Look how they massacred my girl :(

You wanna do graphical changes make a Dead By Daylight 2, were past the point of "upgrades" and were at the point of straight up revisionism regarding animations, maps and now characters.
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She looks the same to me. Only difference I see is the one on top has softer features
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She looks way better in my opinion.
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She actually looks normal now instead of looking constipated 24/7
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Only thing I'm not a fan of is the middle braid. Otherwise, it's fine, imo.
Really curious what they did with Jake, though.
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They’ve done a job job. She actually looks like she’s supposed to: a young female and not a angry teenage boy or someone much older than she’s supposed to be.
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i think the only problems are the middle braid (which was present in the old/current model as well, just not as visible) and the fact she is now more blond than ginger... (but that’s something that always bothered me with all her cosmetics, almost none had a natural hair color..)
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Whos to say she's not suppose to look like an angsty teenager (boy if you wanna be like that)?
Like why does every female character have to fit some perfectly symmetrical magazine standard?
Meg is fine the way she is. I like that's shes that way.
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Yeah what is going up with the middle braid?
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Its an improvement. Maybe the Deathgarden-Mask will not be the only acceptable Meghead-Cosmetic anymore.
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Still ugly so...
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im suprised people like the visual...change, its not actually just better...heck if anything they just made her "prettier".
She does not have the dirt anymore on her arms...is that considered better graphics? less dirt and grime? because no, its not, we should have more realistic dirt and grime.
idk the remake has high final fantasy vibes to me.
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Her face is better proportioned now, and the features are smoother; removing some of the harsher angles. Absolutely an improvement in making her more realistic.
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what happend to the shoulder wound from hook
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Agreed. Just because you can change something, it doesn't mean you should.
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why don't they add a rework of the model like slots
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The only issue is that she isn't a redhead anymore.Otherwise this model is a million times better,the old survivors will finally not look out of place on new maps and next to newer survivors.
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This change i do like, she looks a lot better.
Just hope they will brighten up her iris again, but otherwise i like it.
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She looks a bit less cro-magnon now. I, for one, support the evolution of Meg.
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She looks like a kid now and that hair has mullet vibes. Not a fan of the changes.
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Wait there are legit megan mains that aren't meaming
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new dwight look much worst