When Is That Spirit Nerf Coming?

We really need to bump it up to a faster pace than what it might be currently. Spirit is the most braindead easy killer in this game.
It will come in 2024 don’t worry
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I won't wait that long. I'll just go back to playing non-stop Spirit as a Rank 1 for easy 4k's for the foreseeable future if not. I've only lost 2 times (2 people escape) out of over 100 matches. That was me being nice. If nothing will change, I'll become part of the Spirit cheerleading squad and demolish people until this forum throws a fit over Spirit like it did a month ago before I stopped.
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Nurse and Spirit are the only ones who can counter and have a chance at high ranks. You want to nerf Spirit? Ok. Well prepare to only face Nurse forever. Instead of asking for nerfs, you need to ask for more buffs for killers. Except those two killers, it’s almost impossible to have a decent match in high ranks.
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I am red rank killer and my Freddy has 4K most of matches. Are we playing different games?
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Every Killer is viable against High Rank Survivors. Against really coordinated groups, probably only Spirit or Nurse, but against the standard you will see at Rank 1, every Killer will perform decent.
And Spirit 100% deserves a Nerf.
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"Nurse and Spirit are the only ones who have a chance at high ranks" correction, they're the only ones who can beat fully stacked, completely optimal tournament teams. I've faced one, one tournament team in my 3 years at rank 1 killer, and they weren't that bad. As Pyramid Head, without tunneling. 2k. Saying that only Nurse and Spirit can play at high ranks is flawed because the percentage of high rank survivors who are actually good is so unbelievably low that the chances of us getting Scooby Doo as a chapter are higher.
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You still can't tell when she's using her power (only killer who does this in the game). She can still use Stridor. She still has basically no counterplay without specific perks. Perks are not good, consistent counterplay that forces DBD into a game of skill, but instead for the survivor if they're found and the Spirit is good they're basically dead. She needs many further changes, possibly even a full kit rework.
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Blight, Executioner, Hag, Freddy; Deathslinger: allow me to introduce myself
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First I don't think it's a good idea to balance the game around 4swf sweaty squad. Most of the SWF you'll find are just people who want to have fun with other player and aren't sweaty. They'll bring perk to help against tunneling/camping to try and get the most fun out of their gaming session but that's all. Plus getting more than 2k vs random is quite easy even at high rank.
I don't think people really have an issue with nurse. To do well with her you need to be good with her and you don't learn her overnight.
Spirit's issue is that she can stop moving and as a survivor you don't know how to react properly. Also her only real counter is Iron Will but Stridor counter it.
Nurse is not really frustrating to play against unlike Spirit.
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"I don't know 3 or 4"
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Hopefully never. Is Spirit unfun? Sure. Is she in dire need of a nerf? No. She's just very strong but still not anywhere easy to play.
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it took me 6 matches to learn her well enough to consistently 4k. 3 days and i was nigh unbeatable unless i purposefully handicapped myself (aka had @TurboTOne or @BigBrainMegMain talking in my ear). if it takes 3 days to learn the second-strongest-arguably-strongest killer to the point where you never lose maybe they need a change.
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Thanks for your incredibly comprehensive response, thoughtfully disproving some of my points and providing some insightful counterarguments! Unfortunately, you haven't managed to change my mind, but I'm glad we can agree to disagree. :)
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When I play Spirit I'm an M1 killer that travels fast. Chasing invisible survivors isn't easy.
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have a functional heaset, equip stridor, look at grass, profit.
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I thought Freddy was the most brain-dead easy killer?
Or was that Huntress?
Or Bubba?
I can't keep these hyperbolic complaints straight.
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Wait 3 or 4 and maybe you will get the Spirit nerf that you desire.
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in terms of how easy they are to play, freddy. in terms of how easy they are to play in comparison to their strength, spirit.
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do forgive this cardinal sin, unfortunately the letters "o" and "k" next to each other on the internet with no other context is difficult to discern the exact meaning of, so i went for the most common one.
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This content has been removed.
I mean, I'd gladly face Nurse over Spirit because she actually takes skill.
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orange smells nice
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is white option?
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I'll try that next time, but I just don't play her enough to build any skill. I like chasing and smacking people at loops. Killers with a distinctly different style, even the projectile killers, just don't hold me like an old-fashioned chase. Same with Wraith, I love playing him, but after I do, I always go right back to Bubba or Demo. I have a very specific set of skills.
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defo coffee
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If you love old school chases, give chance to my Freddy boi
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im so funny
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Add-ons will hurt me but i am not using snares so much. So i will try to adept. Freddy is still my fav boi
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I really like the idea of her phasing in and out as she's phase-shifting so you see glimpses of her every 2-3 seconds while phasing.
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Have to take into account the survivors.
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Oh i hope, since spirit don't really need a nerf. Survivor just need to git gud.
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Being unfun to face isn't the same as being to strong.
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Not until the gen speed, gen kicks, gen tapping are addressed.
Spirit is strong, but not OP considering how fast the gen speed is now.
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Nah Spirit is so op. She has only one who doesnt have counterplay. Even Nurse has that but Spirit has not. So she needs nerf and i am sure she will nerf soon. Devs nerfed Twins and we both know Twins max B-tier. If Twins got nerf, how Spirit has chance to escape from nerf lol
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It is actually pretty consistent to tell with the animation change, versed a spirit running the white glowing hair which doesn't reset animations and from her body animations alone I was able to tell when she was in phase. You just need to know what to look for.
I will advocate for a more clear indicator for people who don't know this and because you have to be hardcore staring at the spirit without blinking or you'll miss the animation change.
Plus you really can't call her the most braindead easy when Freddy still exists, and even then I'd say shes still harder than like 8 or 7 other killers.
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Yeah, they need to git gud at flipping a coin on the right side.
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Seriously, have you even played Spirit?
You're just saying OP because you don't know how to counter her.
Yes she is strong, but there are so many good red rank survivors who can dodge her for more than 1 minute.
Which is damn enough to do 1 or 2 gens.
Most killers are underpowered considering how fast gens are now. Twins nerf is understandable because they are stronger than Spirit against solo ques.
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Anyone can play Spirit. Only mediocre Spirits would fall for her counters (no offense to anyone). Also, Iron Will only helps against her, it doesn't completely counter her. Stridor exists as well which completely removes the help of Iron Will.
By your logic, I have destroyed all of these "good red rank survivors" that tried to dodge my Spirit for more than 1 minute, and I don't even play Spirit because of how boring and easy she is. Blight and Clown are way more fun. No Stridor either. Red rank killer btw
And holy ######### how many times are people going to acknowledge gen speeds, they're literally fine. The only bad thing about them is BNP. I main killer as well so don't try to talk ######### about me.
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Twins nerf is understandable? Are you serious lol? You are saying Spirit doesnt need nerf and you are saying Twins nerf is understandable. And no i never played as Spirit because i dont like her. I am happy with Freddy.
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When nurse gets a buff
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There are other killers now that can deal with the high level survivors. Blight comes immediately to mind, but he actually has some counterplay, which makes him very fair. Oni, Hillbilly, Freddy, Huntress or Hag are also strong contenders.
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Since devs like data so much, they won't do anything, her kill rate is middle of the pack i believe. But expect a nurse buff in a few chapters.
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The counter play is risky and inefficient
But in order to do this you need a good setup
1 ironwill with or without stridor this makes this happen
2 another loop in nearby distance
3 luck
She stands still run to another loop and watch her if she dosent move crouch because it reduces noise you make. then this is the luck part if she keeps going in phase to the loop you need to run back to your loop you started at if she ends up behind you run to the other loop
This dosent work 100%of the time but its the best results I've gotten
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I take most complaints about SWF to be more like "Elo-hell" complaints in other, competitive games like Overwatch, LoL, DotA2.
That is to say, it's a sign that the person complaining isn't actually as good as they think they are.
Happens to survivors too, mind you. Any time a survivor talks ######### after getting clapped is the same issue, just bundled differently.
That's not to say that there aren't tournament SWFs running around, of course. But all the talk of optimal SWFs is wildly overblown, thanks in part to certain streamers.
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Yeah, due to the luck it requires though it's kind of inconsistent :/
As I said, some Spirits will know how to play around it (it might work if you get REALLY lucky so I'd say it's worth trying) and some bad ones can easily get screwed over by that.
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Yeah that's why iron will in needed to tip it to your favor
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The only reason you don't see Billy is because the vast majority of Billy players would just hold the chainsaw revved until they got a clear shot at the survivor lol.
He's pretty much the same Billy as before.
Spirit isn't fun to play against, and should be changed to fix that.
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Stop camping and tunneling and returning to the hook and don't run strider and Pop, if you drop all that cheap nonsense and you still 4k all the time you need to set up a streaming channel and link it here, I will be watching and judging if your claim about her being op is justified then
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This is just a you needing to learn how to play against Spirit issue, not a balance one.