A funny story about keys.

Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

I was playing a game a few weeks ago and We found a key. one person brought plunderers in too. and two of us got out via the hatch and it was the only way to counter his playstyle because we knew he was just patrolling the gens. we found the hatch and got out. The fun part is this person was streaming and after the game we went in to take a look. This person was a Rank 1 killer too.

This is all we heard.

"Plunderers is BS."

"Keys are BS"

"if they hadn't found that key I would have Killed all of them."

The people I play with put me up against very high ranking killers. and no I don't use them to get wins. the ranks I've gotten I've gotten on my own. It actually puts me at a disadvantage.

Either way this guy was going on and on about if we didn't have this, if we didn't have that. and all of it was BS. That and since he was a rank 1 he knew more about the game then us and he was allowed to complain and we didn't know what we were talking about.

so yeah I know people hate keys but what they really need to do is get over themselves in some cases.
