You Ever Pruposefully Screwed Over Your Teammates?

Asking because I just did after the stunt they pulled. We were doing great, all but one gen was done and we were against a Myers. One died and I was working on a gen with another Kate. We were matching outfits and everything. Sisters in arms. Then Myers came in Tier 3. She ran ahead of me, put the pallet down immediately, and caused me to get downed. She stood there and then watched as I was picked up and carried to basement. I immediately killed myself on hook for that stunt. Didnt stick around and watch if they died but here’s hoping. What is your purposefully screwing over your teammates story?


  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 723

    Jumped in a locker after healing someone because the nurse was taking someone to a hook. This pos Nea decided to open the locker right when barbecue would've gone off, and then when I was hooked in the basement later she came down, teabagged, and then left. I died on first hook. She also died.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    What is it about Nea that makes everyone hate her so. Why do pos people play as her or Steve.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Never done that - purposefully kill myself on first hook no matter the reason. Only time I have done it is if it's me and one other person left and I can tell they found hatch - and if I am already struggling.

    In your scenario you don't know if you screwed anyone over, but you did screw yourself out of possible points. I had two matches Tuesday where someone did what you did - the killer then took it easy on the rest of us and we got out with like 27-29k BP each.

    As for your question: I'm not really that petty - it's a game. One time I did try to enter a locker to HEAD ON the killer and someone was hiding in there - I ran off and the killer got them instead. So while not purposefully - it did screw them over.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    The fact she stood there and just watched on the other side of the pallet, while Myers was still in Tier 3, made it seem like she purposefully sacrificed me. I have no reason to help someone after that and will gladly sacrifice points if it makes their match harder.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    A Steve BMed me for an entire match after I unhooked a Nea by him. He didn't even farm me for the points, he just BMed me. Bodyblocking at pallets, blowing gens up while I was working them, etc.

    I don't get it

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Cool, but like I said - you didn't stick around to see what happened - so you have no idea if you screwed her over or actually helped her. But hey if that's what makes you feel better - more power to ya.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I had a survivor farm me twice and stealth away so I returned the favour, t-bagged her as the killer was going through his weapon wipe animation, and DC'd on her slugged body.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I hear some people get bored with the game and instead of trying Killer cause it’s “too scary and hard” they decide to be a dick and harm their team. Had a Claudette do that to me once. Immediately vaulted everywhere and into lockers around me while I’m working on gen to get the killer to come to me. I left and she got caught instead. So screw her.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Had a survivor do that to me once and just stood there after. The Killer was right there and saw her pull that stunt. He just shook his head and went after her instead. I had given up but he let me go for now. I died eventually but that was still nice of him.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    Yes, any time a teammate body blocks me or spams the unhook animation while unhooking me, over and over, I will throw the match. You wanna be a turd, I'll be a mega turd.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Honestly, that sounds like something I'd do as a killer, especially if I'm winning.

    I usually hit the unhooked survivor if the option is available because it wastes 12 seconds of their time mending, but sometimes that just doesn't happen because someone didn't equip BT before being an arsehole and so they die. Violently. Because its my little way of apologising for taking part in a farming incident and not a rushed unhook incident that I always assume it to be.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Saw a kate go in a locker with bond while there was only 2 of us left.

    the killer found me trying to get a gen done so i ran to that locker and opened it in the killers face just before being downed.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795
    edited April 2021

    had a nea lead a chase directly to me and try to force me to take a hit for her. it didn't work, i escaped the chase completely unscathed, then went to do a gen on the other side of the map. she got hooked, and i just said to myself "i aint rescuing that"

    that's about the extent of it though. i don't want to ruin the match for the other rando survivors just because one of them is useless.

    at the end of the game the nea's perks were plunderer's instinct, appraisal, urban evasion and self care. i run empathy and both of the other people had kindred so i could see her urban evade scooting around the perimiter of the map literally all game long. she was just farming for items i guess. didn't feel bad about not unhooking her. (we had a 3e in the end so all's fine - the power of not throwing the game out of spite i guess)

  • RivalJ
    RivalJ Member Posts: 19

    I have sandbagged my friends plenty o times in this game and they have me

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    I sandbagged a feng by accident I wanted to take a hit for her since she was on death hook and was tunneled by a myers so i wanted to get in between them both but i blocked the feng's way and she died ;-;

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    It's so weird because I'm not that petty as survivor (I play both pretty equally) but I can be the most petty b**** on the planet as killer but those are stories for different days.

    Now I have been sold out by teammates. Twice. The first incident was a Dwight. I don't remember the killer but I remember the Dwight very unfondly. Anywhere I kept going to repair a gen, he followed me and kept jumping in and out of the nearby locker, making himself scream and so when the killer came to investigate, Dwight took off and the killer got me, plucked me right off that gen (and this was Haddonfields map -_-) I'm the type of person that I don't fall for the same thing twice so when he tried it again, I casually crept away as he was looking like a fool and by the time the killer came back to investigate, he was hiding in another locker nearby and got caught immediately. I didn't save him that whole game (is this technically screwing over your teammates? I dunno). For a troll, he wasn't very bright.

    The second time I got sold out generally did make me super tilted for like a hot second. It was the Midwich map, Wraith was the killer and I know for sure there was a David (he is relevant to this story) and I think a Meg but I don't remember the third but anyway. So the match starts off, I find a gen and work on it. Wraith shimmers by and it seemed like he was gonna be a friendly killer and I was like oh chill I'm gonna do these gens and maybe find some cool stuff in the chest to escape with. So there's like 2 gens left and I notice above me David gets downed and hooked and my first thought was he squandered the gift that is the friendly killer by BM'ing or something so I continue my gen, thinking our teammates would save him as I was pretty far away and the gen was almost done. They got him off the hook just before he reached struggle phase then he went down again and got hooked. I was coming to save him but he killed himself on hook. So there's one gen left at this point and I pop it finally. So as the fool I was, I was thinking this was a chill killer. I go to open the gates and he starts attacking me with my teammates not far behind him. Well I start running and as I'm turning around, I see Meg following me down the hall and pointing to wraith which direction I went. He got me. He hooked me. The other two teabagged and left. It was then my eyes were open and I understood what happened to David... May his soul rest in peace.

    And I was a baby survivor both times. ;_;

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    I've had a lot of games lately where a teammate at start drops pallet on my face and I get downed by killer. Those are times I actively screw over that particular survivor later in the match

  • PigsEatBacon
    PigsEatBacon Member Posts: 53

    Sometimes I feel like leaving only because my teammates have 0 idea what they are doing, but realize it is not their fault for being terrible so I find the strength to stay.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    I had a match with a Bill that spent the entire game hiding in a locker, only coming out and going back in to avoid the crows. After I got unhooked, I sprinted for his locker and opened it as the killer was on my tail, and fortunately, they noticed.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I got 3 man swf that bodyblocked me untill killer found us. But after this game they add me and we played couple of good matches.

  • hex_uwu
    hex_uwu Member Posts: 201

    I had a game on prenn asylum with a friend of mine and a Jane and a David. The David was running no mither and somehow only managed to get downed once whilst the rest of us were getting pressured of gens by a very decent legion. My friend dies and whilst spectating tell me that the David (who is trying to get his adept) is crouching in a corner with a key refusing to do a gen, just waiting for us to do enough gens for the hatch to spawn or for us to just die. Jane and I are obviously struggling alone and she dies. So it's just me - on my death hook and injured - and the David. My friend tells me where he's crouching and I go find him and crouch next to him, hoping he'll at least heal me. My man shakes his head at me and crouches away.

    So I do the one thing I can do in this situation - I fast vault the nearest window multiple times. David runs away and I keep following him, vaulting as I go. Eventually the cute bunny legion finds me pointing at where David is hiding, looks at me, looks at him, looks back at me, nods, and then downs David. After he'd hooked David I think he wanted to give me hatch but I just pointed at a hook because he deserved his 4k imo.

    Adept David is hard, I feel the struggle, but that doesn't mean you can throw the whole game and hide in the corner with a key whilst your team gets slaughtered. The hatch didn't even spawn because we didn't get enough gens done. I hope that legion is having a nice day, wherever they are, and I hope the David learnt to actually participate and help his team and that it was one of those games in which he earnt his adept.

  • MeepLessThan3
    MeepLessThan3 Member Posts: 85

    I admit to doing that one time. It was because of the Dark Sense challenge and doing it in solo. A Doctor was chasing me with 1 gen left and 2 of my teammates were near completing it, I bring the Doctor over to them and he leaves me. I finish getting the gen done, my 4th, and that dreadful challenge was done.

  • hex_uwu
    hex_uwu Member Posts: 201

    That second story sounds like a literal horror movie oh my god

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025
    edited April 2021

    Yea. I dropped a pallet on a Steve once, so he got morid by Myers. And that's how I became a mom

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    If we're all injured at the exit gate, I heal everyone but then escape without getting healed. Ain't having my bloodpoints bitches

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    I do , although rarely, sandbag people who maliciously sandbagged me.

    I can't recall a situation where I've sandbagged someone over incompetence, unless you count not going for unhooks on bad players that would be more of a liability if I spent my time helping them instead of doing gens.

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    I don't purposefully screw them over, but I've had it done quite a few times to me, and if someone does anything that I can see is deliberate then I will definitely not go out of my way to help them. Like, if they got hooked close to me I would probably unhook them but if they were across the map I'll leave them to die. Karma baby!

    I told this story on a separate thread a few days ago but I had a Yun-Jin who really trolled me vs the Doctor recently, where I was on a gen which she then started working on, and made explode (that part could have been intentional or accidental) so I moved to the nearest locker assuming the Doctor was on his way. She stood outside my locker and pointed a few times when he arrived and then tried to open it. I got hooked.

    Later on in the same game, I was slugged and had crawled into a corner, as she was being chased by him and then specifically led him back right to where I was.

    Yesterday, I had a guy who was clearly doing the 'Sabotage 4 Hooks' daily ritual which is fine, but don't do it right next to me and draw the killer to both of us perhaps? He then got hooked later in the game, unhooked and then I was doing a totem in a weird spot when he came up behind me begging for healing - I literally couldn't move and couldn't start the healing (the prompt was just showing cleanse) and it took him way to long to move out of the way - as soon as I'd finished healing him, you guessed it, he sabotaged the hook right next to us.

    Another one yesterday, down to just 2 of us and I was slugged while the killer (Legion) went to chase the other guy, again I managed to crawl into a corner and the killer clearly didn't know where I was but when they got slugged, they immediately crawled directly towards me and the killer found me. I sent them a message afterwards to say they were a nasty rat and they told me to kill myself and they hoped my mother had a stroke so you can tell what sort of person that is.

    I don't understand why people would want to play a coop game and then just behave like arseholes.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    If you jump off the hook when I'm coming to save you then I'm going to throw the match to make sure you die lol.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    As a Nea main I feel like I can't tell my story now lmao but I'm going to anyways cuz I also hate other Neas (don't urban near me with your peasant clothes WOMAN!)

    Had a Pig chase me and a feng, pig swings, feng drops pallet, I'm stuck in the middle. Pig nods her head at me and leaves to go for feng, bless her.

    Ive had a survivor fast vault repeatedly next to me (before cross play, he had 200 hrs) so I knew when the killer came that my skill was my upper hand. Well turns out while I was doing a gen, killer had tinkerer (I knew this) so when it went off I hid behind a tree, Ace who is still vaulting gets the surprise of his life. I finish the gen, tbag at him on hook and leave.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    What are you talking about I’ve only ever seen wholesome or baby Steve’s

  • SloppyVoldemort
    SloppyVoldemort Member Posts: 452

    Does leaving someone on the hook when gates are open, when they did nothing the whole game (not talking about new players, experienced players with prestige 3 clothing), and escaping yourself count too?

    Other than that, not on purpose. Sometimes a good play (in my head at least) goes wrong, but that's not on purpose.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Had a game yesterday where I ran pyramid head for 3 full gens. He eventually got me once exits opened. Had my first hook (the other 3 had one in total) and they all left right away. I was definetly annoyed lol

  • SloppyVoldemort
    SloppyVoldemort Member Posts: 452

    I can imagine. That really is a undeserved death. I always try to save someone who kept the killer busy for a good while.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Yeah same, especially if he doesn't have noed, egc just started, and no one has been hooked basically

  • Scream_Queen865
    Scream_Queen865 Member Posts: 110

    I had a Steve unhook me with the killer close by but couldn't see exactly where he was. Steve Q&Q into a locker (I run bond) so I just looped that area and when bk down at the locker Steve was in and the killer instead of picking me up opened the locker and uh oh there's Stevie lol I checked his perks and no Head On.

  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234

    I have lead the killer straight back to where 2 other survivors were healing each other to save my own skin. Dick move but it worked 😂

  • ProfGameAndTalk
    ProfGameAndTalk Member Posts: 326

    If I'm with someone and they're being toxic I'll slow vault in front of them so the killer can get them. That's what you get, toxic suckah!!

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 753

    I was playing Jeff. A blendie farmed me twice, kept urbaning away, sandbagged us while doing a gen when she was chased and wouldn’t do gens. It was the two of us left and I followed her urbaning ass around, injured with no iron will.

    she was so not getting hatch.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Never. I don't want to play like them because no matter what I will be a good teammate for everyone even if they mess me up or sandbag. One time I was in a match with a David who jumped in and out of lockers near me, body blocked Plague fountains I needed, and then teabagged me on hook and ran away. I was upset but I still did things for the team and saved him off hook before he let me die after one last teabag. I could never purposefully screw them over because it would make me feel bad, but I'll definitely text my friends about them being... smelly!!!

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Yea probably about 20+ times. I've played this game for over 3 years so it's not like this is a regular occurrence lol

    Though if I know a survivor was hiding the whole game, doing nothing and literally making the game a 3v1. If we are the last 2 survivors and I'm getting chased, best believe I'm runni g straight over to him and making sure the killer find him before killing me.