Lore-wise, which killer do you have the most sympathy for?

Some of the killers have backstories that are more tragic than evil. Which of the killers, if any, do you have sympathy for? If you could choose only one, who would you go back in time to help with a hug and some friendship before things were too late?
For me it would be The Huntress. I find her backstory really sad. She isn't totally innocent like Spirit was, but it's obvious that she lost her mind because of the trauma that she experienced and the desperate (if misguided) attempts to reconcile that with the happy life as a daughter and mother that she was denied.
How about you?
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Def Spirit
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Hag (Archives not-included).
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I'd say Susie, it seems like she was the good girl of the crew who in a tragic act of malice from a charismatic leader was forced to sharing the kill of a random who forever cursed her. It was a tense moment, things got super real incredibly fast and she was told she had to do it. I mean yo if three people said I had to stab a dude or become an unreliable loose end (After they already showed a willingness to murder) I'd stab a dude, that's fear, panic and self preservation.
Instead of being able to walk away, simply tormented by the horrible act they'd done but still try to move on from it or even accept blame down the line she ended up in the fog. Now she has to forever chase survivors and have that one act of adrenaline fueled panic define her as she sacrifices person after person after person who kick struggle beg and scream to be spared while a dark force compels her against her will (Just like the first murder.)
Talk about hell.
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He literally cries sometimes after he triggers a tantrum. He's clearly confused about where he is and extremely scared of failure.
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Nurse (I am ignoring her Darwinist gene cleansing because I don’t like it and personally doesn’t fit her already established lore). This woman lost her husband then was forced to work in a toxic work environment (mentally). Though, I will say that going insane stuff from just being around insane people is pretty weak. Also, this totally not bias because I main Nurse.
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Good answers, I considered all of these as well.
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The only thing she did "wrong" was get unlucky and live in a time when nobody knew what bacteria was.
Wraith snapped at the end and brutally killed Azarov, while Spirit got corrupted and became an evil ghost. Sympathetic, absolutely, but less than Adiris.
Plague was good right to the end.
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The dude was born and raised in a dusty wasteland where famine and sickness were common, and was bullied constantly at a young age for being an Irish immigrant.
Poor Caleb got ######### over by like everyone he knew, and eventually just gave into his anger and struck a deal with The Entity to get revenge on his tormentors.
He arguably didn't even do anything wrong. He never killed anyone innocent.
I just wish he had someone there for him to help calm his anger and wrath.
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None of them.
if I had to pick one I'd say spirit she was murdered by her father and thrown out the window.
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I think that Spirit is one of the most sympathetic because she literally didn't even do anything wrong. She came home to see her mother dead, then ran in terror from her father who sliced HER apart too. She died completely innocent. Only in death did she become evil.
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Trapper tried to help people that were being abused by his father, but eventually lost his sanity after the torment his father put him through and became the Trapper we all know and love.
I sorta forgot Wraith's lore because of the Archives but he's definitely sympathetic.
Hillbilly was inbred and was treated as an outcast, his parents locked him in a room where he'd do nothing but eat the stuff his parents gave him, eventually killing his parents, feeding his father to pigs alive, and living on his own.
Nurse grew insane after being treated horribly at work, and went on a genocide on her patients.
Huntress had to see her mother die at the age of 7, she grew up with the mind of a 7-year-old and thought what she did for little girls were right. She was also a target of soldiers.
Hag was kidnapped, painfully mutilated and eaten alive.
Bubba wasn't necessarily a bad person, he was just misguided and manipulated by his family, and practically forced to cannibalism. And the Entity manipulating him even more makes it worse.
Spirit was bullied at school and tried to avenge her mother after her father (who was possessed) killed her. While she did kill people (I think?), it was justified because it was self-defense.
Joey and Susie are unarguably the most sympathetic of the Legion, especially after seeing the Archive cutscene featuring them. Seems like they were very hesitant, and were only manipulated by Frank. Julie only looked up to him, but seeing as she sadistically killed that cashier in the Archive cutscene, I don't have sympathy for her at all.
Plague tried to bring hope and help others, but failed to due to the virus that she and her followers contracted unintentionally.
Demogorgon is easy to control and manipulate, it was controlled by the Mind Flayer and is now being controlled by the Entity, as shown by one of its cosmetics. It was only a predator and that's about it, and... I was going to mention something else but I don't want spoilers on here, sorry. All I can say though, can these deities give it a break? Poor Demo.
Oni actually cared about his family, and people called him names which made him angry.
Deathslinger wanted vengeance for his father that died, and chose to kill his bullies. Also, people tried to take credit for his work.
Blight became addicted to serum, but he was only trying to save killers (and survivors?) from the Entity's grasp, only ending up turning them into monsters by complete accident, and eventually the Entity turned him into the Blight we all know and love.
I haven't read Twins' lore yet, never really got attached to it.
IMO the most sympathetic character out of these guys is Bubba, he's just too much of an idiot and doesn't realize what he does is wrong. Plus he was manipulated by his family, and only wanted to protect them.
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Spirit 100%
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He has to spend the rest of his nightmarish existence knowing he'll never be the Robert Englund version.
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Wraith & billy
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Probably the Hag. An innocent girl who was kept prisoner and slowly eaten for weeks by cannibals, while left to slowly die with rotting flesh and all kinds of other infections.....its just horrendous.
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But that aside, for me it's either Hag, Deathslinger, or Plague. Plague is probably my top contender since she didn't do anything wrong.
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Just read The Twins lore, she was merely trying to survive and protect her brother in a time period where she was hunted and demonized because of her condition.
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I like the thought that a lot of you are giving this question. It's been interesting to see that most of the killers are seen as sympathetic, which is cool.
Okay, I laughed, lol. But honestly given that Englund's Freddy has been basically erased from New Line / WB's history in favor of the Dr. Seuss-looking one from the remake I think it's fair to say that WE are the ones who deserve sympathy.
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Victor and Charlotte. Branded witches and hunted down, then swept up in a cult that tried to offer her to the entity, and when Victor saves her life, he gives his own, leaving her completely and utterly alone.
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Philip Ojomo has had some of the worst luck and experiences for me. However, people like Lisa, Caleb, Rin and some others have also had a very rough time of it.
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Spirit, Nurse and Wraith
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spirit and hag they both become victyms
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Huntress. She lost her mom when she was child. She was alone all time. She grew up wild. Little girls was last part of her humanity. She wanted baby girl, wanted protect them but she lost them because she did not know anything about children. I really felt sad for her when i read her story.
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You feel the same way about her story that I do.
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Huntress, Nurse, Spirit, and Hag.
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Wraith could have been my choice but he still revenged-killed his boss.
Hag could have been my choice because she literally got eaten alive but she still massacred the cannibals in revenge, so not her.
Plague could have been my choice, coz she really tried to save people but ended up killing herself and hundreds of people with her.
So my choice goes to Spirit. Because she never killed anyone before being taken by the Entity, she just suffered the madness of her father.
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Such interesting answers. I almost want to make a "which killer do you have the least amount of sympathy for" thread. :P
The answers would be too easy though. Freddy and Myers are about as evil as it gets, not much competition there.
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Wraith 100%.
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Wraith and Spirit.
Edit: also Hag, she was literally eaten by cannibals.
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Four way tie between Wraith, Hag, Twins, & Spirit.
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Hillbilly, Max jr. He didn’t deserve the hell that his parents subjected him to, nameless, locking him up, beating him for no reason and then using him as their personal slave for the farm...Is no wonder that he eventually snapped and kill them all.
And reading his entries in the archives makes his situation even tragic, as even after killing his paren, he is left with a mixture of hate,anger and sadness, trying to understand why they couldn’t just love him. We see that he knows enough about the exterior world that he realized that he shouldn’t have been raised like this, that he could have been better if his “family” gave him a chance or if anyone would have lend him a hand.
She loses consciousness. He feels bad and holds her limp body. "Why? Why did you hate me? What did I do to make you both hate me so much?" Her face is both beautiful and hideous at the same time. Evil veiled by beauty. He hugs her, harder and harder, wishing everything would have been different, wishing he were one of those damn pigs. They spoiled them with love, affection and time — all that time they spent with Duke and Donny while he grovelled nameless and alone in a dungeon built just for him.
His thoughts wander to his favourite TV shows. Ma and Pa let him have a TV to shut him up. They got tired of him smashing the wall and crying for them. Nothing worked. Not the gag or the rope that he always managed to get out of. Only the TV.
Those pigs. Those damn pigs they loved so much. Why did they have to love them so much and him so little. Had they treated him like those pigs he would have been happy. He would have been happy and he would have been something else. He would have been a hero like that boy who wore a cape and helped the world all because of how his Ma and Pa raised him.
Then everything changes when he speaks. The sounds upset his Ma. She beats him across the head, holds him down and pours hot sauce down his throat and tells him to never speak again. His Pa grabs him and gives him a lashing with his belt. His eyes spring open. Everything could have been so different had he not been born a monster. Born a monster? Monsters aren't born. They're made. Made in a crucible of hate, cruelty and abuse. Hot sauce and belts! That's the stuff of monsters.
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I would say Hillbilly because his parents treating unfairly and shut him out of society since he looks different and all people like that should not be treated that way.
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Because he has to wear William Shatners face all the time.
Tough times
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If you read her Year of The Rat cosmetics lore you will quickly rethink that stance.
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Spirit and Twins are really sad. They were punished for no reason and had learned to live off of revenge.
Doctor is the most evil out of them all imo. He enjoyed hurting people when he was just a regular person. He never had any contempt for human life and gaining powers only made it worse. He laughs everytime he shocks somebody.
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Deathslinger was wronged because he was Irish and for no other reason. He was shaped by the world he lived in.
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Honestly I think the entity set them free in a way. They no longer have to run away from anybody or look over their shoulder. They are finally at peace and all she wants to do is protect victor which she can do in the realm
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Plague, Twins, and Deathslinger. Plague could've maybe been a survivor she was so nice. She had a lot of hope for her people and only wanted to help. The Twins were born different in a weird time, forced into running and trying to survive. Deathslinger was an Irish immigrant who was used and treated awfully in everything, losing trust with everyone he thought could be an ally.
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Billy, i mean just read his backstory and watch a video about it.
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Huntress for sure.
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I love remake Freddy just as much as Robert's Freddy <3
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In a way that reminds me of Frankenstein's Monster. He was cobbled together and abandoned because his creator was disgusted by his appearance and fled with regret at what he'd done. The Monster was confused and alone, had regular human emotions and didn't understand why he'd been birthed and then discarded. He learned to read, articulate, and understand the world around him, which he tried to treat with kindness but was constantly met with attacks and abuse. When he finally caught up with Victor, his creator, the Monster asked why he would do such a thing, why someone would give him life only to then abandon that life and treat it as if it had no right to love or friendship or care of any kind.
Of course, for the story to have the effect that it does Victor further enrages the Creature who does some pretty horrible stuff, but Victor is the one who pushes him into those positions. He (Victor) realized that what he did was wrong but rather than take responsibility for it (until it's too late) he runs from his deeds and shuns the innocent that he brought into the world. It's really a sad story.