Discuss - Which Kill (Memento Mori) is the least lethal, and which is the most? And all in between.

Title. I’m genuinely curious, after watching several videos about how lethal super moves from Injustice and X-Rays/Fatal Blows from Mortal Kombat are.
Based on what we see each Killer do in their Kill animations, which Kill would be the most lethal, and which one the least?
This counts all Memento Mori animations, variations (Twins have one with and one without Victor), and alternate Kills (Tombstone, Torment, Reverse Bear Trap).
Well the lack of.gore.does not help,
I'm sure demo should bite someone's head off but instead he just...bites it and the survivor dies??
Hag Oni Doc Deathslinger Legion most deadly
Trapper Wraith Twins Demo least deadly
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I know for certain that Wraith's is probably the least lethal. He just lashes you across the back several times with his weapon which I'm sure would hurt but out of ALL the moris, is definitely the least gruesome. Even Trapper at least wacks them in the head with his machete which would be more lethal.
Anyways as for most lethal, there's quite a few contenders..
Demogorgon as it's assumed he's ripping the head off.
Leatherface as it's assumed he splits the survivor in two up the middle with his chainsaw.
Oni would probably leave them as a pile of pulp after the club smashing.
Deathslinger basically blows their brains out.
Reverse bear traps basically make the wearer's head explode.
So yeah, there's a lot that are absolutely lethal. Some that are questionable (Trapper and Wraith. Even Billy's is pretty weak)
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Plague. I've been spit on enough to know that it won't kill you
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Most Lethal I'd have to say demo, He eats your damn head.
Least Lethal I would say plague. her throwing up on you wouldn't kill you.
If you want to for lamest I'd say Trapper and wraith. they have the same one just with different weapons.
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I've been spit on enough to know that it won't kill you
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You forgot pyramid heads mories
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Drowning in puke
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Yeah don't have the list here atm, pyramid is very deadly
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Yup he straight up cuts them in half with a downward slam and stabs them in the chest rearranging there organs before slicing a chunk out of them
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Nurse. She just strangles the survivors, which carries the most potential to be non-lethal. Trapper and Wraith kind of just smack people on the back, too, which could leave survivors.
The most lethal is probably Deathslinger or Oni. Or Plague, because she can vomit her Corrupt Purge straight down the survivors throats, which is kind of like taking a dozen hatchets to the uvula.
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I've actually made a topic on the lack of gore in this game. One of the devs said they choose how much they show very carefully because they're afraid of getting banned in certain markets/counties.
I wish the game had a bit more realistic gore myself, just make exclusive edits for other regions where it would be a problem.
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Least lethal is Plague, most lethal is Oni
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Who's to say the Nurse's mori just chokes the survivor to unconsiousness? 🤣
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They ought to change plague to actually 'kissing' the survivor and having the survivor's cheeks and stomach explode with vomit.
I mean, even in the animation the survivor is pretty much looking away right now. sure, she's strangling them, but you don't die from an earful of vomit
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Yeah nurse, unless she actually crushes the survivors windpipe. 5 seconds of choking is not enough to kill someone
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Well the Killers are supernaturally strong. With force enough to ‘choke someone to death’ within five seconds you’d have likely snapped their vertebrae or caused a very quickly fatal brain haemorrhage.
Most likely the former (neck snap) since the Survivor stops struggling and moving entirely and I think you can hear bone cracking but I’m not 100% sure since I haven’t seen or done a Nurse Mori in a long time.
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IMO pig animation seems like it cuts yor face, your left cheek actually, that shouldnt kill u by any mean, doesnt even touch the neck, i think is the less letal one... it wouldnt kill u in real life, just a nasty scar but all fine.
the most letal i would say Hag she literally goes eat the neck and then eviscerate, is a nasty one (one of the best, maybe the best) the Oni i think is brutal not that lethal but is also insane-
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what I find so weak about this argument is that if they wanted to, they could just limit the gore in countries that have these problems.
Like just keep it as is for those but for my country for example they could have the head be taken off, so many games have done this in the past.
Germany always had green blood in their games for this reason, yes it can be that simple....
Ultimately they just dont want to put in the work/effort but they wont say that because that might make them look bad/lazy.
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Could say the same and add nurse's choking to the list 😳😳
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As a german i wanna keep the blood red.
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im not saying they should turn it green, this was something from like decades ago anyway, times have changed.
im merely saying its not hard to just...leave the game as it is for the countries that have problems and add some gore on top for those that dont.
Could even then add it as an option in the menu for those who rather not have gore.
non of this is rocket science.
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yeah i do think Nurse doesn't actually kill the survivors, since she doesn't snap their neck the small amount of time she is pressuring their neck to block breathing is enough to make them pass out but i don't recall when and where but i remember reading that in order to kill by struggulation it takes more than 5 minutes and in Nurse case more than 10 sec ;)
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She snaps their neck at the end of the Mori si yeah... pretty sure it's lethal.
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She does snap their neck near the end of the animation, but for some reason there is no crack sound. But after seeing her Mori a lot of times from Killer PoV, she definitely snaps the Survivors neck.
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oh then my bad those survivors are dead dead ahah
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demo bites the head and then shakes them violently which then breaks their necks this is how most mammals kill rodents and is brutally efficient. Nurse and Plague also break the necks and and possibly clown because either their skull caves in or there necks snap at the base of the skull as he is heel stomping them at the back of the head but its hard to tell.
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Ow never noticed that.
Then I'm changing my answer to Trickster with Memento Blades.
He throws 9 daggers in total and sometimes the mori is bugged which causes the last knife to miss.
And with the momento Blades he needs the full 9 to be able to inflict injury
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she really doesnt, you dont snap a neck by just holding your hands there, she just ends it with a little harder choking but there is no neck snapping involved.
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At 0:17 when the Nurse twitches with her right arm, that's where she snaps their neck.
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legion, stab in the arm, leg and stomach seems like it would be less lethal than most the regular hits in the game tbh. I mean the stomach wound looks pretty bad but it wouldnt be as instantaneous as it is in game.
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nah, you dont snap necks by just holding the throat, she is choking her
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Then why did Nea twitch at the same time as the Nurse if it wasn't a neck snap? I don't think that you twitch like that just by suffocating. Also, when you look at the Nurse's right arm, she clearly does something on her neck, be it her supernatural force breaking her neck or something. She didn't just "suffocate" after 10 seconds.
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Plague just kinda vomits in your mouth and you die. Clown just kinda steps on you and you die. Demo just kinda bites you and you die.
But huntress' mori is very lethal
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*uWus harder*
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The lethal part of it is the attack where Legion drags the knife through the chest into the stomach. Yes, it does start as a stab to the chest.
Post edited by ManyAchievables on0 -
Pyramid Head has the most lethal, being that he breaks your legs and arms then stabs into your stomach with a giant knife
Least lethal is probably gonna belong to plague as she literally just pukes on you
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Looked like the stomach to me, but maybe thats because jeff is such a tank
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Trickster. Those knives do nothing in game, why are they suddenly so good in his mori?
Most lethal is deathslinger. He stabs the survivor in the back, picks them up, and shoots through their entire chest cavity, throat, and mouth with a harpoon, and then kicks them, which given the shape of the harpoon should be able to tear off their head but whatever.
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Yeah, but don't forget she also hits you hard enough with her weapon that you fall over. I'm pretty sure the puke doesn't do as much as that. Not to mention she more or less throws you on the ground again after puking on you. The head trauma from both being slapped to the ground from a weapon and then hitting your head on the ground, you're very dead most likely. Two instances minimum of head trauma is pretty bad, especially back to back.
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Plague is the least lethal
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Wraith and trapper are tied for least leathel (some slashed to the back maybe they would die to bleeding but bot from that)
deathslinger is most leathel due to speed (I'm no doctor but a spear in the brain is not good)
brutal is oni and demo( both go for the head)
cleverness is pyramid head
( nothing better to ensure they are dead then a massive knife through your abdomen
Style trickster (I dont need to explain)
Realistic legion ( they fight back like you would as well)
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That's a very small sword
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Least lethal: Trapper
Most lethal: Hag and Demogorgon
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The Hag feels the most fatal, as she basically rips out your throat and tears out your liver. The blood loss would be horrific, not to mention the pain involved.
Adiris would be the least fatal. If the survivor just keeps their mouth shut they could probably survive a while longer. If her mori was more like the Puker necromorph, it would be way more effective.
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I agree 100%. I'm not talking Mortal Kombat levels of gore that's it's own monster. But more realistic gore would be fair I think
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Ghost Face has the deadliest Mori. Everyone else is irrelevant.
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