Iron will and lucky break... Killer is going to be unplayable for good.

For those who play killer a lot lets get ready to start playing spirit with stridor, doctor with aura addons, and nurse with infectious and have a good gamer headset because its about to get real when the update comes out. Its going to be hard trying to find where survivors are especially if the killer is new.
I've been getting into Vommy Mommy lately so I'll be playing her a lot.
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Nearly everyone agrees that lucky break change is too strong with iron will. I'm hopeful and confident that they will take the feedback and not go through with it. They would have to be crazy to do so.
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It's more 50/50. You're sticking in a certain bubble. Most people thought Trickster was bad and he got released. Don't know what you're expecting from BHVR.
People already do that all the time, just giving survivors more reason to use the combo lol. Thanks though, I know to run Distortion/Calm Spirit now too lol.
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As a Plague main, I feel pretty equipped to deal with the massive BS that's about to ensue.
Wraith with All-Seeing is another good one, though spending a purple on every game is going to hurt.
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@thefallenloser ill still see your aura when i play doctor with the aura addon regardless of calm spirit but gimme a break
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I know what perks to use now mettle of man,lucky brack,iron will,self heal.
Haha Boy😏
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It lets you lose the killer only one, maybe two times per match for a perk slot and you can't lose the killer before getting injured. Do people really think that's any stronger than perks like Dead Hard or BT?
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Against killers that can't instadown, yes actually. Lucky Break + Iron Will can prevent the killer from getting a down in the early game when they need it most because there are 3 unoccupied survivors doing gens (assuming the survivors are spread out and not wasting time. This argument obviously doesn't apply to solo queue).
Getting that first down and hook is so crucial because then you have one person on the hook, one going for the unhook and healing after, and another hopefully being chased, which means there's only one on a gen ideally. With Lucky Break, a medkit, and no instadown you have 3 people nonstop on gens from the start of the match and one self healing for 16 seconds. Even if you break chase and go for someone else the timer is now paused on the original one and they will hop right on a gen afterwards.
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i mean they are wasting 2 perk slots just to pull off a single play.
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Stridor time!
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Plague/Oni pick rates 📈
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If lucky break gets released in its horrendous ptb state then I might just quit killer until they fix it.
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Reject lucky break play legion yeah you will lose them with that 4s stun but you taken time out of everyone's lucky break
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Tbh even if it goes live I'm not gonna run this combo just to win 1 or 2 chases so for me it's kind of a waste.
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If a survivor equips Iron Will + Lucky Break thats 2 perk slots for maybe escaping 2 chases, 3 if they're lucky.
At that point you might as well run Lithe + Dance With Me. Not only are these perks useable during the entire game, but they can also be used against insta down killers.
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If they release the ptb version they need to release ptb oni,colision spirit,3 blinks nurse as well
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Thing is trickster IS bad lol
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So... here's the thing.
Is Lucky Break + Iron Will going to be strong? Yes. Yes it is. Especially with the current Killer Meta of getting downs or hooks ASAP and snowballing off of that and perks like Thrilling, BBQ, Infectious, and Pop.
Here's the thing though... Killers have the tools to support other play styles. I know because I'm already doing that. You want to know how much I'll care if I lose you after shooting you as Deathslinger when I've got M&A, Surveillance, Nurse's, and Oppression with the Mangled and longer Mend Time Add On? I won't care at all... and you'll be trying to fix yourself to stop Lucky Break's timer for a very long time.
So... I am fairly certain that Lucky Break is powerful enough to be meta, and powerful enough to force Killers to change their builds to deal with it... but they absolutely have the tools to be able to switch up their builds to deal with it.
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so my new build is iron will, lucky break, distortion, and calm spirit? thanks for the info >:)
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good point, I'll keep these two on a list for survivor
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Man, the crybabies on these Lucky Break is only active for 90 seconds. To benefit from it, the user needs two perk slots and a good medkit. USE YOUR EYEBALLS!
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@Dpooly 90 seconds is literally how long the game last due to how fast these gens go but whatever floats your boat.
Post edited by Drixpy_Jayyy on0 -
If your games are lasting 90 seconds bud thats on you, not the game
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Wait what I commented on?
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Iron Will alone is overpowered. It shouldn't be a perk. Imagine killer had like no sound or no red stain the whole match. That's the equivalent.
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@Dabihwow woops my fault i didnt realize i clicked the wrong name
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Its all good, I thought I was in trouble for a second
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A killer is at their weakest point early game. Let's simplify the game a lot for this argument.
Game starts -> 4 survs on gens -> killer finds survivor -> chase begins(3 survs on gens) -> killer downs and hooks survivor -> surv goes to unhook(2 survs on gens) -> killer finds survivor and begins chase(1 surv on gen).
Lucky break and iron will allow that first chase to have a good chance of escape. If you as a killer lose your first survivor you are in an extremely poor position. Having 3 survivors on gens and one injured survivor somewhere near you is a terrible place to be in. This change will highlight exactly how bad a killers early game is if they don't manage to get a hook.
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I was about to rage at your post but when I saw your last few words I calmed down. yes your post complain only fits baby killers.
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that's the point
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So Lucky break is good for the game, because it limits Killer's options for playstyle, if it becomes meta? Especially when focusing on direct chases is the preferred way to play for most people.
The big question isn't if Lucky Break will be dealable, but if it will make the game more frustrating or fun. I personally will just play less killer, if it stays the way it was during PTB, because I want to have a choice, if I want to go straightforward or hit and run.
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It is literally impossible for games to last 90 seconds even if the killer is doing absolutely nothing.
Seek help.
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90 seconds is long enough to lose 3 gens at start, which is near the end of the game. A good SWF team will split up and this is what you'll get.
I do agree that if you dont have a hook in the first 90 seconds as a Killer, you have a high probability of losing. The exception, as noted above, might be if you get several injured hits on the survivors and some pallet breaks. But if you chase a survivor for 60 at the start and they disappear with just one hit to show, then yeah, not good.
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Imagine, Iron will, Lucky break, Distortion, and Quick & Quiet lmao
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@thefallenloser its just an exaggeration not a true fact I know its impossible
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Plague will do fine. Survivors will waste them perks. And Wraith with all seeing also using Starstruck and Agitation yeah that Lucky + Iron Will won't help you that much.
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Yes great game plan bud and good point. I will point out tho that not every killer in there arsenal has these types of add-ons tho. See the current meta at least at least at top rank is too split and do gens then maybe later you might see 2 on one gen. So at beginning there is a very small window to get that first down already. Nonetheless I still don't mind using every killer on the roster at my rank now I feel if/when new LB comes out, along with forever safe unhooks (New BT), and new object (have not seen yet so unclear) that I might/probably will have to unleash my top 3 all the time and that just idk don't sound fun.
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I didn't say it was good for the game. I said essentially that it isn't going to be the death knell for Killers that so many people are saying that it is.
Whether it is good for the game or not is heavily dependent on whether you personally want the game to more closely resemble the irl games of Freeze Tag or Hide and Seek. Neither game is unfun, neither way to go is strictly wrong... but people are going to have their own opinions. I personally am probably not going to mind the change if the meta does shift. However, you're not wrong for preferring the game to stay resembling Freeze Tag.
Besides... there are perks and add ons to allow the Killer to potentially keep things more direct if that's what they want... and... honestly there will be less speed bumps to playing that way if Lucky Break becomes meta because there will be less DS, UB, DH, and BT in play. Much like right now half the reason why hit and run kinda works despite not being meta is because almost nobody brings healing perks to counter it.
Seriously... just throw on Stridor, or Spies, or I'm All Ears, or whatever mid chase tracking perk you'd like and BBQ + Pop will probably still function.