Predator: The Perk Nobody Uses.


For our fourth lesson, we will be talking about the killer perk called Predator. It is a level 30 perk for the Wraith.

All it does is make scratch makes closer together, and that can either be hurtful or helpful to the killer in some ways. Some say it’s the worst killer perk in the game, and I don’t think it’s not the worst, it’s just not viable enough. So I have a buff for it.

Buffed Predator: When in a chase, survivors footstep sounds are increased by 10/20/30%, scratch marks last for 3/4/5 seconds longer, scratch marks at all times are slightly brighter.

This new Predator can counter many survivors efforts, and could be very good against the very infamous lucky break. Here is why:

•It can counter Iron Will + Lucky Break, because you can hear there footsteps a lot easier and know where there at.

•The extra few seconds can easily help you continue to track survivors if you lose them.

•The brightness can catch your attention, then you can hunt down the survivor that you were on.

Please let me know what you think. :)


  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,658

    Scratch marks used to last longer with Predator. It gave too many false positives.

    Louder footsteps would be nice though.

  • Brisken
    Brisken Member Posts: 9

    The louder footsteps already makes it way better.

    The extended scratch marks sound good on paper, but it's too confusing during chase, especially around loops.

    Overall though I love it.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 5,691

    I don't think making scratch marks brighter accomplishes anything. They're already extremely bright, even when fading. They're not like blood pools that blend into the grass in dark maps.

    Longer scratch marks aren't always a good thing. It means, on average, following a trail is going to take longer to find a survivor, and the survivor has more time to walk away and hide from where the trail ends. It ends up making the scratch marks mean less? They're useful because you know someone was in the area recently, but recently is the key word. Increased time is decreased accuracy.

    Louder footsteps would be nice, though that alone isn't enough to make the perk viable. Now, if Predator could counter or bypass any survivor perk that hides scratch marks, like Stridor/Iron Will, that would make it a useful tool. Another useful-but-perhaps-too-powerful thing it could do is create faint, very short lived scratch marks for walking - not crouching, but regular speed walking. Maybe two seconds' time and with the dimness of scratch marks just before they fade. I don't know if that effect would be balanced, but it fits the spirit of the perk and it at least does something valuable.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Honestly what would be nice if it spawned both the standard set of scratch marks and the tightly packed ones at the same time.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497
    edited May 2021

    50% louder footsteps and scratch marks while walking. Boom great perk now.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,027

    make it so walking on top of scratch marks reveals all survivors within ~24/32 meters with killer instinct. make scratch marks last slightly longer, which is typically a downside, but given the tracking ability the perk provides, this would be beneficial. disable it in chase.

    there you go.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    It could have directional scratch marks out to chase and have walking have small and spaced out scratch marks would also be good (having walking scratch marks small and spaced out just so it noticeable)

    I would want scratch marks to glow or be brighter as part of the game, not on a perk