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Tbagging at exit gate

Master Member Posts: 10,200

Why do you tbagg at exit gate?
Honest answers only please


  • hMM
    hMM Member Posts: 121

    You don't need to mind t-bagging though it's really annoying when the survivors won't escape until you hit them at the exit gates

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    I don't. Sometimes,
    I wait for the killer to have to hit me, except if he doesn't seem to come around in time.
    Against toxic killers (and I don't mean legitimate camping killers), I wait for them at the exit gates until they come, and just leave in their face to waste their time as much as they wasted mine.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Runiver said:
    I don't. Sometimes,
    I wait for the killer to have to hit me, except if he doesn't seem to come around in time.
    Against toxic killers (and I don't mean legitimate camping killers), I wait for them at the exit gates until they come, and just leave in their face to waste their time as much as they wasted mine.

    Why do you wait for the killer that he has to hit you if he wasnt toxic?
    And what do you consider a toxic killer?

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095
    edited June 2018

    @Master said:

    @Runiver said:
    I don't. Sometimes,
    I wait for the killer to have to hit me, except if he doesn't seem to come around in time.
    Against toxic killers (and I don't mean legitimate camping killers), I wait for them at the exit gates until they come, and just leave in their face to waste their time as much as they wasted mine.

    Why do you wait for the killer that he has to hit you if he wasnt toxic?
    And what do you consider a toxic killer?

    I do wait for him for a fair trade of points, since he may enjoy it. Only if he's very close tho. I don't like to make people to wait, or to wait at exit gates for more than 20seconds or so.

    A toxic killer is usually one that use cheesy tactics, such as full camping without reason with no incentives to leave the hook even for one second. I can understand camping someone you dislike, or camping whne other survivors are possibly around, but standing there, watching at a dying survivor that did nothing special, and wait for him to die for 2mins while others are repairing and exiting is just a waste of everyone's time.
    Lag switchers are also a pain.
    Eventually the ones going full ape ######### everyone, stacking as many odds as possible for them like... Grabbing an ebony mori + tryhard add-ons (like 3-4 blinks nurse), or systematically put the game and play Iridescent king Doctor several rounds in a row. I don't consider that toxic, of course, but it's just being annoying for the sake of being annoying.
    I understand you need to feel strong, but this ######### is stupid.
    In any case, I don't teabag tho.

    The only case I teabag is when I kill a fellow survivors that sandbagged me. Which happens relatively often.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,895
    edited June 2018

    The only time I ever do it is if I have been against a camping tunneling killer. They earn a t-bagging.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Dwight_Fairfield said:
    The only time I ever do it is if I have been against a camping tunneling killer. They earn a t-bagging.

    What do you mean when you talk about tunneling?

  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 171
    Master said:

    @Dwight_Fairfield samooid:
    The only time I ever do it is if I have been against a camping tunneling killer. They earn a t-bagging.

    What do you mean when you talk about tunneling?

    Tunneling is the only thing I consider "Toxic" for a killer to do. It's when you camp the hook and you wait for the unhooking to happen then go after the one that was unhooked instead of going after the survivor that did the unhooking. It's cheap and unsportsman like imo. You should get survivors because you are better than them. If you only get them because you hit them before they even touch the ground? You are a jerk and it's not a viable strategy, albeit camping is as long as it's done right (NO TUNNELING) and at the right times.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @BOSS242 said:
    Master said:

    @Dwight_Fairfield samooid:

    The only time I ever do it is if I have been against a camping tunneling killer. They earn a t-bagging.

    What do you mean when you talk about tunneling?

    Tunneling is the only thing I consider "Toxic" for a killer to do. It's when you camp the hook and you wait for the unhooking to happen then go after the one that was unhooked instead of going after the survivor that did the unhooking. It's cheap and unsportsman like imo. You should get survivors because you are better than them. If you only get them because you hit them before they even touch the ground? You are a jerk and it's not a viable strategy, albeit camping is as long as it's done right (NO TUNNELING) and at the right times.

    Oh ok, I would consider that camping
    And btw, if someone unhooks you while the killer is camping, its the unhookers fault :wink:

  • lastloadout
    lastloadout Member Posts: 23

    Tunneling is fair in my opinion. There isn't much a killer can do that is "toxic" except for facecamping and hitting the survivor on the hook over and over.

  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 171
    Master said:

    @BOSS242 said:
    Master said:

    @Dwight_Fairfield samooid:

    The only time I ever do it is if I have been against a camping tunneling killer. They earn a t-bagging.

    What do you mean when you talk about tunneling?

    Tunneling is the only thing I consider "Toxic" for a killer to do. It's when you camp the hook and you wait for the unhooking to happen then go after the one that was unhooked instead of going after the survivor that did the unhooking. It's cheap and unsportsman like imo. You should get survivors because you are better than them. If you only get them because you hit them before they even touch the ground? You are a jerk and it's not a viable strategy, albeit camping is as long as it's done right (NO TUNNELING) and at the right times.

    Oh ok, I would consider that camping
    And btw, if someone unhooks you while the killer is camping, its the unhookers fault :wink:

    Oh yeah for sure it's the unhookers fault that's why you should go for him! As the hooked (not in a SWF) you have no choice when you get unhooked. It's why I think its toxic to tunnel. The killer is going to punish the one being unhooked for the mistake of the one who did the unhooking. I know it's the easier target to get the injured survivor and a completely legal move, it's just a dick move. I'd hope that killers feel a responsibility to punish bad play styles to make that behavior stop! It's the same as the camping argument. If I want to punish a camper I should not play to his game. Going for unsafe hooks is bad behavior I would hope we're all trying to make this game more fair and there for more fun for everyone. So a call to all killers "I know the easy target but we need you to do the right thing and go get that jerk that thinks he can do whatever he wants right in your face and you'll do nothing about it!" Also how I say camping is different imo...

    Camping- staying close to hook to protect the kill and fight off against any attempts at rescue.

    Tunneling- waiting at a close proximity to hook not to protect the kill but to be there for the unhooking so you can replace the kill once freed.

    Camping- strategy that is sometimes useful especially near the end of match.

    Tunneling- a no skill needed easy kill that gets you points but zero respect from me and hopefully from this whole community :)

  • Beverly
    Beverly Member Posts: 184

    Never have, never will. It's a really disrespectful thing to do, and I'm surprised people still do it when the risk of blood warden/tombstone Myers is always prevalent. However, if my team needs time to get the other gate open/save someone then I'll wait and then dip out as soon as the killer arrives.

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @BOSS242 said:
    Master said:

    @BOSS242 said:

    Master said:

    @Dwight_Fairfield samooid:
    The only time I ever do it is if I have been against a camping tunneling killer. They earn a t-bagging.
    What do you mean when you talk about tunneling?

    Tunneling is the only thing I consider "Toxic" for a killer to do. It's when you camp the hook and you wait for the unhooking to happen then go after the one that was unhooked instead of going after the survivor that did the unhooking. It's cheap and unsportsman like imo. You should get survivors because you are better than them. If you only get them because you hit them before they even touch the ground? You are a jerk and it's not a viable strategy, albeit camping is as long as it's done right (NO TUNNELING) and at the right times.

    Oh ok, I would consider that camping

    And btw, if someone unhooks you while the killer is camping, its the unhookers fault :wink:

    Oh yeah for sure it's the unhookers fault that's why you should go for him! As the hooked (not in a SWF) you have no choice when you get unhooked. It's why I think its toxic to tunnel. The killer is going to punish the one being unhooked for the mistake of the one who did the unhooking. I know it's the easier target to get the injured survivor and a completely legal move, it's just a dick move. I'd hope that killers feel a responsibility to punish bad play styles to make that behavior stop! It's the same as the camping argument. If I want to punish a camper I should not play to his game. Going for unsafe hooks is bad behavior I would hope we're all trying to make this game more fair and there for more fun for everyone. So a call to all killers "I know the easy target but we need you to do the right thing and go get that jerk that thinks he can do whatever he wants right in your face and you'll do nothing about it!" Also how I say camping is different imo...

    Camping- staying close to hook to protect the kill and fight off against any attempts at rescue.

    Tunneling- waiting at a close proximity to hook not to protect the kill but to be there for the unhooking so you can replace the kill once freed.

    Camping- strategy that is sometimes useful especially near the end of match.

    Tunneling- a no skill needed easy kill that gets you points but zero respect from me and hopefully from this whole community :)

    Bro would you rather have the killer let you go. The killer is there to kill people. Yes if the survivor unhooking made a mistake and did a bad unhook than why should the killer not go after the injured survivor who just came off the hook. How is it the killers fault for taking advantage? I mean the killer can choose any target he wants. If he needs to thin the heard for a survivor making a mistake, than the killer should capitalize on the survivors mistakes. When you take out 1 out of the 4 survivors it becomes more in the killers favor. The killer won't be like "Oh look at that, a survivor made a mistake, I'll let them walk away and do whatever."

    When I say bad unhooking, I mean the killer had no time to leave the hook to find another survivor and instead found two at the hooked spot. If you don't give the killer time to find a new survivor he will always go to the place where he knows a survivor is at.

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647
    edited June 2018

    @Master said:
    Why do you tbagg at exit gate?
    Honest answers only please

    I never do, but I only wait near an exit gate until I know that everyone is safe from the killer.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    I think t bagging is just a thing. It’s like a hey man, or a tease depending on if you’re being trolled  . Survivors t bag each other all the time. Play as one you’ll see. So idk depends it’s either a hey what’s up or f you killer. I only t bag other survivors so not to confuse the killer with my intent Bc I heard they get irritated about it. Even if it’s not malicious. 
  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    Why do survivors stand there and let you hit them before exiting? That’s like a gg in a way. You get survivor found points , and hit points for it as a killer. I’ll let the killer hit me once before I leave especially if I know they got destroyed by the team, or as a gg thanks for not camping us.I don’t tbag though. 
  • Onehouse
    Onehouse Member Posts: 46
    edited June 2018

    If the survivors hold the game hostage just so they can teabag you, don't cooperate. I've gotten sick of poor sportsmanship. (If it were a pro American footbale then teabagging could mean HUGE fines and suspension from at least one game if not more.) I've started using civil disobedience. If I chase them to an exit and they stop I turn away and not look at them. I then go stand by an unopened gate or hatch and hit something (preferably metal so that the it sounds like a bell) every few seconds. I do this until they leave. It requires patience since the point is to ignore them and ruin their fun, but I'd like this to catch on.

    This did also lead to one of my funniest moments in the game. I'd totally lost a game as Leatherface (built to insta-saw). An SWF pair just hung on to taunt me, so I didn't even follow them into the gatehouse, wouldn't look at them. A Bill was so convinced I was either harmless or a bot that he tried to open the gate beside me despite his partner Dwight's repeated warnings. Both died on hooks in sight of each other. The afterchat was even funnier.

  • Onehouse
    Onehouse Member Posts: 46

    @Zanfer said:

    @BOSS242 said:
    Master said:

    @BOSS242 said:

    Master said:

    @Dwight_Fairfield samooid:
    The only time I ever do it is if I have been against a camping tunneling killer. They earn a t-bagging.
    What do you mean when you talk about tunneling?

    Tunneling is the only thing I consider "Toxic" for a killer to do. It's when you camp the hook and you wait for the unhooking to happen then go after the one that was unhooked instead of going after the survivor that did the unhooking. It's cheap and unsportsman like imo. You should get survivors because you are better than them. If you only get them because you hit them before they even touch the ground? You are a jerk and it's not a viable strategy, albeit camping is as long as it's done right (NO TUNNELING) and at the right times.

    Oh ok, I would consider that camping

    And btw, if someone unhooks you while the killer is camping, its the unhookers fault :wink:

    Oh yeah for sure it's the unhookers fault that's why you should go for him! As the hooked (not in a SWF) you have no choice when you get unhooked. It's why I think its toxic to tunnel. The killer is going to punish the one being unhooked for the mistake of the one who did the unhooking. I know it's the easier target to get the injured survivor and a completely legal move, it's just a dick move. I'd hope that killers feel a responsibility to punish bad play styles to make that behavior stop! It's the same as the camping argument. If I want to punish a camper I should not play to his game. Going for unsafe hooks is bad behavior I would hope we're all trying to make this game more fair and there for more fun for everyone. So a call to all killers "I know the easy target but we need you to do the right thing and go get that jerk that thinks he can do whatever he wants right in your face and you'll do nothing about it!" Also how I say camping is different imo...

    Camping- staying close to hook to protect the kill and fight off against any attempts at rescue.

    Tunneling- waiting at a close proximity to hook not to protect the kill but to be there for the unhooking so you can replace the kill once freed.

    Camping- strategy that is sometimes useful especially near the end of match.

    Tunneling- a no skill needed easy kill that gets you points but zero respect from me and hopefully from this whole community :)

    Bro would you rather have the killer let you go. The killer is there to kill people. Yes if the survivor unhooking made a mistake and did a bad unhook than why should the killer not go after the injured survivor who just came off the hook. How is it the killers fault for taking advantage? I mean the killer can choose any target he wants. If he needs to thin the heard for a survivor making a mistake, than the killer should capitalize on the survivors mistakes. When you take out 1 out of the 4 survivors it becomes more in the killers favor. The killer won't be like "Oh look at that, a survivor made a mistake, I'll let them walk away and do whatever."

    When I say bad unhooking, I mean the killer had no time to leave the hook to find another survivor and instead found two at the hooked spot. If you don't give the killer time to find a new survivor he will always go to the place where he knows a survivor is at.

    I often try to aim for the rescuer at the hook, seem to hit him/her, and instead the rescuee is the one who falls down. Other times I rush back to the hook and the only person present is the one who was just rescued and there's no trail or sign of the rescuer. Too many just rescue and then run like hell -- no body blocking, no leading to a hiding place to be healed. As many who are saved from the hook simply do not run far enough to hide as if they don't know how loud their cries of pain are to the killer. Circumstances that seem like tunneling to them are just their own dumb luck from my view.

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187
    I do at the exit gate and allow the killer 2 free hits, unless they go T3 Myers or Down a Survivor
  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 171
    Onehouse said:

    @Zanfer said:

    @BOSS242 said:
    Master said:

    @BOSS242 said:

    Master said:

    @Dwight_Fairfield samooid:
    The only time I ever do it is if I have been against a camping tunneling killer. They earn a t-bagging.
    What do you mean when you talk about tunneling?

    Tunneling is the only thing I consider "Toxic" for a killer to do. It's when you camp the hook and you wait for the unhooking to happen then go after the one that was unhooked instead of going after the survivor that did the unhooking. It's cheap and unsportsman like imo. You should get survivors because you are better than them. If you only get them because you hit them before they even touch the ground? You are a jerk and it's not a viable strategy, albeit camping is as long as it's done right (NO TUNNELING) and at the right times.

    Oh ok, I would consider that camping

    And btw, if someone unhooks you while the killer is camping, its the unhookers fault :wink:

    Oh yeah for sure it's the unhookers fault that's why you should go for him! As the hooked (not in a SWF) you have no choice when you get unhooked. It's why I think its toxic to tunnel. The killer is going to punish the one being unhooked for the mistake of the one who did the unhooking. I know it's the easier target to get the injured survivor and a completely legal move, it's just a dick move. I'd hope that killers feel a responsibility to punish bad play styles to make that behavior stop! It's the same as the camping argument. If I want to punish a camper I should not play to his game. Going for unsafe hooks is bad behavior I would hope we're all trying to make this game more fair and there for more fun for everyone. So a call to all killers "I know the easy target but we need you to do the right thing and go get that jerk that thinks he can do whatever he wants right in your face and you'll do nothing about it!" Also how I say camping is different imo...

    Camping- staying close to hook to protect the kill and fight off against any attempts at rescue.

    Tunneling- waiting at a close proximity to hook not to protect the kill but to be there for the unhooking so you can replace the kill once freed.

    Camping- strategy that is sometimes useful especially near the end of match.

    Tunneling- a no skill needed easy kill that gets you points but zero respect from me and hopefully from this whole community :)

    Bro would you rather have the killer let you go. The killer is there to kill people. Yes if the survivor unhooking made a mistake and did a bad unhook than why should the killer not go after the injured survivor who just came off the hook. How is it the killers fault for taking advantage? I mean the killer can choose any target he wants. If he needs to thin the heard for a survivor making a mistake, than the killer should capitalize on the survivors mistakes. When you take out 1 out of the 4 survivors it becomes more in the killers favor. The killer won't be like "Oh look at that, a survivor made a mistake, I'll let them walk away and do whatever."

    When I say bad unhooking, I mean the killer had no time to leave the hook to find another survivor and instead found two at the hooked spot. If you don't give the killer time to find a new survivor he will always go to the place where he knows a survivor is at.

    I often try to aim for the rescuer at the hook, seem to hit him/her, and instead the rescuee is the one who falls down. Other times I rush back to the hook and the only person present is the one who was just rescued and there's no trail or sign of the rescuer. Too many just rescue and then run like hell -- no body blocking, no leading to a hiding place to be healed. As many who are saved from the hook simply do not run far enough to hide as if they don't know how loud their cries of pain are to the killer. Circumstances that seem like tunneling to them are just their own dumb luck from my view.

    Yeah imo if you left hook and then return for the unhook and find the injured one, it's fair game, that is not tunneling. 

    To tunnel imo, you must be there when the unhooking actually takes place. Killer makes no attempt to stop the rescue, but waits for the survivor to be freed and then hits him or runs him down completely ignoring any other survivors or objectives so he can rehook that survivor. It is impossible to tunnel if you gave the unhooked even a small window to escape. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Onehouse said:

    @Zanfer said:

    @BOSS242 said:
    Master said:

    @BOSS242 said:

    Master said:

    @Dwight_Fairfield samooid:
    The only time I ever do it is if I have been against a camping tunneling killer. They earn a t-bagging.
    What do you mean when you talk about tunneling?

    Tunneling is the only thing I consider "Toxic" for a killer to do. It's when you camp the hook and you wait for the unhooking to happen then go after the one that was unhooked instead of going after the survivor that did the unhooking. It's cheap and unsportsman like imo. You should get survivors because you are better than them. If you only get them because you hit them before they even touch the ground? You are a jerk and it's not a viable strategy, albeit camping is as long as it's done right (NO TUNNELING) and at the right times.

    Oh ok, I would consider that camping

    And btw, if someone unhooks you while the killer is camping, its the unhookers fault :wink:

    Oh yeah for sure it's the unhookers fault that's why you should go for him! As the hooked (not in a SWF) you have no choice when you get unhooked. It's why I think its toxic to tunnel. The killer is going to punish the one being unhooked for the mistake of the one who did the unhooking. I know it's the easier target to get the injured survivor and a completely legal move, it's just a dick move. I'd hope that killers feel a responsibility to punish bad play styles to make that behavior stop! It's the same as the camping argument. If I want to punish a camper I should not play to his game. Going for unsafe hooks is bad behavior I would hope we're all trying to make this game more fair and there for more fun for everyone. So a call to all killers "I know the easy target but we need you to do the right thing and go get that jerk that thinks he can do whatever he wants right in your face and you'll do nothing about it!" Also how I say camping is different imo...

    Camping- staying close to hook to protect the kill and fight off against any attempts at rescue.

    Tunneling- waiting at a close proximity to hook not to protect the kill but to be there for the unhooking so you can replace the kill once freed.

    Camping- strategy that is sometimes useful especially near the end of match.

    Tunneling- a no skill needed easy kill that gets you points but zero respect from me and hopefully from this whole community :)

    Bro would you rather have the killer let you go. The killer is there to kill people. Yes if the survivor unhooking made a mistake and did a bad unhook than why should the killer not go after the injured survivor who just came off the hook. How is it the killers fault for taking advantage? I mean the killer can choose any target he wants. If he needs to thin the heard for a survivor making a mistake, than the killer should capitalize on the survivors mistakes. When you take out 1 out of the 4 survivors it becomes more in the killers favor. The killer won't be like "Oh look at that, a survivor made a mistake, I'll let them walk away and do whatever."

    When I say bad unhooking, I mean the killer had no time to leave the hook to find another survivor and instead found two at the hooked spot. If you don't give the killer time to find a new survivor he will always go to the place where he knows a survivor is at.

    I often try to aim for the rescuer at the hook, seem to hit him/her, and instead the rescuee is the one who falls down. Other times I rush back to the hook and the only person present is the one who was just rescued and there's no trail or sign of the rescuer. Too many just rescue and then run like hell -- no body blocking, no leading to a hiding place to be healed. As many who are saved from the hook simply do not run far enough to hide as if they don't know how loud their cries of pain are to the killer. Circumstances that seem like tunneling to them are just their own dumb luck from my view.

    Not own dumb luck, rather bad teamplay

  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 171
    I'll dance with my friends at the exit before we leave it's a celebration that we made it out no disrespect intended just talking to each other really. I never t bag the killer but sometimes he is there for our dance (we dont wait for him but) Sometimes the really cool ones will even join us. But we don't hang out 2,3 seconds of dipping then we leave. Also I'll do a couple dips if I run into another survivor as I'm walking around the map again not disrespect, just a way to say hi :)
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @BOSS242 said:
    I'll dance with my friends at the exit before we leave it's a celebration that we made it out no disrespect intended just talking to each other really. I never t bag the killer but sometimes he is there for our dance (we dont wait for him but) Sometimes the really cool ones will even join us. But we don't hang out 2,3 seconds of dipping then we leave. Also I'll do a couple dips if I run into another survivor as I'm walking around the map again not disrespect, just a way to say hi :)

    Ah ok, I understand that
    But please dont be offended if I hit a survivor on hook, just dancing with the entity at that moment :wink:

  • JarJarBlinks
    JarJarBlinks Member Posts: 18

    People can say all they want about teabagging not being insulting but it is. It's like rubbing salt in someone's wound for good measure. Okay, we get it - you escaped and won. No need to rub it in.

    With the huge amount of toxic survivors out there it makes you wonder why there are fewer killer mains every day. People get tired of the bad mannering and toxicity.

  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 171
    Master said:

    @BOSS242 said:
    I'll dance with my friends at the exit before we leave it's a celebration that we made it out no disrespect intended just talking to each other really. I never t bag the killer but sometimes he is there for our dance (we dont wait for him but) Sometimes the really cool ones will even join us. But we don't hang out 2,3 seconds of dipping then we leave. Also I'll do a couple dips if I run into another survivor as I'm walking around the map again not disrespect, just a way to say hi :)

    Ah ok, I understand that
    But please dont be offended if I hit a survivor on hook, just dancing with the entity at that moment :wink:

    Dude I love it when I get hits from the killer while on hook! in a weird way I think it's kinda paying me a compliment. :) if I just sucked at the game I dont think he wouldn't waste his time hitting me. 
  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Because they think that they're amazing and want to rub it in your face.
    Just chase them out and leave the end game chat instantly. Problem solved

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Nick said:
    Because they think that they're amazing and want to rub it in your face.
    Just chase them out and leave the end game chat instantly. Problem solved

    I love watching them do that and a Shape gets Evil Within 3 and isnta downs them and takes them back and sacs them.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Just make sure to try to punish cockiness.
    Survivors do a lot of mistakes when they feel confident about themselves, and it can earn you kills rather easily, aka :

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    Because it makes the survivors look hilarious. They must have some strong thighs in order to do that.
  • aufovsky
    aufovsky Member Posts: 52

    to piss of a killer

  • MuteNewt
    MuteNewt Member Posts: 234
    edited June 2018
    Waiting at the gate as one or two person squad can be a legitimate strategy. It's usually done to buy time for other survivors behind getting the other gate open. 

    But teabagging on the other hand is just to insult the killer and rub it in that they have lost. It can be very irritating especially if you worked so hard the whole match only to be made fun of and insulted at end. 

    If you know they are waiting at the gates just open up YT, listen to some music or watch something funny till they leave. They are only wasting their own time waiting and usually hate it when you don't come and give them the pleasure. 

    I had a Dwight the other day stay at the exit for a good 10 mins to have me witness the teabagging. He eventually left and I just thanked him for the time he gave me to catch up on the news. He responded with "next time I'll wait longer". Some people are just out to bully. 

    I really think there should be something done about it. Like a timer that starts for them the second they pass the door. 
  • Kat
    Kat Member Posts: 12

    Face camping, or even better a failed face camp at the end gets tbags in response. If I have a "normal" round with a good killer or a 'baby' killer, there's no reason to be an ass - no matter how many people died or how tricky it was to escape eventually.

  • Blu3Shad0w12
    Blu3Shad0w12 Member Posts: 18
    I only do it if the killer facecamped but still get everyone out and when tunneled all game.
  • jester
    jester Member Posts: 31

    @hMM said:
    You don't need to mind t-bagging though it's really annoying when the survivors won't escape until you hit them at the exit gates

    I actually do this sometimes, but not to be rude or insulting. I do it so the killer can get some last minute points before the game ends. I didn't think it was seen as annoying, guess i'll stop doing it haha.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    There is no advantage to tea bagging at exit gates. You only do it if you really have fun by making others feel bad. A key factor of sociopathy

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @MineAntoiya said:
    There is no advantage to tea bagging at exit gates. You only do it if you really have fun by making others feel bad. A key factor of sociopathy

    No that’s arrogance.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    @Jack11803 said:

    Could be a bit of both, no?

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @MineAntoiya said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    Could be a bit of both, no?

    Sociopathy is caring primarily and solely on objects and people, primarily yourself, that revolve around your life. Sociopaths definitely give WAY less shits on your well being, but wouldn’t go out of the way to mess with you, it wouldn’t benefit them.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930


    psychopathy would involve hurting others for dopamine, but t-bagging is just petty. Arrogance is definitely what behind it.

  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
    I, along with others, find it almost like a middle finger to another person. It’s like the roles have been reversed with survivors in control of everything and the killer powerless, more often than not, I purposely look away from the exit, walk backward, and get a hit afterwards so I never see the t bagging at all. It also seems like they’re extending the game longer than it needs to be. Whenever I see survivors at the exit gates, I’ll just go destroy pallets to get points, and when’s i get back, all I see are the survivors waiting and Tbagging. From my past experiences playing games, it has always been an insult to the other team. It has never been a joke to the opposing side and I don’t think it ever will
  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 611

    I only tea bag campers and we rescue the camped survivor. Like a statement of "Oh, your tactics didn't even work on us!" I feel ridiculous doing it though. Hell, I still need to learn the language of survivors' movements.

  • Linkdouken
    Linkdouken Member Posts: 105
    I don't really teabag, only wait at exit for a teeny bit more chase points... Although I got NOED the other day after straying and it served me right 😂
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @GT_Legend2 said:
    I, along with others, find it almost like a middle finger to another person. It’s like the roles have been reversed with survivors in control of everything and the killer powerless, more often than not, I purposely look away from the exit, walk backward, and get a hit afterwards so I never see the t bagging at all. It also seems like they’re extending the game longer than it needs to be. Whenever I see survivors at the exit gates, I’ll just go destroy pallets to get points, and when’s i get back, all I see are the survivors waiting and Tbagging. From my past experiences playing games, it has always been an insult to the other team. It has never been a joke to the opposing side and I don’t think it ever will

    I don’t view it as a middle finger, because it isn’t, it’s “can I have your own mind hurt you trying to think of what I intend with this anonymous t-bag from someone on the internet that you don’t know and can never make a personal statement about that you should ever value.” Just don’t view it as an insult, I don’t, and I’m never bothered. So why do you get insulted by it? No seriously, think deep down and think about it.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    @Jack11803 said:

    ### poster turned DBD Guru

    I'm gonna hand your words on my fridge if you keep this up :,)

  • Juhonna
    Juhonna Member Posts: 23

    I usually wait at the gates in case other survivors need help and when the killer shows up I gesture them to come over so they can get hit points, I don't teabag though.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    I never tbag unless the killer face camped in which case they need to be reminded what a lowlife they are. Mean while if i see a tbagger when im playing killer, and it's not at the exit gates... that survivor is getting camped. it works both ways