Why does Deathslinger get so much hate?

Personally, I LOVE facing him, he is a very balanced killer and personally he is challenging to face if the killer knows how to play him well, which is what I like. He can be counters by three ways, Dodging his gun the best you can, or staying behind high walls, or throwing pallets early if he right up to you trying to shoot you at a loop. To all you desthslinger mains out there tell me your most salty experience by a survivor when getting a 4K with him.



  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited April 2021

    His 1 v 1 is great but he has no mobility. A map with lots of pallets will be rough. A hit over an object or through a wall isn't a guarantee like Huntress. No mobility. And a weaker snowball.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    I once told the player playing as him to put his gun up his arse. 👍

    Him, wraith and spirit are my most hated.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,937

    Because of his Chains of Hate.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I just really dislike going out against him, both the instashots and the mindless zoning. I don't think he's OP or anything, in fact I win most matches against him bc I (and usually the other survivors too) engage full gensmash mode to get into a different game asap, which isn't the most exciting playstyle either. I'll take huntress any day, even with hatchets that fly round corners.

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    I think going against a chase that's different is nice. I have to play smarter against these killers and that's what I enjoy the most. Sure, It's annoying sometimes, but that's literally every single killer lol.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    Probably the biggest problem people have with the Deathslinger is that quick scoping is so fast it's almost impossible to dodge and can be faked with essentially no penalty. So it doesn't really feel like you can do much in a chase other than guess what the killer is going to do as the Deathslinger can zone a survivor even without the need of doing anything.

    With people hating the Spirit because going against her becomes a guessing game, it makes sense people hate this about Deathslinger and why people made a big deal about Pyramid Head too. Though for some reason I haven't really noticed anyone complain about Demogorgon for the same thing.

  • JetTheWaffleCat
    JetTheWaffleCat Member Posts: 284

    It's a mix of his shot being unreactable when he quick shots and his zoning potential.

    He forces survivors to constantly weave and juke due to how unreactable his projectile is. That leads to another issue.

    The Deathslinger closes distance because the survivor is juking and he can constantly fake is shot with no penalty, just like Pyramid Head.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    People seem to forget his weapon is needle size, add the ping factor and the 0.25s to actually hit you mean that a slight movement from the survivor can make him miss. Also like mind games & playing against Nurse you have to predict when he's gonna shoot. Lot of player always do the exact same thing and so are easy to read and react.

    I've played him before, at 10-13m range survivor have time to drop pallet/vault window before getting hit making you lose a lot of time also survivor way over react when they see him aim with his weapon which lead them to lose lot of distance for nothing. You could aim 100 times without shooting and they'd still juke thin air then complain he's braindead. Maybe just try to not always do the same thing? That's where he shine at...


    10:46-47 the survivor predictably use DH around the corner so Deathsligner just had to be patient and the survivor ran into the cow which didn't help at all

    11:22-24 Deathsligner try to use the hole in shack to get a free hit but the survivor read it and prevent him from getting that hit.

    10:36 go at x0.25 speed, you'll see that the shot was on point but miss because it's a long range and survivor was on the side so by the time the harpoon actually reach the survivor he was just out of reach.

    11:53 The killer didn't aim at the survivor, instead the survivor juke into the harpoon hence why the Feng got hit. That's a 12m+ shot.

    Don't get me wrong, he's oppressive in chase but he's not braindead like some survivor think he is.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Demos zoning doesn't really feel too cheap compared to Deathslinger,because

    -The range is quite a bit less

    -He needs to charge his shred

    -You have a clear indicator when he's able to do it

    -He's losing distance if he holds his shred

    -Pallets 100% counter his shred

    -He can't use his shred around loops like Deathslinger

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    He actually takes skill to out-loop, and not in the no-skill Nurse sense. That's why people don't like him.

    I can't remember any one specific instance of a hate message I received, but it was probably stuff along the line of "aimbot" or "camping tunneler". So pretty much the norm.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    It is essentially random guessing tho. Just like how Pig's traps are virtually RNG, even though it really is not(if it was, the average trap removal should be 2.5, but its lower than that due to the key being guaranteed in one, you dont have a 25% chance of removal each try, you either have 100% or 0%).

    As for "reading" a deathslinger shot, you can at best read the area he can flick to, which can literally be a 360 no scope. So yes, you dont dodge deathslinger, he misses. If deathslinger doesnt hit you, he either failed his aim, or he didnt read you properly. The only way to "dodge" a deathslinger is pretending to be in his head which is guessing which move you would make next which is something survivors need to do anyway. Except that in the normal scenario, you only have to do that kind of decision within M1 range, against Nurse, you have at least the time it takes to charge the blink to move(which would be fine if Nurse only had 1 charge in chase, and 2-3 charges out of chase), but deathslinger? That 2 meter radius normally in which the killer doesnt see you in 0.3 meters, is increased to 9 meters, in that 9 meter range, its practically impossible to dodge deathslinger if he instantly shoots at the center of your hitbox unless you have Dead Hard.

    Spirit, Nurse and Deathslinger have a large area where its 100% impossible to counter them. They make the mistake, you dont make the play. Nothing you can do as a survivor. Even with Huntress, who has a larger area of dealing damage, can be played(I mean, not with the new hatchet speed addons, which is probably going to be meta). I'm fine with the 2 meter radius around the killer essentially being impossible to dodge unless you somehow confuse the killer with a hail mary(which isnt really a play, its literally ignoring everything and just going for the highest risk move) or have dead hard.

    Using hail mary's as an excuse to claim a killer is fine(hail mary's are the only "counterplay" against nurses, deathslingers and spirits at a large range), is like saying BNP commodius toolboxes with Prove Thyself can easily be counterplayed by just running Pop and getting a down within 20 seconds. It's simply not counterplay, its a rare scenario that might help out at best, but rare scenario's are not counterplay.

  • Murph
    Murph Member Posts: 43

    Survivors hate not being in control and not being able to braindead loop a pallet. See: Nurse/spirit/blight/hag/pyramid complaints.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497
    edited April 2021

    People hate on Slinger because in a chase he is the power role where as most of the time it's the survivor that is the power role. What this means is he does not require the survivor to make a mistake in order to secure a hit and survivors hate that.

  • shinymon
    shinymon Member Posts: 298

    Apart from his terror radius music being so obnoxiously subtle that by the time you notice it, he's already gained some distance towards you, I have no problem against him.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    He's got a great look and a unique ability, I would think that more people would use him. When I start playing as killer more often he's one that I'd like to get good at.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I honestly appreciate the advice but I still have a long way to go before I feel that I'm good enough at the killer side to start playing them regularly. With my crap memory I'll have forgotten all of this by then. :P

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    Huntress is only ‘balanced’ when her hitboxes are actually fair. Unfortunately, 9 times out of 10, they are not. At least with Slinger, his shots seem to hit when they should and miss when they should (for the most part). With Huntress, her hitboxes are consistently awful, for both sides mind you. I’ve seen so many instances of a Hatchet literally phasing through a survivor and not hitting them and on the other hand, I’ve seen instances of someone who’s playing Huntress themselves saying ######### like ‘that probably shouldn’t have hit’. She feels pretty damn cheap to me but I suppose if you don’t mind super wonky hitboxes then she’s mostly fine.

    Deathslinger is just annoying to face by the way. He’s actually fairly weak in my opinion as all he has is the 1v1. He has zero mobility and he doesn’t have any timesavers like Pyramid head’s cages. If the survivors play smart then they can fairly easily get at least a 2-3 man escape, even if Noed comes into play. The main complaint from what I’ve seen typically isn’t that he’s OP, just that he’s boring.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    Because of his free zoning without any actual downside

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    Thats not true. You just dont know how to loop him. Watch otzdarvas new video were are a expert deathslinger plays against good survivor. Or dont watch it, but then dont say there is no counter, when you dont want to learn any.

    This sounds rude, but its annoying when people say there is no counterplay when he chases you without even trying.

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307

    I love facing him too but I do fell like his hit boxes can be wonky at times. Other than that he is probably my favorite killer to face

  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716

    Honestly imo he's a top 10 killer. One of the best at zoning out survivors. Some survivors are a little ticked that he's one of the few killers that can outplay them at loops.

    One of the best at playing the shack as a lot of other killers can't do that. He can stop survivors from making it to certain pallets before throwing them. He basically gets a free injury (I mean so does Legion).

    I would say he's a tough one to verse only if the player behind him is good.

    Some survivors just want a easy boring chase that'll allow them to loop a pallet/shack 3 times. They don't wanna look over their shoulders and worry about when or if he'll shoot.

    Deathslinger definitely can be countered but some survivors rather then trying and learning to get better against him they just give up and complain and scream NERF THIS KILLER.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Add to that he is a beast at facecamping, one of the only 2 Killers that can stop a save from afar (PH is the other), even outside of his Terror Radius, Huntress and Trickster can hit you but cant stop you from saving if you are healthy.

  • Deathslinger_Main
    Deathslinger_Main Member Posts: 75

    Winning. Without ANY PERKS. And I was told to uninstall because I use overpowered killer.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    Indirectly yes. I was shouting more aggressively at my TV, not directly messaged the player. What would be the point sending a message?

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    I’ve watched many hours of high level Deathslinger play including tournaments and survivors can absolutely dodge/juke his shots.

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303

    The reason people hate going against him is the same reason it’s miserable to go against a good nurse, if they’re super good at the killer it doesn’t matter what your skill level is they’re going to hit you. You just have to hope your exhaustion perk gives you enough time for your teammates to get a gen done and that’s just not a very fun or interactive chase mechanic.

    nobody wants to get quick scoped by a stealth killer with a gun

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    His Terror Radius is obnoxiously small, and Monitor & Abuse makes it so that he is by default a T2 Myers with a gun. In some instances, he can literally hit you from outside his Terror Radius. This isn't a problem on Huntress because her Hatchets are much slower and harder to aim by default, and she has an auxiliary Terror Radius that gives survivors a warning while also benefitting the Huntress by always signaling that she's nearby, forcing survivors to play more cautiously at times.

    He can zone survivors for free by existing, which is boring as hell for both sides, as survivors are forced to lose distance in order to potentially not get hit, when every other killer except for Spirit (who is also rightfully hated) works in the exact opposite way.

    70% of them (anecdotal) run the exact same build. Save, Sloppy, Monitor, NOED, Ruin, Whispers. At least three of these perks. Every. Single. Time. Yeah whatever, it's fine that there's a meta, but man is it boring that it's so often. I think the only Deathslingers I've gone against not using it are the ones trying their Adepts or people who are new to him.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    At least Demo doesn't get to hit you over a loop with no warning/guarantee a hit at a pallet, and you play against him like a slightly crappy version of Huntress, not taking long paths and counter looping him, stuff that barely even matters against Deathslinger.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I always figured it was his ADS spam. In open ground he can more or less just tap aim to fool survivors into weaving which makes it easier for him to catch up. They more or less have to weave because if they just shift-W, he's going to take the shot and there's almost no time to react when that thing goes off.

    His power totally justifies his 110% speed.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,383

    Honestly ADS spam doesn't matter when they are out in the open, because survivors either weave trying to dodge out your quickscope in which case you just run behind them or they try to run away in a straight line and you quickscope them.

    But being caught out in the open should be a death sentence against any killer, because you got caught out in an area with no safety.

  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    That same argument with Slinger missing his shots could be said about huntress. I could say you didn't dodge the hatchet the huntress just missed.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798

    Both sides need to have room to let their skill shine through in the chase, and that is already the case for most killers in the game. That is not the case for Deathslinger. His zoning is the biggest issue, and it's especially deadly when combined with his tiny and extra quiet TR that basically rules out stealth as a counter. That is understandably not fun to play against. It's basically Spine Chill or bust.

    Beyond that, he annoys me because he applies deep wounds (hooray for M1 simulator and chasing through deep wound VFX!). The whole chain break mechanic was clearly designed to be a fun little mini game where you try to fight for your life, but there's basically no point if he shoots you when you're healthy because you get deep wounded regardless. Breaking the chain just gains you a small amount of extra distance if he chooses to continue the chase. It would be better if healthy survivors didn't get deep wounded if they break the chain, because then both sides always have something to play for when a survivor's getting reeled in.

    I hate his sneer every time he hits you and his cheesy Mori too, but I think a lot of my annoyance there is related to how obnoxious he is in general. They just add to it.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798
    edited April 2021

    Pallets exist to be used and that is how the game has always worked. Calling looping "braindead" is also a pretty fair sign that either you don't play survivor or you've played so much survivor that you've forgotten how long it takes to get good at looping. You need to have good map knowledge (e.g. where do the pallets and strong loops tend to spawn, where does the basement spawn), great game awareness (e.g. which pallets have already been cleared out, where should I run the killer so that they can't pressure my teammates), great knowledge of killer powers and add-ons (e.g. Clown has a brown add-on that flips cloud colors and he just threw a yellow bottle in a situation where I'd expect him to use a pink bottle, so I'm going to not run through that cloud), great knowledge of how to run individual tiles, etc. It requires a lot of skill to do well.

    The issue with Deathslinger isn't that survivors can't loop him. The issue is that survivors have no viable counters available. Stealth is not an option. Windows are a free hit. Zoning means an inevitable lose/lose once he's close. Your only option is hoping you're very close to a safe pallet when he shows up so you can pre-drop it and hold W. Assuming no Spine Chill, your only other option is hoping he's bad.

    Old Pyramid Head could also zone effectively, so he was very similar to Deathslinger. Those complaints were 100% deserved and have also died down a lot since his last balance change. Spirit can't zone, but she does give almost no feedback to the survivor she's chasing so you end up just having to guess what she's going to do. I think that's also a reasonable complaint. People complain about Hag mostly because of the hook camping; it has nothing to do with looping. I haven't heard many people complaining about Nurse since her nerf, which I think is fair. She's still strong but has a lot more counterplay now. I love playing against her. Blight is mostly annoying because of the j-flick exploit and I haven't heard people complaining about much else with him.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798

    It has nothing to do with Deathslinger being the "power role". It has everything to do with the survivor's skill making very little difference in how long the chase lasts for. The killer should always have the advantage in the chase, but both sides should be able to extend or shorten the chase with good play or it's not going to be fun. Most killers fall squarely into this bucket. Deathslinger does not.

    Survivors do not need to make a mistake for most killers to land hits. Playing flawlessly usually just buys you time, and that's exactly how it should be.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798

    Every Deathslinger and their mother runs Monitor, so that's effectively 16m. His TR also spins up slowly and quietly, so it plays even smaller than that.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    How about you read the entire post instead of just the first sentence before commenting.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    It's just kinda... boring to verse. Unless you're already running Spine Chill, Slinger has a phenomenonally tiny terror radius (With many of them running M&A to push this further), so it can be hard to get in decent stealth around him. (While I might not like Spirit either, at least she has a larger terror radius and makes the phasing noise outside of it..., giving you the opportunity to attempt to stealth away from her...) On the same token, chases usually just consist of pre-dropping a pallet or two and hoping he's a bad shot. When a Slinger misses, I never feel like it's because I made a good play- good fake, a good mindgame, a fair window vault- it's just because he missed, which just kinda makes me feel bad, especially when they miss easy shots. That, mixed with Slingers seeming to struggle a lot with map pressure (Or maybe just me being unlucky and them being gross) it feels like Slingers proxy camp or try to tunnel harder then any other killer in the game.

    Don't get me wrong, Slinger takes skill, and he's not easy to play- but I just find him boring to verse, because the amount of input on the Survivor's side is so low. His best counterplay is just... throw down pallet early, hope for the best, and try to push gens as hard as possible. (Something that neither side necessarily enjoys...)

    Idk, if you also compare him to PH, I find PH more fun to verse. I just think his power is a little more dynamic, and because he has a very clear telegraph of his power, we can both attempt fakes and jukes. Sure, I'll probably still get downed and hooked eventually, but at least I feel like I can have some fun and interesting inputs and interactions. Deathslinger is barely better then Spirit in that regard- at least he can't win by standing still and has to actually hit a shot lol.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    This post having so many up votes is sad for the community. His gun, while fast, is not instant. At a distance especially, DS has to predict the survivors movement because the spear has travel time (with or without quick draw). The closer you are, the harder it is to dodge, but every killer gets a hit at close range.