SWF is necessary but needs fixed

Obviously being able to play with your friends is part of what makes this game appealing; however, it obviously makes the killer have a much more difficult time. The game is balanced around survivors being unable to directly communicate, so we have to counterbalance it in order to make the game healthy.

I suggest giving the killer a buff for each player that is in a SWF in order to balance it out. If all 4 survivors are solo, the game is as it is now, but the killer gets sightly more power for each player that is in a SWF, having all 4 players in one giving the strongest buff. This could be being slightly faster at points, or having an extra perk slot for each above 2. I understand that this is a bit unrealistic, but I’d like to hear your thoughts on how this would work.


  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    This doesn't work in practice, you can have a 2 man and two solos and then the two solos have to fight against buffs with no benefit, also 3 mans where one player then has to go against all these extra things just because others are playing together.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    this is why we buff solos then superbuff killers in the same patch

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    If you're solo you'll go against stronger killer because you're playing with 3stack SWF. Do not buff killers stats. Nerf swf members stats so solos are not affected

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    Not all SWF use comms or known each other perks. Yes some SWF uses but buffing the solo or nerfing them wont solve the problem. You cant punish people for playing with their friends nor you can buff people because they are solo. There is not exactly a real solution for that. I saw many ideas like base kindred, perk knowledge and so forth. To be honest it is not gonna help the solo survivors as well. Ingame voice while at paper seem nice I cant imagine what kind of things will happen to people who can get angry due to "teabags" at the exit gate, imagine their reaction when the voice calls him with racist things and direct insults. The thing is SWF that uses comms have advantage and that's it. Yes they gain advantage over solo, yes they are more powerful because they use 3rd party comms.

    The problem with is that I agree it is not fair but buffing or nerfing wont solve any problem, it will just create new problems. My advice to everybody which I did myself is that I played lots of matches as solo and during my matches I asked good teammates to be team up. We teamed up with people that we met and we dont use any comms or we dont telll each other what perks are we using. Still we manage quiet fine because we are good teammates and I encourage people to do the same which is the only valid solution.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Still no reason to use ingame chat because killer can't hear you in discord

  • Mysterynovus
    Mysterynovus Member Posts: 318

    Until a major overhaul takes place, giving Killers bonus BP for each SWF player they go against would mitigate the sting of going against coordinated squads. This isn't a fix, mind you, but it's a small thing that helps.