Is HSH:Survive actually that much better than DBD? If not, what makes it feel like it?
Been looking at HomeSweetHome:Survive for a bit now, and all in all, I have come to the conclusion it's not that much better than DBD.
It can feel like it though, because of small things:
- Fighting back against the killer.
- marking items
- teleporting around maps
- daily pseudo-lootboxes
- better (?) skillchecks
from bottom to top:
Not better, just 'more complex' due to requiring more attention. but otherwise just a QTE like dbd's skillchecks
There's the lucky pots, which are lootboxes. Now, lootboxes are getting outlawed in more and more countries, so that model is a no-go for DBD (and HSH:S too).
What DbD could do in term of rewards, however, would be having giftboxes that you can find during a trial by doing your tasks (gens, totems, etc, respectively breaking paletts, hooking survivors etc) and rarely on the bloodweb, that would contain BP, shard and rarely cells, and sometimes charms (from past rifts) and cosmetics. For example.
Teleporting could work in dbd, depending on the maps and where you place the teleports. also, who could use it? We already have a bunch of killers that can teleport by default, while others would benefit from more mapmobility. but it could also give an unfair edge to some, killers and survivors alike.
Marking Items. We already have the map's marking bead, so having a standard marking ability on items might be nice (also, ffs, revert franklin's back or increase the timer, or remove the 'escape with item' challenges)
Fighting back: Two edged-sword (hah!), while dbd could benefit from being able to throw empty items at the killer or kicking facecampers, generally 'fighting back' would not work in dbd as killers here need more successful moves to kill survivors compared to hsh:s. with the carrying etc having something that could be done by others would skew the balance quite a lot.
So, all in all the games are pretty equal. there's stuff hsh:s does that would be nice in dbd, but nothing the community hasn't called for before.
Thanks for reading
Stop comparing the two games, both have pluses and minuses.
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If you want to compare HSH to something, compare it to F13. They are nearly the same game but not based around a single franchise.
Survivors would like HSH more because they can literally bully a killer to death instead of t-bagging at an exit gate.
I hear differently. The solo lobby I'm told run into the same issues as DBD. Even with communication and waypoints built in.
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Can you explain why? As a solo who's never played HSH I'm legitimately curious.
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How I see it, people are just glad that a dbd clone is being some what successful. Just like Last Year, it'll die down like the rest of them
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Why? There are very few other games that are what DBD is. Obviously they both have their strengths and weaknesses, but why should we not compare the two.
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Being able to ping items, objectives, and the spectre is so helpful in game and I love it.
In game chat is also useful and fun, but can be toxic. Yelling at people who don't know how to play a game efficiently that only came out a month ago is pretty :/.
I don't think actual matchmaking exists in the game. Or there's just not enough people playing. Being lvl 10 and going against a lvl 30+ spectre is pretty painful. So's the reverse.
Having stamina means you have to do chases differently, which is neat and refreshing.
I like having the option to fight the spectre or just leave in the endgame.
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I like HSH:Survive for having kill animations. I think hooks are super boring and not rewarding in the least. Gruesome kills are such an essential part of horror, and in DbD you have to jump through a bunch of hoops just to do one (and each killer only has the one animation).
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Ah, I see. Thanks for the info.
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Why would you not compare two survival horror games?
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Think it is difficult to compare those two games- some points are better in DBD, some in HSH. But... a huge difference is: In DBD you just could play the surv and killer who were included in the game when you bought it as it was released- it took some time to the first DLC where players had to pay for... and they had a solid playerbase. DBD started to sell a ton of skins for reallife money or unbreakable sets- or when you buy a licence DLC you have to pay more money if you want DLC skins. - So DBD started around 1 1/2 year ago with "ignoring bugs / fixing bugs and giving 10 new bugs for this, but lets do some skins and chars to let the players spend more money, while they prepare for more toxiticy " - but HSH is still in early state... has not a good player base so far- but the shop works perfectly- for using the lucky pot offering with 65% reduce... you have to buy the largest and a middle package- so around 45 Euro... for having the chance of 1 % for getting a random legacy skin... and you can buy so much other things :D if the game doesn't get enough players, it tries to get max of more money from the players which are waiting really long for a lobby... so difference to DBD is.. ."working on the game and fixing bugs... but let players pay for everything in early state - they should be soo lucky about being able to bully a killer, they would pay those prices" .
So DBD has enough players so you can be pretty sure the next 1-2 years min. you surely will find lobbys - maybe not fast or you need more time for a lobby simulator like you do now, but in the end, you will find lobbys... so your money is not gone this fast and you can watch your skins- at HSH you can't be sure what happens... but you can be sure your money is gone when the game probably doesn't get enough players.
The way the shop of HSH pressures the players is kind of crazy (special offers, limited time offers etc) and it is cocky to make such a lot offerings for real money in a game you need to pay for and which is shortly released and still in development - in my opinion. So yeah, some bugs etc... every dbd player who played more than 200 hours is fine with bugs in a game. , but having some bugs +not enough players + a perfect ingame shop for real money... that is really awesome :D