pyramid head nerf



  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I mean the killer is the power role if the killer beats you, he should have a higher reward if they do anything. Other than that I mean yeah I think if it's two players of equal skill the one who out plays deserves the win.

  • KurburBing
    KurburBing Member Posts: 36
    edited September 2020

    I always spam trying to use my ability before rite of judgement charges the strike, and then an accidental M1 comes out because it wasn’t charged. And then I smack a pallet and cry a little. I don’t know if being able to M1 before the ability is charged during rite of passage is intentional but it’s cost me quite a few times. I guess that’s what I get for mashing M1 impatiently though.

    Post edited by KurburBing on
  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I don't have a problem with him especially after his nerf to see cages. But the only change i would make to him is to slow him down. He is way to fast when he is making trenches

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 425

    I've actually been seeing some interesting strats against PH, as somebody who plays against him a lot I'm seeing this trick where when a survivor throws down a pallet they'll immediately dead hard right after it. The time is take for my m2 to reach the survivor is enough time for them to throw down a pallet and dead hard completing avoiding the hit. It's pretty nasty too because I lose out on 3 seconds, there's a pallet in front of me and the survivor is in a stronger position because of it. You need to be reall creative with your mind games when it comes to going against PH which is nice because it keeps me on my toes, if you're being too predictable in your chases you're gonna get easily punished for it.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    Same way you beat every killer in this game; spend your 110 seconds and do 5 gens. Seriously, survivors as a team can win every game if they just did gens. And you counter PH by holding W and doing a fake yourself. Just watch high rank survivors. You can dodge his attack.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    This means looping has no counterplay as the killer is always guessing what the survivor is doing during the very rare instances where there isn't a window or crack to watch the killer through.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Well you say guessing and getting inside the mind of your opponent isn't counterplay.

    The hate for PH stems from survivors that want to loop every killer in every game and want all counters to looping deleted. So yes this is related to the discussion.

    You as the survivor need to make calls and try to make PH miss his shot. You also need to remember that this is a 4v1 game and not a 1v1 game.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited September 2020

    So there is no counterplay to looping outside of the survivor messing up? gotcha. I'm assuming that's what you're saying since it is literally the same argument.

    Also this is a 4v1. Ph is a walking killer and has no map pressure.

    I am tired of survivor mains going WAAAA nurf the only killers left playing i want MY fun. And then telling killers to shut up and AppLy PrEsSure when they complain about how weak killers are.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Look there’s a difference between being strong in chase and being broken in chase. Nurse and huntress are both very strong in chase where as I would argue pyramid head and deathslinger are broken in chase. And funnily enough you can down ppl much faster as nurse and huntress compared to deathslinger and pyramid head, Broken in chase isn’t nesceserily about the downing speed but rather about the ability for survivors to have fun and counter the killer whilst in chase. And huntress doesn’t need a cool down when she puts her hatchet away because winding it up and putting it back again slows you down enough that you can’t use it to catch up to survivors.

  • Human_Giraffe
    Human_Giraffe Member Posts: 123

    He doesn't need a nerf, think about how easy Deathslinger can bait. I don't see you complaining about him now are ya? Also, when he actually uses his power red outlines appear on the ground that tell you he's swinging. Just be better at predicting, play more PH so you understand when and when not they're gonna bait when you play survivor.

  • JetTheWaffleCat
    JetTheWaffleCat Member Posts: 284

    If the Golden Rule to using a killer is to not use his power, you know there's an issue.

    Punishment of the Damned needs to be less... punishing... and a little less difficult to use and make the transition from his m2 to m1 take longer in exchange. Instead of being zoned into nothing because of no downside to faking the power, you now have to actually juke a power that isn't only used for animation locks.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Is there anything about it that's not true though? Oh what am I saying? These are the same people thought tunneling survivors to death from the cage was fair game.

    There's another game that made situations unwinnable against killer. Friday the 13th. That game is still popular and functioning properly and not abandoned right?

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    imo, the only thing he needs is some sort of change to make it so he doesn’t force the survivor into a lose-lose situations at loops without any effort on his part

    It’d be better if:

    • Rites of judgement had some sort of cooldown after using it, so you cant instantly cancel the power and hit the survivor with a basic attack.
    • make punishment of the damned less punishing to use. Missing it gives the survivor a LOT of distance, and if the survivor is good, you most likely wont be able to hit them outside of animation locks.
    • make rites of judgement less clunky to control. giving it free turning and being able to change the sensitivity of it would make him feel a lot nicer to play.

    PH could easily be a very fun and skillful killer to play and play against, but there isn’t anything engaging about faking his power at every loop and getting a free hit.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    I’d say he needs a rework. In most cases there’s absolutely no reason to send people to cage.

    Torment is best saved for final Mori. Not sure if that’s intentional way to play him in the devs mind?

    There Should be an easier way to torment survivors but at the same time they should be able to cleanse themselves by worshipping at an altar or something (Similar to plague & Freddy)

  • InsidousEqualWin
    InsidousEqualWin Member Posts: 36

    He should just have a second he can't attack after placing a trail similar to huntress putting away a hatchet

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208
    edited September 2020

    What power could deathslinger offer that gives him map pressure, map manipulation, Survivor locating, adding on pressure etc. He has nothing but g u n.

    Surely you can allow him to make up for that for ending chases quickly. Deathslinger doesn't have any anti looping abilities other than possibly shooting a Survivor before they get to a pallet. He should at least be able to end chases without having to be punished. Plus it seems like nobody had a problem with deathslinger when he was out up until now. Why the sudden hate for him after he's been out for months?

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Huntress is an out-liar because she's the only "ranged" Killer that has a cool down when it comes to holding and releasing M2. DeathSlinger and Demo do the same kind of mindgame when they aim down their rifle/open up for shred before releasing M2 and going in for a basic M1 attack. The point is moot, PH is in a good spot.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I get what he saying killers with no counter play (which is survivors having to guess which isn't counter play) but don't every killer have to guess at every loop? now how is it counter play when the killer has to guess but not counter play when survivors have to guess?

  • Gravewalker200
    Gravewalker200 Member Posts: 451

    Are you kidding me? I had a wall of text to settle this and my connection dropped so all that work just popped out of existence

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    I have the same experience pretty much of enjoying versing deathslinger but not getting enough triangle man to be able to really form a proper opinion.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    When a killer gets released you don't instantly decide oh hes boring to vs and badly desgined. It usually takes a few months. Look at old legion and spirit for example, killers which ppl thought would be incredibly weak. And that's the problem with deathslinger, that his power has nothing to help him outside of chase but in chase hes stupidly broken.

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208

    Ah I see. So then how would we stop that? I play both sides, and I main deathslinger and I find him really fun to play as a killer and I find him fun to play *against* as a Survivor as well. But at the same time a part of me doesn't want him to be touched at all since I'm afraid that some changes people suggest sort of scare me since I have a play style that might not adjust too well with the change. I'll try to adapt, to the best of my abilities but I don't want to get to the point where I just completely drop him like some did to Billy because of his (inevitable?) change/rework. And when I play against him as Survivor I don't want to face a deathslinger to the point where someone is struggling or the change would interfere a lot with their gameplay, because since I play as him I feel like I have a knack on what the opposing side might do.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Yea this is the hard part. For killers like pyramid head theres some rlly simple and small changes which could be made to improve his QOL. Deathslinger however would need a complete rework/overhaul. Tbh i was never fond of the idea of having a gun in dbd cause it rlly doesnt make sense to me. You could do what they did to legion and make his power only work for healty survivors but also make it easier to shoot ppl and move at 115% speed. But i dont rlly have many other ideas. Maybe if you were to use that idea you could make it so survivors shot have to go do somethign to waste time like the doctor's snap outta madness or something like that.

  • Cutiaddu
    Cutiaddu Member Posts: 402
    edited September 2020

    Pyramid head is fine right now, the only thing that I would fix is the bug where he can instantly attack after he put the sword on the ground and I guess that giving him a cooldown for using the rites of judgment wouldn't be crazy, he would be still very strong. By the way he already has a cooldown for his missed attacks. Anyway I don't find pyramid heads hard to juke, even good ones, I mean he will get you eventually, but I prefeer PH instead of doing Spirit mindgames... Also that may sound strange but pyramid head is not a popular killer, I don't play against him often.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    As someone who uses that vault fake a lot, I can honestly say it feels like an exploit. But it is my only solid hit chance, so I do it. And it is a design flow to force a killer to play with exploits. When survivors run to window they give 1 free hit either vaulting or faking it.

    We can compare this vault mechanic to Huntress and Death Slinger. They need to decide weather or not survivor is going to vault, and act before they do it in order to get a hit. As PH you just play after seeing survivors' move, and this kills the mind game, making him boring to play as/against.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited September 2020

    I disagree.

    Just because he holds his power at a window or pallet, doesn’t mean he isn’t going to miss.

    First to actually get the hit, it would require you to be locked into an animation (mid-vault, mid-pallet throwing). As a survivor you can fake both of these but he has to guess your next action or else it will cost him 2.75 seconds of not being about to do anything. This is why you see a lot of smart survivors fake the pallet throw, PH uses his power and obviously misses and the survivor still has time to stun with the pallet.

    The only thing that I personally think needs to change is the notification he still gets when someone is pulled from a cage, because that defeats the purpose of not being able to see them. Since you can still track them.

    Playing PH is harder than you think. It’s not just about zoning someone out, it’s about making the right cal when using his power. Even with I’m All Ears (a perk that is almost a must for him) you can fast vault and turn so you take away the upper hand he has because he can see you behind a wall and you can’t.

  • awosek
    awosek Member Posts: 33

    Well spamming ur sword like tard and having no wind up time or anything is kinda fair to zone like ######### yeah

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130 can cancel it for a "guaranteed" hit. In what world is that balanced?

  • BrobeyBrobe
    BrobeyBrobe Member Posts: 4

    No one’s complaining about Deathslinger since his ability doesn’t ignore map props

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    This was made September 2020 when he came out before his nerf

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,878

    I’m a survivor main and pyramid head is fine. He was even fine at launch before the slight rework. Now you want to talk about nerfs? This mid chapter release couldn’t come any quicker for our buddy in the fedora hat and ugly ass Xmas sweater. glad to see him get neutered.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited May 2021

    Dude... every time he misses a ranged attack, just run to the next loop - you'll get a 4 second head start.

    Edit, oh crap.... this is like a really old thread. Shame on whoever above necroed this old thing. The killer has been nerfed since this thread was made.

  • BrobeyBrobe
    BrobeyBrobe Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2021

    I feel like his ranged is less a problem between his two issues. He either A) Needs to have the torment cages nerfed or B) Needs his ranged attack nerfed. For the first problem, just stop the cages from giving you a full hook stage (just have the time you spent in the cage be removed from your timer without moving you on to the next one) or remove the ability to ability Mori when you’re on the last cage stage. And to Nerf his ranged attack either make it collide with map props (other than pallets, I feel like that’s fine) or make the telegraphing of him using his swing take a little bit longer (as it stands the amount of time it gives you isn’t enough to actually respond, just enough to tell you you’re not making it out of the way). Give literally one of the nerfs (and I cannot stress this enough just ONE of them, no more) and he'd be golden

  • BrobeyBrobe
    BrobeyBrobe Member Posts: 4

    The people who complain simply don’t know how to use map props, and unless Deathslinger’s shots use to ignore map props before his nerf (which they didn’t) it’s irrelevant

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    That was the first big nerf they made to him. it takes a second to switch from placing the the rights of judgment to hitting someone with a basic. when he first came out you could do it instantly. why would they need to nerf it again.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    then how the hell did it come all the way up to the front again?

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    He already got the worst nerf of all.

  • Kira15233
    Kira15233 Member Posts: 473

    If only you knew how disguting releases PH was before his massive nerfs, he could see cages, cancel ability and straight out hit, place more trails, he got nerfed to the ground...learn to play him and you'll see how mediocre he now is, I'm a PH main btw

  • KillerKirby
    KillerKirby Member Posts: 79

    I joined dbd due to pyrmidhead and have played him ever since. He is powerful for sure because he has tooks other killers do not have. however his power can and will be easily dodged by those who understand it. You mainly have to wait for them to get locked into animation alot of survivors know this and will just fake away at the last second. His M1 nerf while he was draging his sword really took away a lot of his power. Now he is a good killer not the best for sure but up there and he requires more practice then it looks like because his sword drag feels odd to use and very clunky. The worst then you can do to pyrmidhead in chase is just loop him till he puts down torment at that point leave the loop he has a hard time catching up.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017

    This thread aged well. Sort of.