can be pretty useless against certain killers like Deathslinger, Spirit, Freddy, etc. because their powers basically counter it. It also just straight up doesn't work if you're in an area with no/unsafe pallets or windows, in order to get it to work efficiently you have to tick a lot of boxes.
Adrenaline also heals you a state once you've finished every gen. NOED does the opposite, it gives you free kills once you've failed to protect every gen, it literally rewards you for bad gameplay. Adrenaline at least rewards you for good gameplay and completing the gens.
The only argument I can kind of see is for Unbreakable but even then it's kind of your fault for slugging people. And don't say "it's the survivors fault for not cleansing every single totem!" Yes, because cleansing 5 hidden totems with random teammates with no communication and no totem counter is the same as just not hooking someone for 30 seconds or whatever it is for Unbreakable.
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What’s easier? Constantly running around gen patrolling? Or just doing bones? When small game perk update comes out most hex and NOED perks will never be used again anyway. Still barely have any counters to how fast gens go though.
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"NOED is unfair!" *Spams flashlight and hops in locker with DS*
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Usually if a killer is playing badly me as a survivor will go out of my way to go do totems cause I have a suspicion they are using it. I’m not saying I’m amazing but I’m applying good pressure in matches and downing people left and right. Still at the end of it all I usually on it get 2k. Even then sometimes NOED doesn’t even help.
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Let’s not forget the insta heal crap
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Damn bro! You Toxic... Runnin open handed and kindred.
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NOED is annoying NOT OP Same with dead hard it's annoying but not OP
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Wow buddy. What a good comeback. You’ve convinced me.
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I'll sacrifice any future NOED changes for everyone shutting the fresh flamin' hot ℱ 𝒰 𝒞 𝒦 up about it for the next foreseeable forever.
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Hex perks and NOED will die off anyway when Small Game perk change comes out. And if they ever make it to where it always tells survivors how many totems are left as a base thing then it will kill hex totems completely
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It's actually funny how people are against you in this post.
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I can admit NOED is unfair and so is a lot of survivor meta perks. But no one will agree with me on the meta perks so guess I’ll just keep using NOED
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I mean perks are there to be used, so just play what you want. I never had issues with NOED, maybe because I play Detectives Hunch every game.
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What's NOED? All the perk I know is detectives hunch!!!!
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When this is the argument, it shows how little survivor experience people have.
You can't break every totem on the map unless everyone is really good at running the killer, it's probably not happening. You remember the locations of totems as you come across them during the match, you will on ANY map, see at least 2 - 3 of them at LEAST during the match.
At the end of the game, if someone is hit with noed, or you think it is active after seeing the killer speed up, then you just check them all and break the lit one. It takes 14 seconds to delete his entire perk from the game.
Keep in mind that killer played the WHOLE game with only 3 perks, and you can undo it that easily.
People rarely use noed in red ranks because honestly it's just an "okay" perk it's not even that great.
If you take noed against good survivors, half the time they just don't get hit or are all injured at the end of the game anyways so they literally just ignore it entirely. Hell, it's a bit of a crutch since it makes your end game easier but doesn't help you learn the game in any way.
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I run it cause a lot of red ranks don’t expect it and it catches them off guard. Red ranks won’t do totems unless forced to. They are too busy just doing gens and getting out.
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NOED is no more unfair than any other Perk. Killers and Survivors both get their toys, and I don't begrudge either role. People who spend time blaming other Players or the game for their personal failures are deluding themselves.
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I mean no one does, it's why inner strength is considered a great solo queue perk because if everyone went into solo queue with it totems would never be a problem at all. Small game should help too.
Solo queue survivors don't much care about everyone else though, it's easier to take a survival perk and just like....ignore noed and leave and go "Sorryy guysss but nooeeed".
The reality though is it's not hard to just remember totems, and then break the lit one later. I do it even in solo queue; I have to because if I don't we would lose to literally ever devour hope.
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Well, the killer can see the aura of gens, to be fair. The problem is when people split up on gens. And with totems, yes they're pretty easy to do when you can actually see them. There are at least 20 different totem spawns to memorize for every single map in the game, and while some are in ridiculously open areas, some are hidden very well, especially on the newer maps. Small game is definitely going to help, but not every survivor will have the time to run around looking for totems unless the killer is AFK or having that much trouble honestly. It also should have the totem counter be basekit, not behind a perk, but killers have to run slowdown perks sometimes so I guess it's fair, huh?
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I'll take some!
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I'll say this again, most survivors don't do bones because of solo queue making the process of deactivating the perk way more difficult than it needs to be, sometimes causing more problems than what it's worth.
You can't know for sure that it's deactivate until you visually see all totems destroyed, but realistically, you and everyone else won't throw the game confirming it's deactivated so we have to be creative and try to escape before we get too many casualties.
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Or you could just not get hit. That's another way to avoid NOED.
But I know some people just can't resist trying to body block while doing big spins.
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You say this as if Detective's Hunch, or a map with add-ons don't exist. Not being able to find totems sounds like a you problem.
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I agree Unbreakable is very annoying as killer which I play. However one perk should not take you from a 1k to a 4k at the end of the game. Also Soul Guard is not that heavily used, let's be real and honest.
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Let's see:
Adrenaline is only really worthwhile if you slugged, as is Unbreakable. Dead Hard is too unreliable, DS requires tunneling now, BT requires tunneling to be worthwhile...
Are these perks annyoing to killers? yep
Should survivors learn the common totem spawnspots and cleanse bones? yes
Are you still cheap for using noed, camp, tunnel and likely slug noed? yeeeeep