I'm extremely tired of Toxic Survivors

I wake up, I decide to play a match with the Twins which I just bought. I forgot I started the match so I was afk for 2 minutes and when I come back 4 gens popped. I try to do something only to get teabagged and mocked and in the game chat I get told by the survivors that I suck, that I shouldn't be in rank 2 (I was rank 1 but because of that match deranked) and I should kill myself.

Every match is like this.

If I lose, survivors start to throw insults for no reason at all and say gg ez. If I win, they will insult anyway and accuse of camping or tunneling or whatever.

Not a single match doesn't have tbaggers or people who click their flashlight. I didn't pay money in a game to get "bullied". I want to have fun. It's impossible to have fun like this. And don't say "ignore them", imagine buying an online game to play with other people and you have to ignore the people you play with, no. And reporting them does nothing.

I have never seen a single killer telling survivors who lost that they are bad and they should kill themselves, and I have plenty of matches in which I kill all 4 with 0 gens done by them, yet I don't proceed to mock them for it or tell them to kill themselves because they couldn't do a single gen.


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    You don’t mock survivors like that but I’ve seen it plenty of times in solo q.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    People harassing people in end game chat and in messages is out of order and anyone who does that is a waste of space human being honestly.

    However I don't mind tbagging and clicking in game as much, mainly because it's satisfying and hilarious when they do that and they then dc when they get downed lmao, always makes me chuckle. 😂😂😂

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719
    edited April 2021

    Sadly you just have to learn to ignore it. Children will be children. I know that it's frustrating but there's nothing that can really be done (I wish that there was a mechanic in which you could block certain players from being matched with you again, or even just an option to disable in-game chat). EDIT: Apparently you can disable the chat? I never noticed. Fortunately I get more positive comments or none at all, but if I want to turn chat off it's good to know that I can.

    To give you some hope I'm a survivor main and I think that what you describe is pathetic too. I never teabag or mock anyone post-game. I can also say that the only times I've gotten snotty comments were from survivors, never killers. That's anecdotal, but it's my experience. I guess for some reason this game invites a lot of people with a very juvenile mindset, who need to insult other people to feel better about themselves. Again, crappy as it may be, you have to accept that (just like in real life) you can't control the actions of others and have to just shrug it off when you meet people who suck. Think of it this way: They're anonymous internet strangers, they don't know you. Their ignorant opinions are based off of very little and should mean even less.

    That said, anyone who uses the words "(very serious command)" should get reported, complete with screenshot of their comment. That kind of thing should be taken seriously.

    Post edited by miketheratguy on
  • fancynancy
    fancynancy Member Posts: 38

    I'm sorry that happened to you. :( I don't see a reason for survivors to be so rude and toxic especially when it's just a game... As a survivor main, I KNOW it doesn't do any good to teabag or click my flashlight bc it doesn't make the person playing killer have a fun time. If it helps though, killers are toxic to me so in a way, I have the same problem as you but vice versa. >_<

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Video games.

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I'm sorry people have been like that to you, but I mean...don't let them know they got to you. It makes them happy knowing they upset you so ignoring their comments would be the best thing to do in this situation :\

    I'm a very humble person and always have been so I never try to insult anyone or act like I'm better than I am while playing this game. I'm a Survivor main, but I decided to play a few Killer matches out of the blue last night. I played maybe ten matches and only one of them had toxic SWFs. I used to play Killer a lot and I came across a lot of toxic Survivors, but they weren't the majority. Just gotta hope for better matches.

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    We are just as tired of Toxic killers... I never play toxic as survivor, i don’t teabag or blind the killer (unless i have a challenge). I don’t do anything to provoke the killer, and yet I often get slashed repeadtly on hook.. slugged while the killer just follow me around waiting for me to bleed out. Tunneling and camping happening more often than not, not to mention killers carrying survivors to the hatch just to close it in their face. Toxicity is on both sides and killers are just as bad as survivors. This whole community is toxic and before We all start to work on it, nothing Will get better. Both survivors and killers carry their frustration from last game to the next and punish someone who had nothing to do with it 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469
  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    I don't mind whatever the killer has in store but when a survivor sandbags me on purpose mid chase ngl I'm on to the next one.

  • PlunderingPanda
    PlunderingPanda Member Posts: 112
    edited April 2021

    I'm tired of non-toxic killers. Quit being such saints and occasionally be a dick about it. jeez.

  • Ethelwulf
    Ethelwulf Member Posts: 27

    Please don't compare being told to commit suicide to camping and tunneling. It's sick. Never seen a killer tell survivors such stuff or mock them for losing. Survivors mocking the killer and being awful happens all the time. Tell me when killers start pointing out the rank of the survivor and telling them they are trash and stuff.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Just because you refuse to believe that killers can be toxic doesn't mean its not true. Sure mostly survivor are toxic but it's dishonest and untrue to say killers can't also be toxic.

  • PlunderingPanda
    PlunderingPanda Member Posts: 112

    I've gotten toxic commentary from plenty of killers. I never t-bag clicky-click or any of that toxic stuff. This is not a one-sided issue, however it seems more blatant when playing killer because the community is 80% survivor. It's not a matter of survivor always toxic, it's that dbd player's are often toxic and 4 times as many dbd player's are playing survivor.

    To play the math game here let's say only 10% of players are toxic (I'll bet it's well above this number), the killer has a (1.0 - 0.9^4) = 34% chance of encountering at least one toxic survivor in post game chat and survivors have a 10% chance of having a toxic killer in post game chat. That differential (34% vs 10%, a split of 24%) will grow significantly faster as the actual percentage of toxic players increases (EX: if 20% of player's are toxic, then the differential becomes (67% vs 20%, a split of 47%). So, yes, you will undoubtedly see much more toxicity when you play as killer.

    That aside, the best way to avoid the psychological toll this might take out on you would be to click the double arrow next to the chat box and just let it go. As far as people t-bagging and clicky-clicking, I haven't heard a good solution to it. Just like there's no good solution to killers face-camping, tunneling, t-bagging, or the myriad of other things player's may choose to do. At a certain point human interaction comes with unavoidable uncertainty, which includes both positive and negative possibilities, unless you put shock collars on them and strip them of their autonomy.

    However, if you mute the chat you won't deal with people telling you to commit suicide or any of those other things (AKA the worst of it). You can even smile post-match while imagining all of the effort they're putting into crafting all those PERFECT well-thought out insults (and wasting all that effort) as you sip a Mohito and queue up to wreck the next group.

  • HelloSidney
    HelloSidney Member Posts: 8

    I just teabag back.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    Please never play something with game chat.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Pssst you can disable chat - it makes the game way more enjoyable.

    Are PLAYERS toxic - yep killer and survivors. Back when I had chat on I would get "toxic" comments from both sides as I play both sides 50/50. But then I made a decision to disable chat and have no regrets. End game chat does nothing for the game. I decided instead of getting offended about stupid people on the internet - I would be proactive and just stop reading it.


  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I learned a long time ago that comments from random strangers on the internet do nothing to me. It takes a great deal of concentrated effort from someone who's had a long history of "knowing" me to say anything that actually gets me riled up in real life. They don't matter. Their opinions don't matter. I'll never encounter them in real life, they have no effect on mine.

    Crappy behavior during a match bothers me because that directly interferes with my ability to enjoy the game. Telling someone to off themselves bothers me in principle because I know that a lot of vulnerable people have taken such advice from some online idiot. Beyond that, a person can say whatever they want and it's not going to ruin my day. Whatever it is I'm sure I've heard worse from people who meant just as little. Ya gotta learn to just shrug people like that off, or just toy with them if you feel so inclined. If someone says "gg ez" say "thanks!" just to enjoy the fact that they either don't understand that you're messing with them or that they're probably laughing at your response thinking that you're dumb when in fact you're the winner for having played THEM. If someone says "You suck" say "Thanks but I don't take requests". If someone calls you cheap say "You couldn't afford me, honey".

    You know? Silly crap like that. People who throw out juvenile insults cannot stand having their own taunts turned back against them. If you don't want to turn off chat and someone tries to get you, just zing 'em back and quit the match with a chuckle. Just don't say anything that will get you banned, it's not worth going to that level.

  • Demogorgeouse
    Demogorgeouse Member Posts: 361

    It Is What It Is

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    All you hear from the devs on this topic is crickets because they know who their prime customers are: the very people you're describing.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Stop playing killer and let the survivor q time grow.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,767

    I'm glad your experience with killers has been good. Mine has, however, been rather spoiled. Once an Oni was attempting to get his adept and entered stream just to tell me and my swf to kill ourselves and that we'd never achieve anything in life.

    We didn't do anything toxic and he got a 3k. Amazing.

    Toxicity exists on both sides. I'm tired of it on both sides. I just want people to behave like functioning adults instead of petulent children on both sides.

    If people tell you this, report them to whatever platform they're on. In dbd? Reportable offence. Ps4? Easy ban. Xbox? New platinum rule. Steam? That ones a bit more difficult but thankfully you can have comments set to friends only.

    It's unfortunate but until people learn that others who play this game are also people, or the devs specifically condemn toxic behaviour, it's never going to improve.