Who is your favorite low tier killer to play?

Mine is Wraith for sure. I think I am very good with him and can play very well without using the bone or silent clapper addons. I love being able to switch off of targets and it is so satisfying to play him now that they made his uncloak much smoother as well.
Wraith and Pig for me. Both are so simple even though they’re not good. I like simple killers that aren’t very strong.
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My main is a low tier killer. Clown has always been and always will be my main
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Pig, she’s the cutest killer and I do dominate with her if I know what I’m doing, but she does need major buffs because she is very weak. :(
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Gotta be Myers or Wraith
Love 'em
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(I play a lot of killers)
Trickster, Pig, Wraith, Michael, and Legion. Although I can't say I main any one killer, these 4 are the killers I always come back to.
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I main Pig, so...yeah, Pig. :P
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Myers, he's so much fun but when faced with good team who doesn't let him get stalk or to snowball, he's just so bad.
Tbh, there's slowly less and less low tier killers. Killers like wraith or bubba are actually buffed enough to be quite deadly even in hands of mediocre players. And some killers are just underrated like plague or twins.
I'd say that we have only a few killers who are actually low tier, most killers are pretty decent vs average to good survivor teams.
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Wraith ain't really low tier any more, but if he counts, him and Legion.
Also Blight because I play console4 -
Bunny Legion and trickster. Nobody takes me seriously
As trickster it feels like survivors throw because they heard he's ass and but end up dying because of it lmao
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Trapper. Its satisfying when you catch someone in a trap. Like you out smarted them.
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I main Legion, its just fun to run and stab.
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Normally i couldn't care less about how high tier a killer is but just this once i'll oblige,
Trickster, Weakest killer i play regularly and probably some of the most fun I have in DBD right now (at least until Demo's buffs go live)
It's just fun to cosplay as DIO every once in a while
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wraith. not having to think is fun
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Wraith easy, I was originally going to main him but I liked doc more but wraith has become more and more fun especially after his recent buff which makes him so much more fun to play.
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I really like to play Pyramid/Trapper and I would like to play Trickster but he is far too unviable.
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I gotta ask. I hear this a lot. But what is so cute about a Pig?
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Wraith for me! I have recently came out as a Wraith main, and I am loving every minute of it..
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Well I don't consider Pig a low tier killer as she is my main.
I want to put trapper here but I'd be a liar if I said I didn't need at least a bag upgrade soooo
Clown for sure. The bottles are so dominate in chase even without add-ons but put ether, bleach, or both and you go down fast. He's the perfect excuse for me to put on brutal as well I just like kicking things fast idk why.
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Legion. Basically no power once survivors are injured.
I see a lot of people saying Clown but this makes me cringe, because even before he got the buff that removed his personal slowdown on holding bottles, I had no issue with him in red ranks; an appropriate use of his bottle is a free hit the majority of the time. I'm average at killer, so can't in a million years consider him low tier if I consistently get good results.
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I can down all day with clown but in a gen rush era even with the yellow bottle his map mobility still sucks against cordinated survivors. If every time you hook someone you see multiple people on the farthest gen (BBQ) you cucked. That's were this game is spread out at beginning, double at end to crank. I have had people on hooks left and right with clown and gens still fly (rank 1) also had games were none got done. You can tell the difference in cordinated gen squads, cordinated cuck around squads, solos, potatoes.
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Legion, Myers.
I've been working on figuring out a decent build for Trickster.
I dropped Wraith a while ago because he was too add on dependent. I did a test run of him after his buffs and bugfixes with just browns not too long ago... and I was pleasantly surprised. So... he'll probably be joining my rotation.
I... may or may not have a problem where I really enjoy figuring out how to make low tier Killers work.
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Also another note you being able to win with clown means nothing. Just like me being able to win with Pig means nothing on the balance of the character as a whole. I am better with Pig than Spirit...... Is pig better???????????
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I love my main wraith (even tho he now a former low tier)
Clown I enjoy playing, most of the time I 4k with him and like wraith I usually go to one chase to another. He not as enjoyable as wraith but he up there
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Pig obviously~
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Hmm... it oughta be Trickster for me. He's just fun IMO.
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I unintentionally play almost exclusively low rank killers but Myers is my favorite of the ones I use (myers, wraith, and clown).
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Since when pyramid head its a low tier killer?
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Yeah definetly not low tier. He isn't the best but definitely top 25%
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A good pyramid head its probably one of the scarier things in dbd, but i stil prefer him over deathslinger
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Yeah he does scare me the most despite a few killers being better typically. With someone like spirit I'm just like "okay... I'm probably going to die. Oh well" where as Pyramid Head toes a fine line of hope/hopelessness and is one of the most menacing killers imo (Oni is also terrifying)
He is my only good main
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Me too, that's why i like to face him, and oni over spirit and nurse, because if they're good, then I'm dead, if they're bad, then I'm gonna escape, in both this situation it will he a quick match.
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I consider everything that is not used as core options in championship a "low tier". It depends on person vision, like how a "win" depends as well, some main killers consider 2k a win, some dont.
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Hot take- killers should be balanced around Pyramid Head where some killers could use some nerfs, a lot could use some buffs, and be designed to be a little more unique like he is. I think he is still a trong killer but not broken and plays unique enough that is fun for both sides
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I never been a huge fan of, balancing things around one character (that's why i don't really like streat fighter, everyone it's balanced around Ryu, which it's annoying since i hate that character) but that could probably work
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So 90% of the killer roster its low tier for you? Okay i guess
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Why do people think that Wraith is still low tier?
He's pretty decent now
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Because he still is, survivors can still use windows and pallets against him to get rid of any chance for him to pressure survivors. He is definitely in need of further buffs for sure, he is just old Wraith but faster at base so the counterplay is the same.
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Yeah I generally don't like it either but I think this is a special case that's pretty reasonable
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I never really played him consistently, which I wasn't clear about; I only ever played him for dailies and challenges because I knew how frustrating he was to go against.
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Freddy is not low tier, but cool.
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Although, post ptb he has a good chance of being low tier honestly. They basically just made him worse at everything. Devs said they want him to be more tactful with traps...but the rest of his kit isn't conducive to it. He has less traps, slow to use them, traps don't do as much, and survivors can stay awake much more which further makes his traps weaker.
He needed some tweaks but this was kinda overkill tbh
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Yeah I felt like he was a bit overblown on being too strong. Honestly I think he just needed his sleep time changed and that alone makes everything else weaker but I think he is bottom 5 killers now tbh
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Pig for me, i'm trying out a new build that aa friend recommended me which is Hex Pig. Devour, ruin, undying, and the one that notifies you when someone is working on a totem.
Pretty funny for me.
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That was weird. Forum glitched out massively and now I have no clue if my comment has gone through or not so I'll make a other one.
It depends. Based on what others think is low tier? Plague. Though everyone calling her low tier hasn't gone agaisnt a good Plague. Based on what I think is low tier? Trapper. Because Padded Jaws is life.
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I don't pay attention to tier lists too much in this game, but I suppose Myers is low tier, and pretty fun especially since I used his infinite tier 3 add on for the first time and loved it.
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take a wild guess
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Frog 🐸
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definetly spirit
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I love Plague and she is currently in my rotation. just some info on myself I'm rank 1 on console with crossplay and my issues with her are the speed when holding corrupt easily abuable by good survivors on most maps, stuns remove her power that is not easy to get, survivors control how you play (cleanse or no cleanse) (Spray or Melee), Fountain locations, Plague is like a lighthouse in the night due to height and the smoke from her pot. I know some of these can be reduced with add-ons but argument of not low-tier because X player is good with her is not valid. people play best with who fits there style don't mean that's the best character like pig for me. Anytime I run into a bully squad and I'm using a killer I am not the best with I wish I had my pig, fred, or huntress that's who I'm best with right now but I can win with everyone just them almost always. I know that Pig is low-tier-mid tier even though she my best.
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All my favourite killers are considered low Tier
Trickster, pig and clown
I love all 3 of them because they are my most fun killers