Fix your game maybe?
Well i'm tired to get hits in the other side of the palette and throw the palette over the killer and he don't get stunned!
they said they fixed it and it was a complete lie i've done it as killer and gotten hit like that as survivor...That's the devs for you
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Well i think they forgot to test then.. but it's not working
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There is one simple solution: Stop playing the game, stop giving them money, stop watching DBD streamers. They won't change their behaviour (lul) until the game is dying off. Start today, do your part, quit this BS game, be a hero! ✌️
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mans here never heard of spaghetti code, spaghetti code breaks easily so sometimes when fixing a bug another thing causes said bug, bhvr never intended for dbd to make it this far or else they would have coded it way better
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I don't see why that should be the customer's problem. It's also very obvious that they don't test their patches properly before releasing them. They should get their ######### together, stop coming up with excuses.
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This isn't an excuse and yes they probably don't fully test patches, however spaghetti code can break at random (i.e the kbm bug that happened out of thin air) and nobody can really expect it, you are just being rude for no actually reason besides being rude, and before someone comes in here and says "WhitE kNIGhT" I could literally care less, because I like this game in all its buggy galore
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I had someone on Reddit try to tell me that the bug was fixed and I just "needed to adapt to it" and I was like... yeah. No. LMAO
I've been playing a ton of killer lately to finish the rift pass up, and let me tell you... I practically have to GIVE the pallet stun to a survivor for it to happen. I constantly am hitting them through pallets, too (I kind of feel bad about it but I've never been much of a pallet respecter- I'd have to change up my whole playstyle from "I'm probably gonna get stunned here But I Think I Have A Chance To Get This Hit" cheeser to "I Like My Pallets Like I Like My Women- Respected").
I figure it is from them adding Smash Hit- I bet some of the spaghetti code fell out of their pocket when they put it in the game hahaha
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Especially with Oni. Maybe OP should try some red?
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we've suggested that they dedicated a chapter for working on the health of the game, clearing out spaghetti code, etc., but they never did
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They prefer to make money off the players' backs by selling poor recolored skins.
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I still have a lot of questionable killer hits after a vault (where the killer didnt extend through a window to hit)
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yeah the game is just broke... i will come back in 3-4 month do see what stupid and unbalanced changes they made.
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I hate these people.
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Well I literally cannot understand what you mean by "Well i'm tired to get hits in the other side of the palette and throw the palette over the killer and he don't get stunned."
Get off the soapbox. You cannot effect any change by being snarky. Fixing bugs is not as easy as creating discussions; it's a long, laborious process exacerbated by the fact that 1) BHVR already has the giant Resident Evil chapter to worry their pants off about 2) Canada is in the middle of work-from-home. Whenever there's anything amiss, everybody gets out their degrees in computer science jackassery from the University of Reddit to preach about how BHVR is so lazy and doesn't appreciate its players and they're all just a bunch of complacent louts who need to be taught a lesson. Don't fall into the irony trap, don't be one of those people.
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Darling they said they fixed it in the previous patch so why you keep defending them?
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Some people just get off on defending large companies that treat their customers like trash.
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We've been asking for fixes for literal years lmao