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Killer mains is camping a good strategy or a bad one

wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

Ok third times the charm

I had a topic about how the devs could address camping if they wanted to but the topic got a little bogged down with killer mains, some posting about how camping isn't a big deal because it's a terrible strategy that doesn't work, some posting about how it's the only way to win.

Anyway long story short I'm curious what most killer mains think,

So to clarify if you think that camping is a great strategy to use to win or if you think it's neccesary to use camping to win then you are in the Neccesary category.

If you think that camping is only a great strategy to use in certain circumstances then YOU ARE IN THE NECESSARY CATEGORY.

If on the otherhand you think camping is a one way ticket to loosing, that it is a poor strategy then you are in the useless category.

YOU CAN NOT BE IN BOTH... don't try to argue that in some cases it is necessary category.

Seriously how are people having so much trouble with that part, you can be a and not a at the same time.

Killer mains is camping a good strategy or a bad one 76 votes

Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)
FrenziedRoachLiunUKFIEND8LOODEDTapeKnotDemiurgMrPenguinPulsarGeneralVDBD78bjorksnasCornHubggezbabyNullclinesbrubliMadLordJackRattiusDerZuntorglitchboiFobboHex_Llama 37 votes
Useless (camping is a bad strategy that will make you loose)
kaeruRainbowPatooieSkeletalEliteDeadeyebasicpitchkickasskielLordRegalYatolLumionestyBigbubbabam270boostedsurvivormainIlliterateGenocideBatGingermanZestyDoritoHeadAmy095PabloLovesMCItzZane_DistortedDreamSiMpSoUp 39 votes


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,907
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    It depends on the situation. There's no reason to do it at the start of the trial because there are gens that will pop if you aren't putting pressure on them. It is necessary at end game if you want to secure a kill. It's about the only option a killer has in that scenario because what else are they supposed to?

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193
    edited April 2021

    It depends. If you hook person in the middle of your 3 gen or there is 2 people in the basement - hell yeah camping is good strategy

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    Because in the previous discussion I had a number of killers were trying to derail it by one of two ways. One was to say camping was a terrible strategy that only results in loosing so don't fix it. Others said it was the only way for killers to win so don't fix it.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    edited April 2021
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    Then you are in the first category.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    You're trying to railroad people into either or option. This game isn't black & white, so both are true

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    Your definitely the first to go with camping is not a good way to win in any circumstance and not a terrible strategy at the same time. I suppose complete indifference to camping is a fair answer just not a very popular one

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    1st category means camping is viable in any situation, which is not

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited April 2021
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    Like all strategies, there's a time when to do it and not to do it.

    I voted necessary because it's tactically sound to hold position when you know at least 3/4ths of the team isn't doing gens or there just isn't gens to defend.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    Both option can not be true. Of you think that you don't understand the language or you don't comprehend basic logic..

    If you think camping is nessesary to win in one or more situations you are in category 1. If you don't think camping is ever a good stratbyou are in number 2. How are you having so much trouble with this, if English isn't your first language what do you speak I'll translate it if possible

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    You think camping is nessesary in certain situation and also think camping is terrible in all situations. Those two views can't be held at the same time

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,131
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    If a bad player uses it against bad players, they'll win, making it a good strategy.

    If a good player uses it against bad players, they'll win, making it a good strategy.

    If a bad player uses it against good players, they'll lose, making it a bad strategy.

    If a good player uses it against good players, they'll lose, making it a bad strategy.

    Seems like a 50/50 split to me, using a logical analysis of the basic scenario's. It really wouldn't be difficult to add in a 3rd option.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    Hey look you said it is a great strategy in certain circumstances...... hey look at the poll it's says quite clearly that if you think camping is a great strategy in certain circumstances then you are in category 1.

    Let's try logic here then

    If (sometimes) then 1


    Therefore 1

    Why you had so much trouble with that I don't understand

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,131
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    "If on the otherhand you think camping is a one way ticket to loosing, that it is a poor strategy then you are in the useless category."

    Because I also believe that.

    You've made 4 posts on this already and have, hopefully, gotten the point that people don't like to be forced to pick an option that doesn't accurately reflect their opinions.

    Make a 3rd option next time, you'll get a better result.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    That's OK if you think using it in certain circumstances is a complete loss, as long as you think it's a complete win in some circumstances then your in category one. See the "if on the otherhand" part you quoted that's why it's there

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Some people play to camp. Some people never camp. And then there’s the majority who say “it depends”. In other words, it’s situational. Forcing a firm commitment to “yes” or “no” doesn’t give a clear picture.

    Is NOED overpowered or a wasted perk slot? Depends on if the survivors do bones or ever finish all 5 gens.

    Is Calm Spirit useful or useless? Depend on if you play against Doctor or not.

    Is farming a waste of time? Depends on if you need bloodpoints?

    Is camping a way of winning or a way of losing? Yes. Both. Depends on whether survivors feed the camper or not. Depends on if it’s late in the match and the only way to secure a kill. Depends on if the survivors were toxic or normal. depends.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    The correct answer is "It depends on the survivors."

    I can get a whole I-love-you squad by camping one of them. If the survivors have clue, I'll hear gens popping as I stand there and lose.

    Killers are reactive, survivors decide which strategy is successful. Strategies that work are good strategies, strategies that fail are bad.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    Useless (camping is a bad strategy that will make you loose)

    Generally a bad idea, you have no pressure at all when you camp. Also all the "depends" answers... you don't know how the survivors play. Of course it is very rewarding for the killer if the team goes for the save at any cost, but you FIRST have to decide to camp and THEN see what's happening. You can't decide to camp as a reaction

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    The answer is... It depends on what's going on and whom your facing's strategy.

    For the good:

    Camping against people who have dive bombed every single hook? Camping is a great way of punishing them.

    If you have a survivor hooked in a 3 gen? Patrolling of the generators is also in camp range.

    Is it end game? Then what else are you exposed to do?

    For the bad:

    Camping against gen rush squad(2+ toolboxes)? Camping will probably lose you the game if they are good/have even yellow toolboxes.

    Camping against a stealth/blendette team? Nope they aren't going to be near you anyways so camping is pointless as they will try to sneak to the generators.

    Camping the first hook? Usually not as you don't know what type of team you're facing and if its any team but hook divers/swarmers then you lose.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    I do. When i see three survivors following me to hook, I react by camping. Even if you don't consider that camping, I might camp the next hook because I saw how altruistic the team was playing, so that would be a reaction.

    I don't think it's a good strategy unless survivors convince me otherwise, then I react.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    The yes or no was designed to find out if there are killers out there who actually belive camping is a useless strategy that never works.

    The question was designed so that only that extreme viewpoint would be selected if they went for option two.

    I had a number of killers Mains swearing that any camping was a useless by a killer and effectively a guaranteed loss. This was an excuse that they used to try and avoid addressing camping as an issue essentially their claim was that since it's so bad no killer would use it ever so who cares. Although I expected a couple killers to agree the poll is currently close to 50 50 which surprised me.

    if you think that camping is situational then you belong in category one I'm not sure why people seem to want to say that it depends without selecting this option as though it would somehow make them less good or something

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    Camping is necessary during the EGC.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited April 2021
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    "Necessary" is a bit much. It really depends on the survivor team if its even viable. But I'll put that in since taking out the option to camp in the current game environment would most likely be a disaster.

    When I think "necessary" I think: it's necessary to tunnel sometimes because you need people out the game and tunneling is the fastest way. Camping is more like a bait tactic to get people to come to you and waste time and it only works against certain teams.

    So I can't say its just flat out necessary when it just doesn't work at all against certain survivor teams and can actually hinder you a lot.

    A better question would be "Is camping viable" and on that front the answer is "it depends on the survivor team".

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    Sometimes it's necessary, sometimes it's not. Do you have a survivor hooked right next to a high priority gen or partially opened exit gate? Are the other survivors all rushing to the hook only seconds after the initial hook to save right in your face? I'd say camping is a good idea then. Otherwise eh.

  • DerZuntor
    DerZuntor Member Posts: 293
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    It completely depends on the situation.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    Depends on the situation. If you're against a team who all run in for the save or you see scratch marks by the hooked survivor the smart play is to camp or at least proxy camp.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    Funny thing about a number of those saying it depends I've noticed.

    The comment seems to go along the lines of there are situations depending on what the survivors do that killers have to camp.

    Seems like another way to say it is necessary to camp if the survivors have progressed to a certain point, or they are doing good.

    I'm really curious now as to why those same people who say that seem so uncomfortable admitting that they find camping neccesary

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited April 2021
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    Mostly it's a bad play that's just BM and will lose you the trial unless survivors are potatoes. But sometimes it's not because you've got a lot of strategic things in one area that survivors are going to have to come to, so why leave?

    Edit: Also, don't be childish with some binary, black-and-white, yes-or-no mentality. If you average out the games where camping someone loses Vs wins then the significant majority of the time it's going to be "loses."

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793
    edited April 2021

    See this is the problem with your post/argument. Its biased.

    " Seems like another way to say it is necessary to camp if the survivors have progressed to a certain point, or they are doing good. I'm really curious now as to why those same people who say that seem so uncomfortable admitting that they find camping necessary."

    You are already under the presumption that camping is some magical instant-win button when it simply isn't. You're clearly refusing to acknowledge that camping is situational and just want to slander everyone who picks option 1 as a villain.

    You can't label the option called "Necessary" as "Necessary in all situations, useful in all situations, or useful in some situations" and the other option, "Useless" as simply "Completely pointless in all situations." That's not offering 2 equal and opposite choices to a yes/no question, you're conflating many different viewpoints into one option and assigning only one to the other.

    If you're not going to label the choices as they are then you might as well name them red choice and blue choice.

    Make a third option next time.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    You should check out my earlier post explaining why there are two options. The goal wasn't to find out how many pick option 1, it was to see if anyone picked 2. To see if anyone actually believed that there are no situations where camping is good. Seems there are quite a bit which surprised me.

    Personally it does seem weird that so many people would say camping never works, if it didn't I doubt killers would use it as much as they do

  • simpforfelix
    simpforfelix Member Posts: 66
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    endgame open gates no one is leaving? yes. Using it through the whole game not leaving a single person, it will guarentee you one kill but unless the survivors are super thirsty for the save or the hooked killed themselves you will most likely get only one kill and almost no bloodpoints.

  • Badonkadonk
    Badonkadonk Member Posts: 79
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    Camping can be frustrating to deal with, but I'd be lying if I didn't say it was necessary sometimes. That said, it truly does depend on the match and the state of it, I know people like to preach camping is bad and all, but sometimes walking away from the hook is the absolute dumbest thing you can do.

    Same goes for tunneling and such as well (E.G teammate hooksaves a survivor and hides leaving their teammate as the only thing the killer can see at that time to maintain pressure.). If survivors are playing dumb or you see something you can exploit, it's smart to take advantage of that as long as you aren't doing it at all times and ruining the fun just to win.

    Make smart decisions, not fair decisions if you want to win. You can do both, but you will have those scenarios where you have a choice and it really just depends on what you the killer want and the state of the match.

  • DemoFrog
    DemoFrog Member Posts: 193
    Useless (camping is a bad strategy that will make you loose)

    nom hope

  • BatGingerman
    BatGingerman Member Posts: 13
    Useless (camping is a bad strategy that will make you loose)

    I think we can all agree. That if you tunnel, camp, or face camp, you are bad at the game and the worst person ever. Having to camp or tunnel to win the game is embarassing. You have no friends and deserve to loose every game. Especially if you are playing an overpowered or very strong killer and/or along with overpowered or very strong perks.

  • hi_
    hi_ Member Posts: 34
    Useless (camping is a bad strategy that will make you loose)

    From experience gens go off like crazy were you camp I don't camp in that tern I learn the map and get to them fast and if I'm nearby I hit the one that was just on hook

  • RainbowPatooie
    RainbowPatooie Member Posts: 322
    Useless (camping is a bad strategy that will make you loose)

    I'd specify. Facecamping is very unfun for both parties involved, but proxy camping can be advantageous in certain scenarios but also very risky. I know you said the answer must be black or white but really there's way more nuance to it then you're giving it credit for.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    This poll is deeply flawed.

    Sometimes camping is necessary. After gates are powered, what else is the Killer supposed to do? Gates can't be contested. Sometimes it isn't even always intentional, if a Killer spots a Survivor trying to stealth for the unhook... why would they leave?

    Sometimes camping is useless. Either the survivors handle it by ignoring you and blasting through all the Generators, or in end game they manage to out maneuver you and get everybody out the gates despite your best efforts.

    Camping is a strategy. No more, no less.

    SOMENINJANAME Member Posts: 294
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    You seem fun. This isn't a right or wrong issue. There are variables to consider based on how the survivors are playing. I'm assuming you prefer to play Survivor, which is fine.

  • PabloLovesMC
    PabloLovesMC Member Posts: 163
    Useless (camping is a bad strategy that will make you loose)

    Camping is only usefull when you have one survivor on hook and its the only kill youll get all game. Camping can be easily countered by a group of survivors by each of them tackling a different gen. Camping only works when survivors are being overly altruistic and wont give up on getting their teammate off the hook. One hook state lasts for 60 seconds (i think) so if all other survivors are on a gen by themselves they can get three gens and three half gens finished by the time the player on hook dies. Then simply have the best survivor take chase to give the others time to finish the last 2 gens. Boom all gens are done. If the looping survivor lived you get 3 out easily if they got hooked you send the second best (hopefully with borrowed time) to get them out and escort them to the exit. The killer will get 2 kills at best but most likely only 1(i am a killer main)

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,536

    I truly think it can be both - if the survivors are overly altruistic and allow you to camp and don't punish you for doing the gens, it's not the wrong strategy. If you're camping as a killer and you are being punished by the survivors slamming out those gens, then it's the wrong strategy.

    If it's EGC or if you've hooked near a completed gen - leaving that area, if you don't know where other survivors are, is again probably the wrong strategy.

    For the record I rarely camp, only if I've got someone hooked in EGC and a door is nearby. I do love chases in DbD so I spend my time in those and can't wait to get back into a chase when I've hooked someone so that's my main aim, not standing around the hook. But like everyone, I've had games where I've hooked someone and before I've had a chance to move the survivors are trying the unhook and low and behold 4 man slugged - it happens, doesn't mean I was ever going to camp in that match, just that the survivors played badly.

    It's not a simple question, there are many factors that come into play as I've tried to describe here.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    The answer you choose isn't right or wrong unless you try to choose both. Then you wrong. Maybe the problem is that it involves camping so it's too close an issue for you.

    Here try this instead let's pretend my question was about if you should eat vanilla ice cream

    If you think vanilla ice cream is something you should eat all the time for every meal you are in 1

    If you think vanilla ice cream is something you should have some times theb your also in 1

    If you think vanilla ice cream should never be eaten ever then you are in 2

    You see you may like or dislike vanilla ice cream so choosing 1 or 2 is fine depending on your taste. But you can not think vanilla ice cream is something that should never be eaten and that its good to eat sometimes/all the time becuase those are contradictory.

    Hope you can figure it out now

  • HighwayCatalyst
    HighwayCatalyst Member Posts: 383

    Your poll is biased and you're trying to force a binary answer to a multifaceted question.

  • hiddenink
    hiddenink Member Posts: 9
    Useless (camping is a bad strategy that will make you loose)

    When I play killer, I don’t camp and occasionally I’ll tunnel, but rarely. I’ve been able to get 3s and sometimes even 4k without camping.

    From a survivor standpoint, camping is insanely difficult to play against because you’re unable to save people unless you’re willing to go down. I had this happen earlier. The doctor wasn’t using his ability and face camped the other survivor. I did go for the rescue, but got hooked in the process.

    However, if you’re going against a bunch of toxic players, then camp all you want. All’s fair in love and war.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,476
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    If you are good at camping, that means you can also end chases fast and defend the hook..then camping is almost always 3-4k even in red ranks.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    How can you be bad at camping? You just stand and wait and occasionally grab a survivor who runs right up in front of you cause there trying to unhook

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    Neccesary(camping is a great strategy to win with)

    It's not that complicated, there are 2 choices one that says camping is always terrible and should never be used in any situation because it's terrible and you'll lose, the other option is the opposite it says that camping is a good strategy.

    Not sure why your having trouble with it, it's an easy test. Do you think you should never camp? Then your option 2 otherwise option one. Did that clear it up