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Your Perfect RE Chapter

  • If BHVR wasn’t BHVR
  • Assuming BHVR would put more time and money into the RE Chapter specifically...
  • Assuming BHVR had been making this deal behind the scenes for over two years (giving them that ample time)


  • Assuming BHVR would release this chapter without broken mechanics and an assortment of new bugs...

Describe to me your perfect RE chapter. You can be as ‘to the point’ or descriptive as you want to be. I’m not familiar with the series so...explain it to me with that perspective.

Doesn’t matter to me if your perfect chapter includes crazy ideas or impossible standards. Even joke answers are fine. I’m mostly curious from the RE fans, who actually had a million possible scenarios enter their mind, to the announcement of a RE chapter. I felt, I’m trying to build a personal hype for myself through this topic~

Make me excited about a RE chapter please.



  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759


  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,367

    Honestly I don't mind what it is as long as it's focused on the earlier games, anything past 4 is a no from me. They're good games don't get me wrong, it's just that they started to lose the actual Resident Evil sort of vibe that the earlier games had.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,530

    Lady Dimitrescu as the new killer. That is all I need.

  • Daniela Dimitrescu as killer, Jill Valentine as Survivor and any map would be fine for me.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    My chapter would be kinda insane I would have

    Mr X and William Birkin

    Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield

    Map would be Raccoon City Police department

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Or it could be two maps, imagine that! baker Ranch and Raccoon City, hell it might even be two killers, so now people get both the old and the new

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,530

    Yep! To be honest, everything about her is just perfect.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    "You think you got what it takes to join the family? Prove it." - Jack Baker

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Now that'd be simply perfect. It's Behavior though, so lets not get our hopes up.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    " Its a whole lot worse then it looks, cleanliness is next to godliness, and your mothers pretty ######### close to meeting him right now!" - My favorite line

    " ######### it I'm gonna kill everyone of you!"

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I don't plan to, but they have to make amends for no new god damn map! I think its fair we get two!

  • LegionOfDumb
    LegionOfDumb Member Posts: 623

    Wesker requesting an egg

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    That line from daughters sent chills up my spine. It's such a great quote.

    I mean, maybe since RE is such a big license, and the fact they've been lacking on giving us new maps means they might go above and beyond for this chapter. Honestly though, if Behavior does go hard with this chapter, I hope they gives us two killers instead of two maps.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    I do not have a perfect chapter for RE, since the truth is, they have created many beloved characters that it is difficult to decide who to bring or not, but if I want some iconic survivors that have marked my childhood it would be Jill Valentine and Leon Kennedy, the killer that I would rather see honestly would be Nemesis, I mean, joining him with Pyramid-Head would be like joining Michael and Jason. I would like the map to be the ruins of Racoon city or Umbrella Corporation.

  • TMCalypso
    TMCalypso Member Posts: 336

    Personally I am hoping that it will be like what they did with Silent Hill and focus on content from the first 3 games. I would prefer the Survivors to be Chris and Claire Redfield. The idea of siblings entering the entity's realms is interesting to me, plus I like them better than Jill and Leon (I still like them quite a lot, just not as much as the other two.) Chris' default being in his outfit from RE1 and Claire in hers from RE2. The killer would have to be Nemesis from RE3. Just hands down my favorite and easily more memorable to me than Mr X. The map, would either be the mansion from the first game or a portion of Racoon City that as in both RE2 & 3. I lean more toward the city itself as I kind of enjoy that type of aesthetic in a map.

    So, yea. The perfect RE chapter for me specifically would be:

    Chris and Claire Redfield


    and a location of Racoon City that was in both RE2 and 3, exterior, not an indoor map.

    Alternatively...a 2nd place hope would be instead:

    Jill and Leon

    Mr X

    Racoon City Police Department (interior)

    This, imo, would represent the games better than what I personally would want. Jill could have her Revelations outfit as her default with her RE1 and RE3(both versions) outfits as skins. Leon would have his RE4 outfit as default with his RPD outfit and his outfit from the Netflix movie as skins. I chose MR X in this one simply cause I just think he would fit aesthetically with Jill, Leon and the RPD as a set. The RPD itself is an iconic location much like Midwich is for Silent Hill.

    Plus.....I just selfishly want to have 1 game with 4 different characters, in a police station wearing police outfits. Which would be doable with Jill, Leon, Tapp, and Cheryl(Cybil legendary skin.)

    This is all wishful thinking on my part. In all honesty, I would be happy with any combination of characters, killers and maps. There isn't a single aspect of Resident Evil I hate and I will thoroughly enjoy whatever is brought to DBD.

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Map:Spencers Mansion

    Survivors:Leon & Claire


  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054
    edited April 2021

    I want Resident evil 2 remake claire with some questionable outfits, because I know Capcom wants that money, so I'm willing to give behavior my wallet if they make claire have some high level outfits like Kate does if you catch my drift. I also want mr x to punt survivors whenever he hits them and stuns them, but we are more than likely to get nemesis. If we don't get Claire. I want Rebecca, but that's not going to happen. That's my dream Resident evil chapter.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    Killer: Mr. X

    Survivors: Leon and Claire

    Map: Raccoon City Police Department.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Suggest playing the resident evil 2+3 remakes and 7. They lean hard back into survival horror.

  • MedicSpirit7
    MedicSpirit7 Member Posts: 689

    2 survivors. Claire and Leon I hope. But at least 2 survivors

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    I'm not too familiar with the RE franchise, but ideally there's an RE-themed realm with 2-3 maps that are iconic RE locations (Racoon City, Spencer's Mansion, etc.). 2 Survivors, don't really care who but lets have 1 male and 1 female so we can get the rest as legendary cosmetics. And (this is my wildest dream) 2 Killers, Mr. X and Lady Dimitrescu (Nemesis seems too dependent on the rocket launcher, which will never get into DBD :p).

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    My Perfect Resident Evil Chapter

    New Killer: The Nemesis

    New Survivor: Leon Kennedy

    Legendary Outfit #1: Chris Redfield

    Legendary Outfit #2: Carlos Oliveira

    Legendary Outfit #3: Ethan Winters

    New Survivor: Jill Valentine

    Legendary Outfit #1: Claire Redfield

    Legendary Outfit #2: Ada Wong

    Legendary Outfit #3: Rebecca Chambers

    New Map: Spencer Mansion

  • RamiSamii
    RamiSamii Member Posts: 173

    Survivors: Leon and Claire, with skins from other installments and media they were in. Jill, Chris, Ada, Carlos, Annette, HUNK, and more could easily be Legendary skins.

    Killer: William Birkin.

    Map: Police Station connected to the Raccoon City streets possibly.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
    edited April 2021

    How do you like another thread that because I made nemissis power but it's a long list.

    My bet is they are going with chris and jill yes 2 survivors and nemissis a map if there is one would be one of these 3 Spencer's mansion rpd police station or underground umbrella laboratory edit yes there can be legendary skins but that would take a long time to list them

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
    edited April 2021

    I just want to say this before writing out my full comment. This chapter is truly a dream come true for me, out of my top 4, this was number one. I couldn't be happier that it's happening and, to me, it doesn't truly matter who we ultimately get. I'll be thrilled with whomever or whatever we get. :) Now, with that said, I do have my preferences on who I'd want to see and how they could ultimately get the absolute most out of this chapter.

    When it comes to survivors, I do think with such a juggernaut of a IP such as Resident Evil is, I do personally agree with a lot of people have been saying, I think we will be getting 2 survivors this time around. Once again, I do agree with what others have been saying as well, I think they'll be pulling from, at least, the first three originals(or there remakes) for the content of this chapter. So, that said, I think they're going to go with the two most popular characters of the franchise which, at least. from what I've seen from polls, videos and just general opinions and statements, they might be grabbing Jill and Leon for the survivors. Leon is undeniably a fan favorite and for quite a few, the face of the RE franchise and, of course, Jill is a OG and has a immense amount of love and respect in the franchise from fans, plus, I have a little tinfoil hat theory why I think it might be her that I'll get to in just a bit. Of course, MCote did have that quote from Claire but, the more I think about it, I think it was just a cheeky reference that he made because it's very specifically from Code Veronica and I just don't see them touching upon Code Veronica in this chapter.

    For killers on the other hand, boy, where do I even begin. For starters, let's get the big one(quite literally) out of the way first, who, yes, is my preferred and most wanted pick for the killer, Nemesis. Nemesis is arguably one of, if not, the MOST iconic villain from the RE franchise that they could pick. He makes a lot of sense gameplay wise with a lot to pick from when it comes to natural abilities. He has tentacles, can sprint, can leap, breaks everything with ease, has a viral injection and, of course, has his famous weaponry that could or could not be apart of his power. Maybe as a one time use ordeal, not sure but, I've seen some people saying he doesn't make sense story/lore wise and well, I disagree. We've seen BHVR take killers from iconic franchises before and mold both their own lore and the franchises lore to fit into DBD. Both ST and Silent Hill are the prime and top examples so they could very easily say that, when the Entity takes Nemesis, she "reprograms" him to not just hunt for S.T.A.R.S members but everyone he gets his sights onto. Plus, even if they do stick with S.T.A.R.S angle, he had zero problems in the game with killing anyone or anything that got in his way of completing his mission so, he'd likely just do the same in the Entity's realm. I'll quickly go over Mr. X, I could also very likely see him because he's right behind Nemesis in terms of popularity and could even follow the same story structure as Nemesis could. He just sadly doesn't have anywhere near the toybox Nemey does when it comes to power potential. His main thing is... he's durable and breaks things easily. Like I said though, I could totally see him joining on just popularity alone.

    One last thing I'll quickly touch upon is Jack Baker for the killers. I loved Jack in RE7, he was a very fun character and tragic at the same time. Plus, he could also have some fun and unique power abilities as well coming from possibly using the molded in some way but, I'm sorry, I just personally can't see them adding Jack. Now, don't get me wrong, he's pretty iconic in his own right but he just simply isn't as popular as the likes of Nemesis or Mr. X and, ultimately, I just feel like BHVR is going to want to honor and pull from the roots and origins of the franchise as much as they possibly can. Plus, looking at it from a business perspective, both Capcom and BHVR, they probably want this DLC to sell as much as possible and it will no matter but, still, I know some would buy this DLC if they see Nemesis or Mr. X alone but, sadly, I've seen quite a few people say they wouldn't if they saw Jack Baker or any newer content from the recent RE games simply because, well, they're not from the old games. I know that, apparently, RE7 is the most sold in the franchise but, for some, popularity will NEVER beat legacy. However, if the internet has taught me anything, we're honestly the vocal minority then the silent majority. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I just hope a few.... individuals, don't see this section of my post! xD Cough cough @ClamorVentus, @Dabihwow and @QwQw cough! lol

    Maps, well, I gotta just kinda agree with what everyone has been saying. I think they'll probably pull from either RE1 or RE2 for this one. The four big options being the Spencer Mansion, The Arklay Mountains, The Raccoon City Police Department or even The Raccoon City streets or sewers. They both seem like both the most likely options and the most wanted options from both fanbases.

    Sorry for the essay, I've been wanting and waiting for this chapter since I started playing DBD and I've saved up a LOT to say about it like I said, ultimately, I'm just thrilled it's now a reality and I'll be happy with whatever they bring about in this chapter. If I had my say though, my survivor picks would be Leon and Jill and Nemesis as the killer with the map being well any of the four major picks. Btw, another edit, I was just joking about not wanting those people to see my post, I'm always happy to get into civil conversations with people. :)

  • Epicedium
    Epicedium Member Posts: 8

    Now, Bill can see the Zombies again. lol

    We can add Zombie bots in the game which can grap or harm survivor.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I'm sick of arguing with people about why I don't personally think Nemesis fits in dbd, so I'll just say this. If you want Nemesis. You want Nemesis. I'll be happy for you if he comes in the game, but I can't bring myself to get all that excited over his inclusion.

    As for what you said about RE7, it's mostly likely true. Although Jack would suit dbd far more than Nemesis would (In My Opinion) and is a fantastic character, I doubt he'll actually be the killer picked for this chapter. But who knows, maybe Behavior will surprise me. I won't entire lose hope though, because as Jack says...

    "Once family, always family."

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409
    edited April 2021

    I don't disagree with what you're saying I do think Nemesis will come in but that's another thing I'm scared about hi coming in, you mentioned legacy. for that, I do agree Nemesis left a legacy however I'm scared Bhvr won't hold up to the legacy he made for himself, even in his newer appearances he doesn't "hold up to his legacy.", Nemesis even has a bigger of a legacy than PH, but then again he's outclassed by Myers and Leatherface. I'm scared they are gonna have him strong for a while then nerf him, leaving both DbD players, and RE fans disappointed.

    But if with Re chapter is going to happen, and I've said this a billion times IT should be both fans of the old and New. Hell, they could add two killers, RE is that damn big. In a way, I only played RE 7 and I would kinda feel robbed if they add the RE chapter, and having nothing to do with 7, and I'm not talking about Jack not being the Killer, no I'm talking about not having a mere mention of RE 7 with the RE chapter, no cosmetics, no charms, nothing. To describe how it would feel, it would feel like a middle finger for me not being born during the time of the classics, or even playing the remakes, or for just playing a specific RE game that I enjoy over the others, I actually talked to some very RE fans and not name shaming but they flew off the ######### handle at me for not playing the classics or even the Remakes due to budget reasons, I told them I played RE 7 and... let's just say a lot of drama.

    I just want a license that included a game that I've played and enjoyed to be added in DBD for a long time. I just want one, just one chapter that features a game or franchise I love and enjoy to have some inclusion in another Game I love.

    Post edited by Dabihwow on
  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Very true. I would also feel robbed if 7 doesn't get any recognition or love with this chapter.

    It's how I was even introduced to Resident Evil in the first place. I saw 7 in the Xbox Store, and because I was looking for a horror game to play, and because I heard good things about it, I gave it a try. And boy was it a ######### ride. I likely would not have gotten into the other RE games if I hadn't played it.

    This is why I think it'd be for the best if we got something from RE7 in the game, whether it be Ethan, Jack, The Baker Estate, I don't care, I just want to the game I love in the franchise I adore be properly represented.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409
    edited April 2021

    This literally how I got into RE, if not for 7, I would've written off RE as a whole as a stereotypical apocalyptic, with a sci fi version of the Walking dead, in fact that is what I thought the Franchise was when I first heard a bit about RE. And I think RE 7 brought a whole new generation of Players into the series, basically you and I. So it wouldn't be remotely fair, if 7 didn't get a single bit of representation, hell I don't even care if they come as legendaries ( actually I would kinda if Jack Baker was a legendary for Hillbilly, I really hate playing Billy, no offense Billy mains), so Bhvr better realize that RE is not just about the old games and how good they are, but about RE as a whole whether it is the old or the new

    Post edited by Dabihwow on
  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    First, thanks to @QwQw and @Dabihwow both for commenting back. I think I need to say this for both of you when I saw that, I apologize on behalf of how some have treated you. It's alright to have a nice and civil disagreement but with how I've seen some treat the both of you on wanting Jack over some of the classic villains is honestly just sad. You have every right to your opinions and shouldn't be belittled for wanting one thing over another. That's just a childish reaction over someone disagreeing with you.

    Now, when it comes to the "legacy" thing, well, whether people like it or not, no matter who or what we get as a killer for DBD, they're going to change them to try and fit within the gameplay mold of DBD. Just hopefully, it still remains as true to the character as possible. And, I do agree with what @Dabihwow said, they should at least give newer fans something they could chew on. What that could be, I don't know but I hope for the best, even if it's literally just as simple as charms. Like you said as well, maybe this could be the first time we get two unique induvial killers. Maybe one honoring the originals like Nemesis or Mr. X while one try's to bring in the newer crowed, we can only hope and wait to see.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    RE4 Leon/Ashley and one of the Verdugos as a killer. The Verdugo could start as the normal cloaked version with the spear (or whatever he was holding, I forget), and then power up over the course of the match for some ability, aka becoming the Verdugo boss that you fight in RE4, for a short time.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096
  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,530

    That is okay, we all have our own opinions.

    And I am most certainly am not opposed to a classic ;)

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    a strong, fun killer that takes time to learn and skill to use

    that's all i want

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    I just want Leon and Claire as survivors, don't care much about the rest.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Same. I know many would disagree, but I personally found being chased by Jack to be scarier than being chased by a Tyrant.

    "Lets finish this - you and I." - Jack Baker

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Honestly I think the most disappointing thing that could happen this chapter is if we only get one survivor.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409
    edited April 2021

    @Cornpopers_Evan , its fine, I am also one of those people who want Springtrap in DBD, and I recieved just as much if not more hate than I did for wanting Jack Baker. The desire to see Nemesis or Mr.X is just flat out crazy, and chaotic. Not for the fact that people want either those two, but the fact people will go great lengths to ensure that the idea of them coming in is set in stone. Even to the point of spewing BS over stuff they can't actually do in both the RE lore or DBDs' gameplay mechanic. I actually recently was told of a past discussion where someone who heavily disagreed with people that Nemesis or Pennywise will make it to the game, and were rather rude. While I don't disagree with the aspect of Pennywise coming into DBD, is a bit out there and an interesting choice, people still want him anyway, so they are entitled to their opinions.

    Post edited by Dabihwow on
  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,367

    Sorry, I should have clarified that I also like the remakes that they've done so far. 7 isn't really to my taste though, the fact that it doesn't really have any links to ANY of the games before it kind of put me off. Again, it's a good game, it just doesn't feel like Resident Evil to me.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    And I think thats why they should do a lot for the RE chapter there so many games and iterations, and I think all the games of RE have something for everyone, maybe more so then other. I love RE 7 the most because it took the horror aspects simple and didn't go to crazy in sci fi aspects

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    I was one of the people who went back and laugh because the OP of that post was one of the people who would put down other people for having hopes of characters. I agree it is always ok to have opinions on what they believe, but they kept putting people down for simply wanting or hoping for a character and they insisted they were right and they would never be added. I saw it as karma for them being so mean towards others hopes so I went back to the post.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Oh, that what was happening? I'm sorry I didn't know, that part, its a big ass post and I kinda forgot some of the lines. See now I can kinda, relate, I have actually been shut down for wanting Jack Baker, or even Springtrap. Again Sorry I misinterpretted

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Oh, I also REALLY want Springtrap added eventually as well. I think he’d be a incredibly unique pick that could play off of people’s fear of animatronics like how Clown does. I know some people are going to want to throttle me for saying this but, Springtrap is actually in my top 4 most wanted licensed chapters for DBD! :)

    I haven’t heard or seen the post you’re referring to put, that sounds downright awful and those people should be ashamed of themselves for that. You should also NEVER try and set something in stone that just isn’t. As much as I want and hope for Nemesis, I will NOT sit here and say “yup, Nemesis is 99.9% confirmed and every other opinion or counter argument is bunk because he’s basically already in, just gotta wait for the announcement.” First, that’s quite arrogant and second, that’s doing nothing but setting yourself up to be disappointed. For all we could know, the RE killer could be a Licker, a Hunter or even, just a zombie.... that’s it, just as simple as that, a zombie. So yeah, that’s why I refuse to believe that anything is “set in stone”.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I think people just need to get their head out of their asses sometimes you know, My expectations are a little bit higher than yours but thats because I want this chapter to be good