Abusing exploids: Killer gets ban, survivors not

Mineguy Member Posts: 318

It's a extremely unfunny joke and it's getting worse. The game, the devs and the mods here are extremely survivor sided.

Proof 1:

Do you remember the legion mending bug? Killers who used it by mistake or abused it got banned. For a bug which the devs in planted in the game by a mistake.

Now there is a another explo- Oh sorry I mean bug that didn't even count as a bug. Breakout now don't destroy for 3 minutes. It destroys the hooks completely. But of course this is not a exploit (even so it's out for weeks and on YouTube there only about 30-40 Videos).

Proof 2

Did you notice that killers get buffs only on weird times? Killers get only buffs when the survivor queue is too long because many people don't like to get bullied.
