So who should I start maining?

Ugh. Why can't I quit you dbd. Is it because I hate myself? Or is it something else.
Partial jokes aside I want to start up playing again (killer side). Though if I'm going to do this I'm going to sit down and just grind at one killer till their my best. Old flames of mine include wraith, legion, and deathslinger. I also play on console for a majority of my time unless I'm playing a ranged killer because I'm not that into masochism and I have every killer at 40 on console (except Charlotte and trickster because I have played maybe 10 matches since their releases.)
Any suggestions?
For survivor: Yui
For killer: play a variety and see which one you find the most fun
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survivor: anyone really
killer: preferably someone like freddy or ghostface/myers considering their mechanics arent that hard for console players
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Survivor: Tapp has good blendy clothes and is pretty quiet I’d go with him
Killer: Clown is a lot of fun and fairly easy to play
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Maybe wraith if you used to be into him, he's a speedy boi now
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You seem like an adept of masochism. Killers with a huge skill ceiling are good options for anyone trying to sink hours as long as your objective is to get good at them and not just giving consistently good results IMO.
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Wraith, all the way. He is so much fun, great addons, many different ways to play him. Wraith all day!!!! And no one DCs on you.
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Just whoever you find fun.
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You'd be surprised my friend...
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Fair enough.
Guess not as often as say Freddy or Spirit. Lol.
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Yeah, that's true.
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If you're playing on PC give blight a whirl he's strong and he's really fun for both sides and he has a lot of skill ceiling.
Probably avoid him on console though he can't turn nearly as far and is way weaker
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Something that would help immensely is if you can articulate what it is about Legion/Slinger/Wraith you really liked.
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On console I play Hillbilly and Hag.
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Asking who should you main is like saying which color should be your favourite. Its all up to you lol.
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O N I 👹
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Can't go wrong with Freddy
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I also play on console for a majority of my time unless I'm playing a ranged killer because I'm not that into masochism...
Ugh. Why can't I quit you dbd. Is it because I hate myself?
Idk man, i think you might be into that kinda stuff.
Anyway you mentioned Wraith, so unsurprisingly i recommend him.
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I might be into that kind of stuff
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We could always use another Trap Daddy in the fog
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he is definitely a daddy
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The sad part is that arguably the most high skill ceiling characters are awful on controller
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Nurse, Blight, Oni
Those are pretty decent ones.
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I'm a console huntress, she takes time and dedication to master on controller, but when you do she's very fun and rewarding to play.
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For gen pressure wraith and doc for 3 gens hag and oni for laughs trickster or trapper
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I would say Blight but you play on console so nvm.
Maybe Bubba, he's relaxing and quite easy on console. Or Wraith. Or even GF (I was wrong about him, he's fun.)
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Spirit. Strong as Blight and Nurse but instead of being ridiculously hard is actually only an above average difficulty.
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Spirit or oni. From my experience theyre very good killers for console.
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Well blight sounds like your best pick for winning
For fun maybe huntress or oni
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With 2 of those being their speed... I would recommend trying out Blight. He's a bit tricky to get the hang of, but he is the fastest Killer in the game.
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I was thinking about it, though I know his control on consoles is pretty bad
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Demogorgon, that is all you need my friend