Abusing exploids: Killer gets ban, survivors not

It's a extremely unfunny joke and it's getting worse. The game, the devs and the mods here are extremely survivor sided.
Proof 1:
Do you remember the legion mending bug? Killers who used it by mistake or abused it got banned. For a bug which the devs in planted in the game by a mistake.
Now there is a another explo- Oh sorry I mean bug that didn't even count as a bug. Breakout now don't destroy for 3 minutes. It destroys the hooks completely. But of course this is not a exploit (even so it's out for weeks and on YouTube there only about 30-40 Videos).
Proof 2
Did you notice that killers get buffs only on weird times? Killers get only buffs when the survivor queue is too long because many people don't like to get bullied.
Killers get buffs all the time.
And the Legion exploit was the only time an exploit could lead to a ban. Other exploits that killers could abuse were handled differently and we don’t know how they would deal with something like the Legion exploit nowadays.
but of course if you want to find proof that they are survivor sided you can find examples for this. The same is true for the other side though, just different arguments. overall the game‘s balance does not shift too much to only one side. If anything then the devs seem 4man coordinated SWF sided.
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I agree, Killers should be able to have the same chance to win against 4 random survs and 4 SWF survs cause now a guys that know how to Play and plays with thier friends which are also good leave actually no chance for killers. Aaaaand are very toxic by teabaging and later in post game chat calls killers campers, noobs etc.
Also if someone use exploid like the one with breakdown should be banned. Even if he would be crying all day long that he don't do anything bad. For now the only thing that we can do is reporting those who use it. Unfortunally survs will not report thier teammate for abusing that "bug" cause you know, it gives them more chance to win. Not like they actually almost allways have more chance to win.
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Just a little FYI....Mods have said do not report for the Breakdown bug...The game can still end.
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Yes, with a survivor win and a deranked Killer. What a finale.
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See, it's not weird balancing and bugfixes.
It's a conspiracy.
The Man actually hates killer players for some reason.
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Its a low priority bug. Like the false scratchmarks bug or the killer sound bug.
Maybe it will even turn into a feature. Really exciting times!
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"Maybe it will even turn into a feature."
You mean like, how it was before the sabo change?
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"Do you remember the legion mending bug? Killers who used it by mistake or abused it got banned."
To be fair, there was an ingame-message which said that the exploit is bannable. And it was the only exploit where Killers got banned for, no Killer got banned for exploiting the Tinkerer-Bug a few years ago (for example). Killers also did not get banned for using Basement-Builds when it make Survivors getting stuck in the Basement (Survivors got set back into the Basement when trying to leave it sometimes, meaning they would be stuck the entire game in Basement).
The only exploit which was bannable was the Mending-Exploit. And they warned that it was bannable. If someone used it "by mistake", they did not read the Ingame-Message, which would be their own fault.
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Yes! Devs could argue, that it´s not the same, since survivors can only be hooked so often. (When the truth is, that fixing the bug might be to complicated because of the spaguetti code)
Really amazing times!
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They didn't ban anyone before they put the announcement warning about it into the game about the Legion blades, and if someone did it after that... well that sure seems like a reason to actually see what's new in the announcements, they had the information available right there in-game. And for the record I don't think it's the best solution at all, the best solution would be to simply disable bugged stuff no matter how inconvenient it is. Perk? Add-on? An entire base killer or survivor? Map? Disable it all until the issue in question is taken care of, like they did with the Red Forest realm recently.
And lets be real if they only buffed killers when they absolutely had to for the reason you're talking about they wouldn't buff killers, they'd just slap bonus BP (like +100%) on the killer role instead. I'm convinced this would instantly make any queue problems vanish as the majority of players are casual and would be all over juicy points. I'm not saying they should do this, but if they genuinely didn't care about killers of whatever there's a myriad of "shady" stuff they could do that would totally work lol.
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So if killers got a message warning them about using the mending exploit why are survivors not getting the same warning?
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Because the mending warning was a bannable, reportable offence and the breakout one is not.
I've never seen them ban for perks, ever. Like @Aven_Fallen said they didn't ban for the Tinkerer bug. Add-ons, yes. Maps, yes. Perks, no.
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Because the devs decided that this exploit is not as severe/abusable as the mending bug was back then.
We know there have been killer sided exploits that were not bannable (as mentioned by @Aven_Fallen )
We also don’t know how the devs would react to the Legion exploit today.
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Actually the lightspeed nurse bug was bannable but didnt even have a warning on the main game it had one in the forums "bannable exploits" area along with like double killer.
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I don’t even remember those, do you know when those occurred?
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March 2020
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Damn, how did I not even hear of this?
well, all things considered, if survivors had a similar bug like this one I am sure they would get banned for abusing this as well :D
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I just saw this. It's ridiculous how no one else is even adressing it. If the developers won't simply fix the breakout exploit, I'll just have to let people bleed out more often. And when I get bored of it, I'll just play another game. Survivor queue at night is already amazingly fast, isn't it?
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4 wallets are more appealing than just 1.
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Actually it is for me right now in EU, 7-11 is the worst at 3 minutes but its really quick for the rest of the day
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that nurse exploit was in fact bannable though, I recall several people getting a time-out for using it in public matches often.
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Actually like i said light speed nurse im pretty sure was bannable and didn't even have a warning on the main game. I don't remember for sure.
Yes i know that was the point i was proving they banned for the nurse addon bug and didnt even give a warning on the main game. Imagine a new nurse using the addon and getting banned for "exploiting"
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I'm a killer main just before I start. But how many people actually run breakdown anyway. Very little. I can't remember seeing a breakdown for like months.
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Remember the asylum exploits where a lot of survivors got permanently banned for abusing it? You probably don't because it doesn't suit your agenda and the narrative you are trying to create.
Remember when the Nurse was bugged for a year and you could look up during fatigue, effectively making Nurse completely broken and removing any kind of counterplay? No killer main got banned for abusing it.
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oh, I thought you were implying that this bug wasn't bannable.
Well, another one in piggy bank of double standarts.
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Ofc it can end.... With 4 man ez escape because facing squads with abusing those perk along with bringing 4 sabo toolboxes ofc it can end very fair end I'd say
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I get it,those aren't my words. I'm just relying the message so ppl aren't wasting their time with recordings and submitting tickets is all. 👹
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Yeah we can all agree on something for once
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To be fair, if a player was using Infinite Mending Legion, said player deserved to get banned.
Same goes for this new Breakdown bug.
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Don't make this a killer vs survivor don't get me wrong, people who abuse bugs should be punished but Idk if you were playing the game when there was an exhaustion bug that allowed people to use sprint burst almost whenever they wanted and no it isn't the 99% exhaustion since that is just knowing a mechanic.
But survivors did get banned for abusing that exploit, they even announced it as well.
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I just want to say that I wish more survivors were as chill as the guys in this video.
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There WAS a survivor bug/exploit similar to this with stacking urban evasion letting you crouch walk much faster than a sprint burst.
I don't recall a single person being banned for it. If anyone knows if people did get banned feel free to correct me but I don't remember seeing anyone get banned (granted I don't think anyone should've been banned permanently but hey, double standards or something I guess)
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Nurse wasn't bugged for a year. She was bugged something between 1-2 months.
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I don't remember killers getting banned for abusing the ds glitch, maybe my memory is foggy about that though.
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Every blight player I’ve seen lately is abusing the flick, and killers swing early at pallets because they know they’ll hit you when you throw it down and they won’t get stunned, so quit your moaning. It’s happening on both sides.
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did they ban killers abusing the tinkerer bug? the pallet bug? the sloppy butcher on wraith bug? how about the time where the mending add ons also slowed gens? or how about the moonwalking exploit with Legion?
the mending bug was one of the only exploits they've banned for, and its because the mending took so long after a while that it was basically taking the game hostage for the survivors
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just as Info:
There has been a bug with Nurse addons that was bannable (making her faster and faster with every hit) and an exploit on Asylum that was bannable for survivors (not sure what that was about?.
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oh, didnt know that. still though, doesn’t change the fact that those were all incredibly game breaking.
like, im not saying the breakdown bug is fair, but they should just disable the perk until its fixed or something- not ban people
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Yeah I completely agree.
i just wasn’t aware of those as well a few days ago. And those scenarios do point out that there has been bannable exploits for both sides.
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I swear people only cherry pick the history that suits them.
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The infinite made everything slower not just the mending. It was bad as the wraith's sloppy butcher bug massive frame drop. I still don't get why it not classified as a bug.
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If 4/5 of the playerbase is winning the game instead of 1/5 it's not a bannable exploit, it's just a "bug" that will be "looked into"
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Hopefully they can fix it.
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So that’s the reason for the survivor bans because of that Asylum exploit?