thoughts on funny anti slug build

ive found out of a build that makes leaving someone on the ground impossible, that build is soul guard, flip flop, tenacity and unbreakable, if anyone has tried this build before what are your thoughts on it
its a build that youll only get to use 10% of the time.
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fair enough but if you do get a 10% its basically instant pick up if your in a swf
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Tenacity is normal enough more time to look for hatch and quick pickups because recovery while going to team
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run No Mither so you can do this every time you get downed
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I never leaving No Mither user on dying statu lol
All killers know No Mithers powers. So no, he cant do every time. Unbreakable has surprise factor but No Mither has not.
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true but No Mither is more fun
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It is fun actually but it also makes killers tunnel you. 90% of times when i use it, i had hard tunnel. Maybe they thinking No Mither guy is free kill.
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I honestly like No Mither with all the effects it gives. Never leaving blood is a huge advantage, and the self revives and reduced pain noise are awesome. The obvious problem is a killer knows to not leave you alone at all. Unless you have teammates to distract the killer, it's main effect will rarely get any use. But I did have a few matches where I actually escaped because the killer left me after downing me.
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i dont use no mither for this build because its just not good, if you want reduced grunts you can use iron will, t3 gets no grunts at all.
the self rev is useless because the killer will know if your using no mither, essentially denying that part.
but its essentially being injured all time for upsides that have perks that are better versions of it. (soul guard to pick yourself up assuming a hex is on but with a swf you can just tell your team not to cleanse, iron will for the grunts of pain, lucky break to take blood pools off.)
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I went against a team that all had No Mither/Soul Guard/Tenacity once. That was an unsluggable group of survivors.
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yeah anti slugging perks are really strong in a swf considering you can get the killer to slug you if you just tell your teammates to sit there and bait the killer with a flashlight. if youre in solo queue you kinda just have to hope that the killer makes stupid mistakes like that