Can anyone tell me how to play legion?

Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

This guy feels weaker than trickster because I can hit all 4 survivors with feral frenzy, then what?

None of them are down and mending is a joke. Maybe if mending actually downed someone he might be good

and the only time my mending has ever downed someone it was a trap to bait me over there just for them to get instant healed by the time I get there


  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877
    edited April 2021

    He's literally just an M1 killer who can keep people injured very easily.

    Don't underestimate the value of keeping survivors constantly injured, though. If they're the type that heals every single time, all the better for you. If not, it's much easier to track and end chases with an injured survivor than a healthy survivor. Add in thanatophobia, and although it doesn't actually do much, most survivors see that little debuff icon, freak out, and scramble to heal.

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    yeah but plague puts survivors in broken state

    she gets buffs when they cleanse

    and she has aura reading for when they puking as an add on

    and puking is very loud

    plus she's technically a ranged killer

    I really don't see the point of legion's mending. They really need to buff mending make it an actual threat because they'll either keep moving so mending doesn't go down or just heal.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Plague is not able to get four injured survivors at the same speed legion can. Her strength is not in staving off healing, but in her corrupt purge, which is entirely unrelated.

    Legion's mending isn't supposed to be a threat. If you are unfortunate enough to remember how mending used to work, you may recall why the Devs are so reluctant to change mending. It's supposed to be a time-consuming hindrance, not an actual way to get downs. 

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    true but plague can get 4 survivors injured passively just by puking on a generator without even having to interact with them

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    Legion can't get downs normally when they are put into mending anyways so I don't understand why mending is not meant to down people

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,075

    Legion excels against survivors that both stay grouped up and try to constantly heal against you. Mending + Healing is a huge time waster and Legion can grind the game to a halt if the survivors don't know how to play against Legion.

    Don't underestimate the value of Killer Instinct either. Unlike Aura reading, survivors can not deny your ability to know where they are. This can allow you to easily keep track of where survivors are without tracking perks.

    Getting multiple survivors injured very quickly at the start of the game with both Ruin and Thana creates a lot of pressure that other killers can't replicate.

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    My best advice is to check out Raging Ryuga on YouTube. He has a ton of videos and tutorials including Legion in which he mains them. He's honestly, besides Otz, the best Legion player I know of.

    For me personally since Legion is one of my 3 core mains (Legion, Hag and Piggy are my mains; I just can't choose one lmfao), the goal with the frenzy isn't to make them mend or get a down with the mend per se. It's more or less something to force survivors off the gens to mend to find and locate already (preferably) injured survivors and down them. Spread frenzy around, get them off those gens. For perks, my absolute favorite (by the time I found Ryuga to strengthen my Legion, I didn't realize we basically had the same build apart from like one or two perks) to use on them is Surge, a Demogorgon teachable. You'll want perks that aim to slow the game down so Thanatophobia is also a go. It'll slow down their repair time, cleansing speed, healing speed, etc. Surge is perfect on Legion as the perk suits M1 killers and makes surrounding generators explode. Bring in PGTW for more punch in your pack. If you're feeling spicy, you can use Nurse's to locate healing survivors but some survivors won't heal with Legion. I believe Ryuga also has a video in which he has the nastiest build on Legion you can imagine and it really is dirty but yeah, go with him or Otz and take notes. I can tell you first hand, I've improved my Legion play simply binging Ryuga Legion vids. :)

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Legion is a normal 115% M1 killer. As long as you can loop properly he's not that bad. 

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    I'm sorry but you sound way too ignorant on Legion to be such solidified judgements on the killer. Mending isn't suppose to down anyone; that's such a dumb thing to say. You don't even need to play Legion much if at all to know that. Just seems like you have basically no game knowledge if you think mending was supposed to down anyone.

    Just because you play him poorly doesn't mean he's weak. I don't know how to play Ghostface well and can do much better with Wraith but I'm not going to say that Wraith is better. Same with Nurse; play her poorly and can do better with Trickster, but am I going to say she's worse than Trickster? No

    I see a lot of people saying he's weak and they don't use his power properly. He's one of the few killers whose power is meant to be prepped before he gets into chase, not while he is in chase.

    Frenzy is used for distance, information/tracking, as well as to injure.

    What a lot of legion players will do is try to get all survivors injured in one frenzy usage instead of cancelling it and reactivating it when they're closer to the survivor. If you hit one survivor with frenzy and you see via killer instinct that the rest are far away to the point where you can't reliably make it within the remaining duration of your frenzy, cancel it. Walk to them and then reactivate it. My rule is to let the frenzy bar get half way empty, cancel, then walk and by the time I'm a lot closer it's full again.

    Prioritising getting as many people injured early game is what you should do to spread pressure. If you only see one survivor, frenzy, and you don't see the rest on killer instinct, you try to go find them and spread the injuries.

    On top of that, Frenzy can be useful in finding a survivor you need to get out the game.

    With a Legion who can manage his frenzy decently, the survivors he comes into contact with are likely to be already injured by the time Legion is in chase with them. Constantly saying "just an M1 killer" in a pejorative manner doesn't mean anything when it takes one tap to down them in most cases. Even against these so called "God" survivors who apparently can't be touched by anyone but Nurse and Spirit, you smack them once. Not that hard.

    The difference between Plague and Legion is that you can instantly delete Plague's pressure by cleansing. You give her more pressure by staying broken, and strategically cleansing is how you basically make her power useless. Cleansing at a pool takes no effort and doesn't waste much if any of your time. Constantly healing against Legion means you're not doing objectives, which is another form of pressure for the killer.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Legion's power has quite a bit going for it honestly.

    When you Frenzy stab a healthy Survivor if they decide to fully recover, they'll be off Generators for a total of 44 seconds. Obviously that'll be less with medkits or healing perks, but that's still a very long time for a Survivor to be not progressing the game. Get all 4 Survivors with Frenzy and you've basically paused all generators for a at least 12 seconds... much much longer if they heal up.

    Successful Frenzy swings basically have zero cool down. That comes in handy if the Survivors have grouped up and you want to stab all of them. It also handy when a Survivor gets cheeky and tries to body block with Borrowed Time up. You can pop Frenzy, Stab, Run through them, and lose basically zero distance on the person you actually want.

    Also, there's way more Survivors out there who don't know how to counter Legion than their should be. You'll see and get easy hits on people who keep trying to immerse after you've activated Killer Instinct. You'll have healthy Survivors drop pallets in your face while your power is ready to go. You'll even have people pop Dead Hard before you've left your power.

    One thing you may or may not want to do. If you run Enduring as Legion, you can frequently cut the post Frenzy stun by 75% and get a pallet out of the way at the same time. Seriously... way too many people are willing to drop pallets on Legion's head before they've left their power which actually actively helps you.

    Oh and also, do not underestimate Legion's increased ability to mind game. Since Legion is a medium sized Killer, he can actually do mind games at loops where tall Killers (including Plague) simply can't because their heads are above the wall. Also medium sized Killers are small enough to use upright pallets to mind game.

    One thing I would recommend... as Legion it is my opinion that you need at least one "Gotcha" perk that is capable of punishing Survivors for not healing in addition to Thanatophobia. My personal favorite at the moment is Trail of Torment, but I've seen Endfury work, I've seen somebody use Coup De Grace, and I've also used Play With Your Food.

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109
    edited April 2021

    then why have mending down at all, seems pointless its not even a healing action so no nurses calling

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,574

    Yep, Spirit Fury + Enduring + Legion pin is a great and fun pallet destroyer build for legion. Sadly it does not work properly currently bc of the bugged stuns :-/.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,137

    Stab, optimise FF, zone and bottleneck people.

    1 - Stab

    2 - Learn all of the little tricks you can do in FF, such as learning how to use collision to your advantage, learning when to cancel, stabbing unhookers to cancel the animation, etc.

    3 - Zone people into corners of the map to get an almost guaranteed hit with FF, try to zone when you cancel your ability into the 4 second stun so they get less distance on you.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,253

    Step 1: buy legion

    Step 2: pick legion

    Step 3: queue up for a match as legion

    Step 4:

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,658

    Legion is a pretty basic killer.

    Frenzy means you'll injure everyone and have to down them with your own skill and short stature.

    Killer Instinct gives you decent map awareness, so you shouldn't have a problem finding a specific survivor that's dead on hook or something.

    Deep Wound is meant to stall, not kill. Never expect anyone to bleed out. It does make Ruin HURT though. You're a slowdown killer with great tracking with Killer Instinct; don't be afraid to Frenzy stab an injured survivor so you can find someone more vulnerable and rest assured they can't immediately go do gens.

    Do NOT use Frenzy for mobility. Fatigue means you lose distance.

    Don't be afraid to cancel your power early. Remember, just because you can SEE a person on Killer Instinct doesn't mean you can reach them. In fact, you often can't.

    It pains me to say this, but Legion is a very good camper. Seriously, your ability to injure the entire team makes unhooks risky, if someone tries, they'll eat a Frenzy, alerting you of who is near. If someone unhooks during that, congrats, you're distracting 3 people, probably forcing at least 2 to mend while chasing the 3rd. You'll probably pick up the 4th on Killer Instinct who you can go for, chase him. Congrats, you've just distracted the entire team. Granted, only 12 secs if they mend, but that little bit adds up.

    Legion has nice synergy with some rarely used perks like Thana or (one of my favorites) Blood Echo.

    Don't run perks like Nurse's Calling on Legion. Against bad teams, you won't need it. Against good teams, it won't help you. You want survivors to heal, and if you use the mangled add-on, make sure you're comfortable with the possiblity of them not healing.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    How to play Legion 101

    You stab, and run away.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Watch raging ryuga. He gives good advice on hia Legion video's

    In short Legion is a killer that can easilly keep everyone injured, get's information and stalls the game.

    You laugh at deep wound but that's 15% of a gen they couldn't do cause they are mending. It's not a downing tool.

    If you want to be good at Legion you really need to be good at mindgames. Luckelly Legion is one of the best mindgame killers in the game. Unlike Plague they are very short and unlike stomping demo and oni he makes zero noise.

    And 1 mindgame is all you need to get a down and then you just snowball.

    Some general tips

    Don't try to always get all survivors in one frenzy. Your terror radius is 40m while in frenzy and people on the edge are just to far. Get the people who are close. Look where the others are and cancel your power. By the time you made it over there your power is back. This allows you to injure the entire team waaay faster then plague could dream off.

    As a general rule of thumb. If your power runs out and you didn't end it manually or by getting purposefully stunned you probably did something wrong.

    Don't chase one survivor for too long. Get a pallet or 2 out of the way frenzy them and go back to gens or another target. Legion is a 4v1 killer. And you need to play them as such.

    Use frenzy to find specific survivors. Legion can very easilly find deathhook survivors.

    Some survivors will instantly mend thinking you will run away. How many times you can end your frenzy beside them or from behind cover and them just down them is honestly just too often. And you should enforce this. If they mend in your face teach them to run to a safe place first next time.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Legion is best at stalling the game. I'd say their best build would be Ruin, Undying, Thanatophobia, Dying Light, Stolen Sketch Book, and Legion Pin. You get them broken to keep them injured, it takes forever to finish gens. Though, recently, I've been having fun with a slug build that has had surprisingly good results.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,571

    I used to main Legion and went on a 75+ game 4K streak with him back in June of 2019.

    It's been a long time, but I can bust out my stream if you'd like a Live game.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,895

    Mending is to slow down the game, and you dont really need Nurses Calling if they are mending. Legion is more a killer that benefits from perks like Thana and Ruin as he has the ability to constantly pressure gens and easily injure survivors.

    The more survivors are injured, the easier it is to get a quick down before a survivor gets a chance to reach a loop.

    If you're playing Legion like you're playing Spirit, you're always going to lose. You use your ability to hit and run as many survivors as you can, then use the remaining timer to close the gap between you and the last survivor you hit. You dont really have to care about generators with Thana and Ruin up.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    I mean its pretty simple, wound as many as possible, then focus on one who is now one hit away from being downed.

    Also use your mobility and cancel your power when there is no really use for it so the bar takes less long to fill when you do need it.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    You have to put a lot of effort into your m1 chasing ability to play them. Having everyone injured also makes snowballing a lot easier

    Running a lethality perk like DH or even spirit fury enduring can work wonders too

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Legion is all about slowing the game down by keeping survivors injured and forcing them to heal 2 health states if you inflict deep wounds.

    They are a blood point farming machine!

  • TurboTOne
    TurboTOne Member Posts: 347

    Im going to make this easy for me. Watch some Raging Ryuga or Tatariu. They are by far one of the best Legion Mains out there.

    Ryuga has even a 12 hour lond Video where he started from Rank 20 and went all the way to Rank 1 without using any Perks or Addons as Legion.

    If you see them play and still want to tell me Legion is bad you simply don't understand his Power.