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Is toxic to let survivors bleed out?

dVine Member Posts: 5
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

Sorry if the format is weird! I’m posting from mobile!

I posted a clip over on good ol r/deadbydaylight of the killer refusing to hook me and instead watch me bleed out. Hatch was already closed at this point as the killer took their time to find the hatch to close just so they could walk back and stare at me. I was solo queuing and I wasn’t toxic and neither were my teammates. Someone tried REALLY hard in the comments of my post to justify why it’s ok to let a survivor bleed out and got heated that I told them it’s not and accused me of being toxic. Their reasoning for letting someone bleed out is if they go to the far corner of the map, there are no hooks nearby, or if they are toxic. I was on Hawkins and, as I have previously stated, we were not toxic in any way. I argue that what the killer did was extremely toxic. I didn’t want to DC and get penalized for their actions nor did I do anything “wrong” unless you count trying to do the best I can as “wrong”. That guy on Reddit argues otherwise and says it’s completely ok. What do you guys think?


  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Never done it as a killer - never had a reason to do it.

    Had it done to me twice as a survivor - it's whatever. I just chatted with my stream as I bled out one time and watched a video the other time.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,549

    If anyone brings Breakdown no-one deserves my hooks.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    if they have no option but to let you bleed out say for instance there is no hook nearby or they fear a power struggle key play then its at least understandable but otherwise I'd say its at least a little toxic cause you are just intentionally wasting someone else's time

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    Run unbreakable and left behind Killers hate that 😂

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    If he can't get you to a hook without you escaping then no.

    If he can and he is just choosing to let you bleed out then maybe a little, but I don't find anything in game to be toxic, messages and end game chat harassment after is the only real toxic thing in dbd.

    Id just go make a snack or watch YouTube for a few mins and let them waste their own time.

  • dVine
    dVine Member Posts: 5

    Yes I agree. It was extremely boring but more frustrating for me.

  • dVine
    dVine Member Posts: 5

    He had the chance to hook me as it was Hawkins but chose to drop me. The other survivor who had been downed before me crawled over to me. The killer also waited out their timer as long as he could before he hooked them. I think it’s just him being toxic

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    With all the people exploiting the breakdown bug right now. When I see those people I typically just leave them on the ground now. Since they seem to not want to be hooked then I won't hook them now. I don't find it toxic if the survivor wants to wait 4 minutes on the ground by using a bug. Sometimes I will just let them bleed out if they all wanted to be toxic all game. If the survivors didn't do anything wrong then I would view it as toxic, but if they are purposely going into an area where no hooks are at, then they are asking to wait on the ground for 4 minutes.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Fair enough, just leave them to it and browse these forums or doing something else for a few mins and make it so he's only wasting his own time. That's what I'd do honestly, if you let them know it bothered you then they get what they want.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    That depends. If they crawl to a corner where there are no hooks nearby in the hopes of escaping my grip, I let them bleed out.

    There was a plague the other game tho that followed me for like 3 minutes while I crawled and just before I was about to bleed out, she grabbed me and hooked me. She could have done that a lot earlier, we were the only ones in the match, but she just wanted to watch me struggle. That I consider toxic.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Im of the opinion that toxic has no more meaning in this game. And, we don't truly know the motivation of the killer in this particular moment. So, I'll stand by my statement that nothing in game that is not a cheat, is toxic.

    I think it's a bit silly and a big waste of time. But, I have played so long I could not care less if it 4k turns into a 3k. Like others have said, maybe he was unsure if he could make the hook.

    It is certainly petty or a sign of insecurity in one's ability to get the survivor to a hook. But, toxic,.........all depends on the killer's mindset. Which we can not know.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    It’s really no different than survivors who stand on the edge of the exit for the entire EGC timer for no reason. Losers who want to waste people’s time and be annoying. I don’t know if I’d call it toxic, but it’s kind of pathetic. At least with survivors I can chase them out, killers who leave you to bleed out can’t be forced to kill you so you’re stuck.

    The devs should add a mechanic to end situations like this IMO because they’re just annoying for everyone. If everyone else is dead and the last survivor is on the ground for more than 30 seconds, just have them be taken by the Entity and give the killer the same points they’d have received for hooking them. Would remove these situations as well as those where there are no hooks nearby, or where the survivor crawled off and can’t be found because they’re silent.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,900

    unless they're abusing the Breakout bug then just leaving them there is pretty toxic honestly

  • dVine
    dVine Member Posts: 5

    I was on Hawkins. There were at least 3 hooks near me. He downed a survivor before me and left them on the ground until the very last second and picked them up and hooked them. He went around the map and looked for hatch and closed it. It was my first down against the killer and I had flip flop but that’s about it. I was never a target of the killer as he went for everyone else and got sacrifices. I don’t know what I did other than play the game.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Well, it is probably less about you and more about them

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    If picking them up means they'd get away (no hooks around, DS and they have little bleed time left, ect.) then it's fine. That's the only way you can kill them in the circumstances. If they're doing the 'ol classic "i'm just going to hide for 30 minutes to waste your time", I also think it's just desserts.

    If you have the option to kill them via hook and decide to just let them bleed out 'cause 𝓕𝓾𝓬𝓴 them I guess, then yeah, you're an #########.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,342

    Doing so when it's very obvious the killer didn't straight up lose the survivor and they have no need to worry about the survivor getting away (like they're right under a hook and no possible DS) is a pointless waste of time just like a survivor sitting at the exit gate until 0.00012 seconds is left of EGC. Talking the stereotypical "last survivor is down and the killer just stands on them for 4 minutes" kinda troll-bleedout here, not ones where there's a lack of hooks or any other reason to hesitate picking them up.

    Up to you to decide if that's toxic.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Hrm. I think your memory might be playing you false. So this Killer singled YOU out? He hooked everyone but you? And you just happened to have Flip Flop? I'm not saying Killers slugging to watch people bleed out doesn't happen; of course it does. What I'm saying is that I suspect you are remembering things incorrectly. I think you slipped the shoulder once in the match due to Flip Flop and the Killer decided not to risk it.

    For the record, I only let people bleed out if I find them abusing the exploit/bug for Hooks. And even that is a NEW development, because the bug is relatively new. All that being said, I agree with another poster here. We don't really know what the Killer's motivations were. We don't know if you are portraying this match accurately. The word "Toxic" is pretty much meaningless these days, as it is applied by everyone to nearly anything they don't like. I advise against using the term, and pretty much ignoring anyone who throws it around willy-nilly.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Yes teammates are incredibly toxic if they let you bleed out. I expect no sympathy from the killers I face, heartless and soul crushing is how I like them.

  • quality_krisps
    quality_krisps Member Posts: 9

    it’s definitely not toxic if it was the devs would have banned it guy was just trolling

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,557

    If the last survivor is refusing to leave a pallet, they're just gonna have to bleed out. Even if the hatch is already closed, you're not going to get the satisfaction of Power Struggle'ing me.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    Yupp. It's T0xIc

  • dVine
    dVine Member Posts: 5

    The killer didn’t single me out. The killer had injured me once but I had gotten healed. There were two people that were practically trading hook stages until they died. Then that left me and one other survivor who already had 2 hook stages. Up to this point I had never been hooked or downed because, as I previously stated, I had never been downed. Once I finally got downed, the killer picked me up just to drop me. I had hardly any time to recover so it was impossible for the killer to know I had flip flop. They went after the injured survivor and downed them and just watched the two of us bleed out in a room. They finally picked up the survivor that was dead on hook at the last possible second they could and hooked them to get the sacrifice but then they came back to the room I was in and just stared at me. They also left to close hatch and came back once again to stare at me. I’m not incorrectly remembering anything I’m just telling it how it is. Don’t know why it’s hard to believe but that’s what happened.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Toxic but letting them think or know it affects you in any way is a big mistake unless you're able to change your id.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    no, it's worse to let somebody 2 stage on the hook while crouching nearby :F

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Yeah is toxic, bleeding someone when there is no reason to do it is just wasting somebodies time with no benefit at all, especially since bleedouts dont give points. Even in the case of no hooks nearby, if the doors are closed there is no way someone who jumps out of your shoulder can manage to open them unless you have a potato for a brain.

    For me toxic is when people go out of their way in their attempts to annoy others when there isnt a real benefit from doing so.