Keys still a thing ig

Here comes another killer complaining about keys. Fr tho can soneone explain why it is moris got straight nerfed 4 months ago and I havent seen a peep about keys? Ive had 3 games in the last hour where i had 3 survivors in a 3 gen (or some variant of it) and all 3 waltz out the trap door instantly because they found a key in a chest? I think my problem mainly is that in almost none of these games did they actually BRING the key into the trial with them. The game cannot hand killers moris. But 3 survivors can de rank me when i was on the verge of getting at least 1 or 2 more kills because the game just says "why not here ya go". I feel like if theyre not gonna nerf them soon they should at least be super rare in chests because its different when they bring a key as opposed to them being blessed by rnjesus. Sorry for the long winded post this is by far my biggest complaint playing killer atm.


  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404
    edited April 2021

    yeah, it’s kind of bs that you can run plunderers and basically get a guaranteed key every match. or in most cases, you don’t even have to run plunderers. i agree, keys are rough. patiently waiting for the nerf they said was coming but not sure how they’ll end up doing that. i still think keys & moris should have been nerfed at the same time, doesn’t matter how much more “complex” it is to change keys. moris were generally the counter to keys.

  • BillyAndStu
    BillyAndStu Member Posts: 120

    Its funny cuz the gane that inspired me to post the hatch spawned next to a hooked surv AND they all hopped in at the exact same time meaning they were swf. I agree also nerfing moris seperately ahead of keys, which at this rate will be 6+ months apart from each other, kinda just shows which side of the game they seem to care about more.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Uh... hate to be the barer of bad news to you two, but Plunderers doesn't 'Gurantee' a key, and keys in chests are already p rare. Without Plunderer's, it's a 7% chance (according to my quick Google Search) and with it, it's 14%.

    Of course, that can be effected by Luck Offerings, and other perks (Up the Ante, Appraisal, Ace in The Hole) but you can also help negate chests if you're genuinely that afraid of it with both Hoarder and Broken Coin (Granted, I wouldn't recommend running either, purely because of my next point- but hey, if you hate chests/don't wanna deal with the chances, that's your choice.) Plus, usually to get better chances, you have to run two or more perks to dedicate to chests, which just means two less perks to worry about being hard-to-counter meta perks, like UB, DS, BT, DH, etc.

    Idk, I run Ace+Plunderer's nearly every Survivor game, and keys aren't as common as you'd think, even with the two. (And I refuse to run more then the two, because I don't want to sit in boxes all game...) Sure, I get them sometimes, but the amount of times you get them and either get to use them yourself (without letting your whole team die) or get to a point where you have to use them to escape are low. Pog, game saving keys are a rarity.

    Idk, to me it just sounds like OP got unlucky.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Uh... hate to be the barer of bad news to you two, but Plunderers doesn't 'Gurantee' a key, and keys in chests are already p rare. Without Plunderer's, it's a 7% chance (according to my quick Google Search) and with it, it's 14%.

    It's currently bugged where rarer items are significantly more common.

    Of course, that can be effected by Luck Offerings, and other perks (Up the Ante, Appraisal, Ace in The Hole)

    Luck affects nothing but unhook attempts.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    At this point I'm basically convinced that devs don't know how to properly change keys and since they took so long already, they don't want to do a simple good solution like chaning the hatch spawning rules insted are still working on something overly complex.

    It's really embarassing how long they're taking with keys when they could be fixed so easily and fast.

  • theplaggg
    theplaggg Member Posts: 267

    Key spawn rates are bugged atm. There will almost always be a key found in every match.

    However I think Plunderers decreases/ fixes the spawn rates. Just my experience

  • BillyAndStu
    BillyAndStu Member Posts: 120

    Yeah no theyve been bugged and key drop rates are way high. It been this way since the trickster update. Not saying its been like this but bhvr simply managed to highlight everything wrong with keys.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    I mean, in that case it's just bugged... sure, it shows a lot of the issues with keys, but at the same time, when it's not bugged chest keys aren't even half as big of an issue because of the drop rates. Idk, I've always found the bigger issue with keys being add-ons over what it does, but that's just me.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Sorry, my mistake- I kinda figured they would, since the two concepts seem like they'd go hand in hand. And tbh I didn't even know drop rates were bugged till this thread- again, I almost always run Plunderers+Ace. They really need to fix that.

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    Why would they change it when it gives a free win to 3/2/1 survivors without having to even work for it? It's the "screw the killer" item and BHVR has zero interest in removing that.