help with huntress map pressure

finally getting the hang of huntress got a few decent cross map hatchets and i am actually quite proud of myself for them but at red ranks i can see huntress' one issue... map pressure. If anyone has any strategies, perk suggestions etc. they would be very appreciated
You main way to control the map is downing survivors quickly enough to keep them busy untill they are all dead. With few exceptions, most (good) huntress players only run 1 gen control perk - corrupt intervention.
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Map pressure isn't usually one of Huntress' strengths. Crossmaps are very unreliable and hard to follow up with. Rather, Huntress excels at mid-range, which allows her to get downs very quickly. Close range, she's worse than normal M1 killers, moving at 110% speed. That's really really the only pressure she gets.
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if you can down survivors fast enough, you can snowball a slug fest.
That's pretty much what a lot of huntress players do or players in general who don't run 4 anti gen slowdown perks.
you need to find ways to secure kills and snowballs quickly
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Huntress has no innate game slowdown and is the slowest killer in the game.
To get map pressure, you need to down survivors quickly and if the chance to snowball comes up, slug and down the other survivors.