So currently I'm trying to optimize this pure slugging build, like 4 downs then hook. I think knock out and infectious fright is mandatory. Cause if I don't see anyone scream generally I can assume no one is near by, they can't see the guy who got knocked out. And move on.

| knock out | infectious fright | surge | discordance |

Surge is to slow the gen progress. I'm assuming the survivors are smart and know not to heal against a legion to gen rush me. So I'll get a guaranteed generator regress (10 second + extra), if they stay injured near the generator. Discordance I really like the ability to disrupt two survivors off gens. Both of these perks work nice together in end game. I haven't tested this build out as much yet.

This is what I use to run

| knock out | infectious fright | Deer stalker | Nurse's Calling |

Deer stalker is useful in telling you what area to play around end game. I know what area to proxy camp and I know which dying survivor the other one will attempt to heal. And it's useful in getting hooks end game. Nurse's Calling is about the same range as Deer stalker. This works well in seeing when a survivor is getting picked up and when they're healing in a corner and I can't find them. But the reason why I've stopped running this is because by the time I left the 32 meter range I'm already committed to finding another survivor on the other side of the map.

What are your thoughts?
