Why do Killers think gens are toxic?
I have noticed when a lot of Killers lose hard they blame gen speeds more than anything else.
Unless someone brought a BNP or something, gen speeds are the Killer's fault just as much as the chases. It's just that a lack of map pressure is less upfront to them and their chases are the part of the game they can directly see. Quick chases don't matter if they're away from generators and other Survivors. And long chases in the right places can cause more slowdown than quick ones sometimes.
Poor players always blame mechanics they don't understand. Survivors yell about tunneling, bad killers yell about gen speeds, bad battleship players in World of Warships whine about torpedos, bad heavy players in World of Tanks whine about artillery, bad players in Blackwake whine grapeshot volleys just as you grapple a ship, people who stand still whine about getting headshot by snipers, mindless rushers whine about corner campers in your favorite FPS
Bad players deflecting blame to game mechanics is just as certain as death and taxes.
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Thats totally it, it isn't like we don't have multiple "tournaments" and the depip squad proving otherwise. nah.. ignore that "nobody" plays like that right?
Simple callouts like who will save and general killer location change nothing at all and 2 people on gens at all times is the killers fault and nothing else.
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If only dbd didn't take away your pips when they tunneled you, it would be great because many times you can't touch even a single motor. But sadly it seems that dbd wants the game to be this way .. It directly endorses toxicity. It is a shame that a game like this, having so many possibilities, they waste it by leaving it this way.
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Why do survivors think tunneling is toxic?
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It's more whiny/entitled than toxic imo
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"Unless someone brought a BNP or something, gen speeds are the Killer's fault just as much as the chases"
No. The vast majority of the killer roster simply does not have the capability to properly pressure gens if the survivors are actually good. It relies on bad survivors making mistakes and wasting time.
Most killers aren't blaming survivors for doing gens fast, they're blaming the devs for balancing the game where gens are able to be done that fast.
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They don't think gens are toxic, just that the speed at which a gen can be completed is not appropriate. most will agree that a single survivor on a single gen is not bad, but not ideal either, but when you get 2 survivors and the completed gen happens in 44 seconds without prove thy self in play. Now add in more survivors, tool boxes, gen perks, brand new parts and you start seeing how things can get very dicey early on with 2-3 gens popping in the first two minutes of the match. nothing is toxic about any of this either it's just not very condusive to say trapper trying to set up an area to defend etc.
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nope just because you don't like the length of time, if a solo survivor on a gen was any less than 80 seconds the game would be over before the killer could even get one hook and that's with the killer being very skilled.
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where did I SAY THAT? I said that most killers agree that a solo survivor on a gen with nothing helping them is ok. but you know what YES I'd sit on a gen for 2 minutes as a survivor lol.... stop trying to twist what is said when it can easily be disproven. I'll wait for you to prove where I said anything about making gen speeds more than 80 seconds with one survivor and nothing else to help speed it up.
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where do you get the idea that a hard game is unwinable by a killer??? lol so you'd like to see as a trapper main a 45 second generator speed with only one survivor on it and no perks/tools helping? or are you saying at 80 seconds you are having very little problems? I mean you tell me what you're saying because I didn't advocate for shorter gen times. but if you want 45 or 50 seconds for a single gen to be done by a solo survivor with nothing helping them along I'm sure other killer mains would tell you that is a PERFECT IDEA!
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There are 4 survivors and only 5 gens to do.
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There's a reason why killers always bring multiple gen defence perks and still don't stomp on the survivors.
Killer can't be in seven places at once, so I don't know how "just defend gens" is a good enough excuse.
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so you'll respond three times to one post from someone else? now you have me laughing. I've seen very skilled streamers that are killer mains playing and have problems with a 4 man or even solos that are good at what they need to do. And yes they bring gen defense/regression perks as well. and it's not always a walk in the park. i'd love to see how many times you REALLY have hard games and how many of those you've actually lost and how fast gens are popping in your matches. but I doubt I will because I doubt you're a streamer yourself. Also your it's just your opinion now? before with me it was hard fact. which is it?
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You're talking about players who know what they're doing.
2/3rds of this playerbase doesn't play at this level so it's irrelevant.
I am just good enough at killer to realize how bad I am at it and I typically run very little generator defense if at all - and yet I can kill 3/4 players I run into without putting much effort into it. Unlike the people you are talking about, I'm not expecting to win every game as killer and that's fine. These people... these people who started this conversation about gen speeds often wipe out most of the teams they run into. I don't know why they're complaining.... they obviously beat most of the playerbase.... seems to me they're just making excuses for that small bit of the playerbase that's better than them.
If you mess with the generator speeds, the majority of the playerbase will suffer, PERIOD
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I got the notificiation you replied but the comment was deleted so i figured you deleted it... sounds like you used some bad language in there...
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Do I understand u correct?
Killers should bring in perks to the game to counter something that Survivor can do on a base level? And you think this is fine?
Weill maybe it wouldn't be reviewed if you wouldnt make 3 comments to answer on one post :)
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on the basis of what player skill level should we argue then?
If top killers vs top survivors "lose", don't you think (real) average killers lose against (real) average survivors, too? If not, we can't discuss this topic anyway.
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Why do survivors blame slugging or holding a 3gen. Both sides sound just as dumb when they say it.
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The problem with this is that people have the ability to get better at the game while killers have hard caps on what they can physically do.
You balance for bad players and you slowly destroy your game. There is a reason people complain about queue times and it is because people have stopped playing killer and either move on or play survivor only.
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The Q's are long because the matchmaker is garbage, not because of population. Population is actually been stable for years now. if anything, it's slowly growing overall
Balancing around the lowest common denominator is working and has been working for most of games for a very long time now. The so-called "top players" need to just accept that and stop it with this rhetoric already because the numbers don't lie.
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Decent survivors complete 3 gens (60% of their objective) by the time the killer got his first hook (8% of his objective).
Looks balanced /not