How many of you bought the current rift?

This rift had imo underwhelming rewards and bc its grindy like the last and i did not finish it, i will skip it.
So how many of you bought it? Did you do it bc you finished it anyway and get your auric cells back or did you want a specific cosmetic? Did someone use auric cells to buy rift progress?
If possible i would like no discussion whether the rift is too grindy or not. Imo it is, but i know that many on this forum finish it easily. Im happy that i play enough to earn 18.000 shards between chapters to buy the next chapter with it.
I did. I agree that it was underwhelming but I'm a perfect customer for BHVR, I hate missing out on things, I feel inclined to obtain anything and everything that a game offers.
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I hope that the future ones are better, the cosmetics in the current one aren't really to my taste
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I wanted Felix's skiing outfit, so once I got that far on the rift I bought the pass. This is about as far as I tend to want to get before I commit to it, much less and it doesn't seem worth it. But at this stage, so about 75% progress, you get most of the cost back in the form of Auric Cells anyway.
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If I reached tier 70 I would buy it but I was playing DBD less during this rift so I'm just around tier 60 and thus I'm skipping this time for once.
There really wasn't anything worthwhile to grind for in this rift from my POV. Not like I mind, at least I don't have to worry about missing out on something cool if I don't grind it out, it's honestly pretty nice to just not care at all.
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I "bought" it
I paid for the rift when I first started playing (February 2019) and I've used the Shards I've gotten from every Rift since then to keep getting the new rifts. I have since finished this Rift (despite a 3 week break) but I think that's more because I have a problem than because it's not too grindy...
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I buy every premium rift. I have finished every rift so it's basically extra free stuff - for free.
Even if you didn't get auric cells back from the premium rift I would still do it. I have no issue with throwing a little money to a game that I enjoy playing 4-6 days a week.
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I just got to the tier where I get all my auric cells back so I "bought" it. I don't "buy" it until I get to that tier because then I don't feel forced to grind to earn my auric cells back - the rift rewards aren't worth the money. If my swf teammate wasn't grinding for theirs I probably wouldn't have played enough to get to that tier. 😂
Edit to add my swf teammate is at tier 63 even though they play more than me. They have a tougher time getting the challenges done so not able to move through as quickly.
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I bought it but I've been using the cells from the previous rifts so I only ever bought it on the very first one. The Oni cosmetic was probably my favorite of this rift and I also liked Yui's hair.
I think this rift had the David mustache which is also a personal favorite. I can't remember the other ones but overall it was okay. Mainly just loved a few specific pieces.
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I brought it, only because I put the auric cells back into what I got from the previous one. Essentially, it's free.
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I felt like the rift was underwhelming, but I still bought it because I wanted to support the design team. Plus, if I bought it now, I wouldn't have to pay 10 bucks again as long as I keep playing.
Plus, since Yui is my survivor main, I had to get those cosmetics. Oh and her Vinyl figure is cute af.
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this rift was just a copy/paste outfits from the mobile version to PC.
but somehow you need to grab some money right?
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I despise the Rift.
Until it's more consumer-friendly, less grindy AND until BHVR addresses Console Optimizatio/issues, I won't buy it. Don't want to spend more money on a company that screws over a majority of its players.
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i spent 1000 cells and got them back at lvl 70. free stuff. why not
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I brought it. Reached Tier 70 and got my 1000 Auric Cells back.
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I hit tier 70 so I bought it- absolutely no reason not to.
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I am tier 67 almost, don't wanna buy it
This whole time the BP has been up the game has been in a horrible state and I don't wanna give any sort of monetization to bhvr until the free track has actual rewards, the grind is lessened, and the game in general works properly
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I bought this rift with my cells from the third rift...which I bought with cells from the second rift...etc.
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I bought it, buying every Rift. But I also completed every Rift so far.
And personally, I would have probably paid the 10 Euros for the Oni-Skin alone.
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I bought it with the Auric Cells from the previous Rift which I bought with the Auric Cells from the previous RIft... etc etc all the way back to the first Rift. So, one $10 investment has bought me all the Premium Rift passes.
I always wait until I reach tier 70 on the Rift before buying the Premium Pass. Less stress. I don't want to risk putting my money into it and then not finishing.
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Not me. Nothing worthwhile for me in this one. Now the next one supposedly has bill and huntress stuff. Im all in on that one. Most likely
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I buy them when I'm close to completing them, but disconnect issues kept me from playing as much this time, so I'm only halfway.
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I completed it. Yui is my main.
I DID NOT buy the rift.
It is the first rift I did not buy. I've been really disappointed with the content released since Twins, so I won't be giving BHVR my money until the RE release.
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Most of it was just recolours of the same old cosmetics and the different ones didn't look good enough to be worth bothering with so I skipped this one.
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I have bought every rift including this one and was able to earn all my cells back. I enjoy the free cosmetics, even if a lot of them are just reskins of existing cosmetics. That being said, the rift is still way too grindy, especially for casual players. It forces them to either buy the tiers they can't earn in time with cells or play until they're burnt out of the game. I also agree this current rift is the most underwhelming one so far for the rewards being offered, although the Oni skin alone was worth it for me.
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Of course I did, but it's free to anyone that plays enough. This one was by far the lamest as far as rewards go.
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They better.
The Rift is as grindy as Battlefront II was. The only difference is that BHVR wasn't forced to make better changes.
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I bought it the moment I reached Level 68, because that's when the last Auric Cell reward is and when I got my money back instantly.
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Yh but i heard this rumor over three months ago. How hard can it be to reduce the grind? On the other hand they needed years to disable the iridescent head/infantry belt combo. So i shouldnt be surprised.
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I bought the premium pass. I believe I bought 18 tiers as well as enough auric cells left over to purchase the next premium rift. Got to tier 52 after completing all but 2 challenges... this is the first rift where I've bought auric cells to finish it.
I think there was 3 Claud skins I gained from purchasing the last 18 tiers. I main Claudette so I'm happy with that.
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I bought the premium pass and (After a lot of grind) managed to complete the rift. Some of the cosmetics were lame, but I liked most of them.
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I buy the Rifts to support he design team, even though they let themselves down with a couple of things this time, Legion's Privateer's Bounty outfit is brilliant.
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I don't buy the rift because I don't care about cosmetics and I won't give them money for something I won't enjoy. More than half of the challenges in the tomes ruin games and make them unfun. Way too specific and you can only select one challenge per game. Challenges are way too specific to only have one per game. Which is why I won't ever buy a rift until they address that.
Also grind doesn't matter - It wouldn't be so frustrating if I wasn't locked into one VERY SPECIFIC CHALLENGE every game.
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I haven't bought a rift pass since the one that had the blighted Nurse skin which was the second one I believe?
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i did not and Ill only buy it if I reach the last auric cells level cause then im basically just buying auric cells with a bunch of free stuff attached, if I dont then I wont buy it.
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I finished the rift a while ago. I wouldn't mind if it was easier to level up, but I think it's fine.
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I got it for 2 reasons:
- I have the time to play the game and I can finish challenges
- I get all my cells back
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I only bought tome 3 and 4
It's official NOT a rumor
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I've bought and completed several one since the first. So I haven't spent any more money then I spent on the first one. I honestly just do it for all the cosmetic items because you never know what will match up just right
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Havent touched the rifts in a while it just takes too long for someone like myself who aill finish out the challenges and tends to play other games.