confess time: what you hate about dbd



  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406

    "The Surprise"

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Just when the game stops working at the loading screen. They said they are working on that though

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    When the devs pump out new cosmetics but still haven't fixed the bloody infinite loading screen.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    I regret that the perk slots do not increase proportionally to the total number of perks: it gives me the unpleasant feeling of an immense but wasted treasure. In my opinion, the perk slots should be about 1/10 of the available perks, therefore, at present, at least 6. Many perks work effectively in pairs, and two pairs are insufficient to cover the various needs of the game: if you combine Enduring and Spirit Fury for the chases, you are forced to use BBQ to quickly find your prey and Ruin to gain a few minutes, and this constraint suffocates you, kills your creativity, it leaves you no hope of getting out of such consolidated and boring patterns. What is the use of having a pool with dozens of perks, if you are always forced to deploy the same stale stuff? Flattening, monotony, imprisonment, these are the sensations I feel when I think of new combinations and realize that I will never be able to pull them off in the game. :(

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Play both.

    Players DC'ing over petty reasons and not getting penalized for it. They are literally killing the game by being a bunch of toxic, over-entitled brats that have no concept of good sportsmanship, and out of all the ways for this game to die... this is the worst. I've had it with this #########, and am ready to quit playing all together until the DC epidemic is under control, because it's not fun to play the game when the majority of matches have at least one DC'ing ass-hat ruin it for us; be they killer or survivor. They bought the game, they should either man up and play it, or [BAD WORD] off and let the rest of us have fun again. Stop killing my favorite goddamn Multiplayer game!

  • Shadowryoga
    Shadowryoga Member Posts: 2

    I love to play killer, but i hate that a survivor dc after he get down for the first time. I often cant stack BBQ or other stack-perks because of this. It would be nice, if the game can give a stack to all the player in the game a stack on stack-perks, if someone press the exit button.

    The same is for the generator. If someone dc after getting down and there are 3 vs 1 and still 5 generator left, that is the worst situation for both sides. So maybe reduce the generator by 1, like the 3 vs 1 games, where you start with 4 generator.

    I dont like "balances" that destroys the Killer (Like Freddy) or buffes the survivor that are stronger than the killer. Most the time it feels like the survivor are hunting the killer and not the other way round.

    I hate survivor that complain the killer is to be OP, but i think, if there is no exploit like the Legoin one, then there are strong killers but no OP. I think survivor have it more easy to get some points and can loop the killer for some minutes. I often get it, that i get chased and i run in a loop that i take some minutes for the killer and my team can do 1 to 2 generators in that time, IF i dont make a mistake. The same as killer. I chase someone and if the dont make a mistake i cant catch them till i get my movespeed buff.

    I realy hate 360. I know what to do and i can see when they want to do it and most the time miss it ( i know im bad :S )

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

    i just hate....when i am on a hook and my team mates continue with gens, totems....chests.....and i end up dyng or close to it due to them......not all though

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    The greed of the devs with their cash grabs on cosmetics. I get they need money but it seems the money we put into the game is shoved right back out as more cosmetics. Truly surprised they haven't done loot boxes yet.

  • Jesp
    Jesp Member Posts: 192
    edited April 2019

    Honestly nothing even comes close to survivor disconnects. At least if a killer disconnects for whatever reason the game ends and everyone can find a new match, but whenever a survivor decides they disagree with how they were downed or whatever and disconnects/suicides on first down, it just ruins the fun of the match for everyone else. And don't even get me started on the truly ascended individuals that disconnect 0.03 nanoseconds after hearing a nurse blink, seeing doctor sparks or whatever else.

    The survivors immediately fight an uphill battle that most of the time just ends up 2 gens being done and at LEAST one survivor just signing out of the match and waiting for the others to die so they can hatch, and the killer faces a match with less potential for BP as well as being almost completely screwed if doing something like going for adept achievements under the current system.

  • Blue_Diamond
    Blue_Diamond Member Posts: 122

    Killer main.

    I hate the people.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I'm hating on the bad design choices; not fixing the issue of sabotage and removing it from the game instead, removing the raise weapon animation before a killer swing that doesn't deal damage, not dealing with a new leveling system for perks, AND TOUCHING THE RARITY OF MY HEX: THE THIRD SEAL.

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    I hate the fact that Jake isn't as thicc as Jane

  • TheGameZpro3
    TheGameZpro3 Member Posts: 699

    Confession Time: I don't like Feng Min. I'm in lower ranks, so I don't experience too long load times, and Nurses/Hillbilly over and over, so I can't complain about those. But for one weird reason, I can never grasp, is that I DESPISE Feng Min.

    I tried my hardest to think about it logically, but I can't. I unreasonably HATE Feng Min.

    I also hate going against Leatherface and Freddy. I never encounted one that wasn't a camper and tunneler.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    Crybaby people that make a bad name for the playerbase.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    The new graphics

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    As a killer - rage dcs

    As a survivor - rage dcs

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    I mean at those ranks they kinda have to camp/tunnel to get kills.

    But leatherfaces like to camp even in higher ranks.

    Anway I hate the huntress, mostly because every game I get one its usually ends in me dying 1st/2nd, the huntress being stupidly good, or the broken hitboxes ending in me getting an axe to my invisible body part.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    You mean the actual game or taking into account the community?

    Eitherway, for the game itself, i hate how clunky the hitboxes can be at times and how perks like deadhard sometimes don't activate even if you press the button (I'm guessing this is a lag issue that will most likely be fixed with dedicated servers ?) and the fact that alot of perks and even addons are worthless, i wouldn't mind it if i could refund them for a small amount of bloodpoints somehow or maybe combining a huge amount of uncommon to get a common/rare, as for the perks, i just want more viable stuff and less badly designed perk like MoM...

    And if we take into account the community into it, it would be how toxic people can be just because they lost or things didn't go as they planned or you didn't play the killer they wanted you to play.

    I also hate alot of streamers that have huge double standards and will mock/bash killers for how they play on Stream when most of the time they are no better themselves...worst part is that some of them are "Fog whisperers" and it baffles me.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    I have the exact opposite feeling tbh; it always feels so chill to play killer (unless there's a damn key or something BS like that) but as survivor, idk, always campers, sandbagged by the randoms, etc (though this is related to my inability to rank up as survivor thanks to a bug that only affects some of us lol)

    As killer, I hate keys and instaheals (as I don't play in a tunneling manner to make it a necessity for survivors)

    As survivor, moris/hitboxes? There's a lot I hate but in terms of it being an issue of balancing and not just a community issue, I'd go with those.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    More than half the time I find I spawn right next to my totem nowadays, so something has changed. Of course, there will be times it's on the opposite end of the map and I don't play broken, high mobility killers, but such is RNG to be honest.

  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    The fact that totems are just pure RNG. Either they spawn in a god-tier spot or they spawn 2ft from a survivor

  • Fres0c0
    Fres0c0 Member Posts: 115

    Killer main: when I play survivor with a friend I hate legion everyone thought pig slows rhe game down but then there's legion and everything toxic he is know for

  • FengMinEqualsWin
    FengMinEqualsWin Member Posts: 91

    that makes me sad i feel attacked personally because fengmin is the best there is!!!

  • Rie
    Rie Member Posts: 86

    play both, pretty 50/50

    -audio levels are terrible: chase music way too loud, footsteps/injured cries/breathing too quiet

    -hatch standoff (will get fixed with the new endgame)

    -insta heals

    -keys (will get kind of fixed with the new endgame?)

    -moris, at least ebony are way too strong

    -some killers way to weak compared to others and not viable in higher ranks

    -dc epidemic and lack of punishment by the developers, even going so far as to give special treatment to some fog whisperers 

    -bad hitboxes

    -not being able to get stacks on bbq/wglf when someone dcs

    -auto-aim making you hit an object instead the survivor

    -some overpowered addons: insta-saw billy, iri-head huntress, omega blink/3+ blinks nurse, prayer beads spirit

    -see through jungle gyms on coldwind, why does that even still exist? Just make solid wood walls out of them, cant be that hard

    -not being able to "sell" unwanted items/addons/offering

    -mom, pretty much ds 2.0, just why devs, why?! T.T

    -lack of option to try out new killers/look at maps on your own in kyf

    -still too many terrible totem spawns

    -3v1 or less person games (will get fixed in an upcoming patch?)

    -not being able to stay in my swf group when killer dodges/after the game

    -missing balance between solo survivor/swf

    -in regards to that; no indication what other survivors in my lobby have equipped: perks/items/offerings

    -rng directly effecting some of the killers powers: trapper, pig

    -narrow killer fov, cant play more than a couple of rounds without getting nauseous, equipping shadowborn helps somewhat

    -some maps still too big for lower mobility killers to achieve any pressure: Mother's Dwelling, Rotten Fields, Shelter Woods, Disturbed Ward, Temple

    -too many paid "blend" outfits

    -why do perks have 3 tiers, cant you make it just one? I remember them talking about it but nothing happened as so often

    -While I enjoy the frequent release of new cosmetics compared to the the lack or extremely late (looking at you ds) rollout of updates/reworks is quite disturbing

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    .... this prob doesnt go with the topic but I'd just like to state that i hate that they had the surprise be cosmetics, if it was for licensed characters it would be one thing but new cosmetics aren't a "surprise" anymore.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    2 things as survivor; Tr is a stronger built in directional whispers and the main objective is very uneventful.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154


    I hate toxic players.

    I love the game itself :D

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    That this game has been out for over 2 years and still feels like an unpolished early access title.

  • Dragon_of_Fantasy
    Dragon_of_Fantasy Member Posts: 50
    edited April 2019

    Killer: Stress of time.

    Survivor: Hitboxes, killers who lack counterplay, dcs, and teammates taking a poop instead of doing generators or totems.

  • Striking_Knife
    Striking_Knife Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2021

    certain killers annoy me who are all in all of my games (hag, Myers, ghostface, legion, pig, leather face, etc)