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How to stop your teammate from getting tunneled

In my experiences, I've found the best way to stop the killer from hard tunneling is to just go down for the person getting tunneled. Assuming you're not on death hook yourself it's better to get yourself hooked than to let any of your teammates die.

Most killers will end up picking you up if you give them a free down so use this to the team's advantage. They're also way more likely to pick you up if you've already been hooked.

Just thought I'd post this cuz most people don't understand they should be doing in this situation and either A. try to distract the killer by being toxic or B. instantly abandon the person getting tunneled.


  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Pray so he gains ability to loops for 5 Gens.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Im sure my solo survivor teammates will do the same.....right? Lmao

  • unsafepallet
    unsafepallet Member Posts: 72

    I mean probably not but I'm just trying to get the word out there so hopefully more people will start doing it. Trust me though most of the time doing this has paid off for me.

    Tbh tho I did get abandoned on hook one time when I did this tho so ig it's still risky. But if you run perks like kindred or deliverance it should be fine.

  • Volfgang57
    Volfgang57 Member Posts: 369

    I mean, if they're actually hard tunneling then they won't down you. They'll ignore you and go for the other person anyways

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Yes, please do this. I actually do this myself and I have have a positive experience with this strategy overall. They usually return the favor or I buy enough time to progress the match.

  • unsafepallet
    unsafepallet Member Posts: 72

    It's because you won't be able to distract them, you have to really force yourself to go down by body blocking. For example, on maps like Hawkins you can stand in a doorway to stop the killer from going through and they'll be forced to m1.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    I've actually done that before and the killer just blew me off (either hit me but kept chasing the person they wanted to kill or they just ignored me as I kept trying to get in the way).

    If someone wants to tunnel, they gonna tunnel.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Yeah, no. Because you know what happens? You get unhooked, and you are the one getting tunneled, and since i play solo survivor only, i know how much help you can expect from most "teammates". It took really time to learn that lesson, but after feeling betrayed by the team time and again after doing exactly things like you discribe, i usually dont to them anymore. Its not worth it.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    I'll do what I can to protect the survivor being tunneled. If the killer refuses to go after anyone and continue to tunnel the poor guy, I'll switch to immersive mode and become one with the bush and make the killer waste as much time as possible looking for me. I'll slowly look for totems, take my sweet time to unlock a chest, hiding the second Spine Chill lights up, even if its for a second, only work on gens after they patrol it and move one to a different one when they come back again so they don't find me.

    Yesterday I had an Oni tunnel and mori 2 teammates from the start of the match, even though I through myself at him. I went ultra Claudette mode on his ass. I had a gen at 80% and he came by and couldn't find me. He did 4 patrols until I made a mistake (got a phone call and got distracted) and when he hooked me he kept slashing at me over and over. Unfortunately for him, the Bill signaled that he found the hatch, and poor Oni never got the 4k he so wanted.

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    If the killer stops to kill you and hook you then he's not tunneling anyone.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Run borrowed :)

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Do something so heinous that the killer will tunnel you instead. Suggestions based on personal experience: Sabotage, Flashlight save, Pallet Save, Heal the tunneled survivor with For the People mid chase, Unhook with BT, Clicky Clicky, and Teabag. Bonus points for repeated actions.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    False, they will indeed down you. Step over your slug and continue with the tunnel, chasing until they are pretty sure your BT has worn off. Because killers who want to play toxic and lazy are going to do so.