Shockingly, Twins are even more garbage now.

Only difference between PTB and Live is this strange "Victor can move after a successful pounce"
You are so slowed while "moving" you might as well not be.
Only good thing is this funny looking "waddle" animation when you try moving while slowed. 5/10 comical.
RIP my Favorite Killer.
I disagree I played a match with them and they felt the same and to be honest I love how you can move after your pounce because you feel so much better that you can move instead of being stuck
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they got one really small nerf and then four buffs
wow. killer clearly ruined. /s
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Twins weren´t good to begin with.
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"Even More Garbage"
Please at least read the title before commenting. Smh
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Next step. Remove them from the game. Just a complete failure on the power design front.
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Good point.
Exactly like you said: There really wasnt a scenario for chain pounces so this change is just a direct Killer nerf based on time required to do basic Killer objectives.
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What are you talking about.
2 seconds extra on successful lunges is a huge nerf.
The minuscule movement after lunge "buff" is near irrelevant and all the other changes were were only addons changes...ultra rare addons at that.
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Of course you can kick Victor when he's moving. Have you never played against Twins?
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Pretty sure he'll still be kickable during the cooldown, otherwise it'd be almost impossible to crush him.
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Ah yes, Ultra rare add ons, countered by A.) Any rank of Spine Chill and B.) Doing literally nothing (Don't kick idle Victor)
Incredible buff!!!!!!!!! Oh also, CAMERA CONTROL. You can now look where you want to look. WOW!!!!
Just lol at your comment.
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i'd like to take this opportunity to point out that "the killer is strong" and "noone knows how to play against the killer" are seperate things.
realistically, after you down a survivor on victor, one of two things is going to happen: victor gets kicked, or you switch back to charlotte to pick up the downed survivor (and then victor gets kicked).
victor is regularly open to getting kicked for way more than 5 seconds in the case he downs someone as it is. what does 2 extra seconds on a process that takes up to 30 seconds actually going to impact? be honest with yourself.
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I read the title. Did you read the comment i answered to?
Because it doesn´t look like it.
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"realistically, after you down a survivor on victor, one of two things is going to happen: victor gets kicked, or you switch back to charlotte to pick up the downed survivor (and then victor gets kicked)."
The more likely option that you didn't mention is continuing to look for other players with Victor for more slugs.
"victor is regularly open to getting kicked for way more than 5 seconds in the case he downs someone as it is. what does 2 extra seconds on a process that takes up to 30 seconds actually going to impact? be honest with yourself."
Because you're playing him wrong. 2 seconds is a lot. You counter Victor by grouping and those 2 extra seconds makes the window for another player to kick him massive. Even at 3 seconds it was already extremely forgiving. Downing each survivor one at a time and then walking over to pick them up is non viable, aka not how you play The Twins.
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I just tested it in KYF, you can definitely crush him while he's in the cooldown, even if he's moving.
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My Bad.
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yes, you counter victor by grouping.
that's why the nerf doesn't change anything. in any cases where the survivors are good, victor will get kicked. and any cases where the survivors are bad, then you just win because they're bad so it doesn't matter.
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No, the difference in distance you can cover with 3-5 seconds is massive. 3 requires some better reaction timing and positioning, 5 is so forgiving you can be bad with slow reaction and positioning and still get the kick. Not to mention simply the fact of stacking an extra 2 seconds of wasted time on Victor all game adds up to a lot.
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We love to see it.
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All I know is I cannot wait to try out the new buffs, and I hope they are worth the small amount you lose for a successful pounce. Tbh, I play them at red, and it isn't THAT common a survivor is close enough to another during the pounce that they would be able to kick Vic either way... But I haven't read the patch notes yet!
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twins are top tier, even dowsey and it’s out then in high tier. dowsey a twins destroyed otz deathsquad swf
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its weird to me how they’re punished for actually hitting a pounce, but missing one isnt?..
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Yeah it's the reverse chainsaw Power.
Punished for hitting your target successfully. Makes sense right?
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I don't feel too much of a change, besides the ability to turn early as charlotte which is nice but not too huge. Just played in red ranks, they seem to be as strong as ever
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Must have been some really bad red ranks.
Every Twin game I have played since 11:00 AM has been trash. I am rank 2 Killer.
Regardless, a senseless nerf to an already mid tier Killer.
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Don't get me wrong, I don't like that they needed them..... But Twins are not mid-tier. I've said since the beginning this very thing and its finally getting echoed by others, the twins are very good, dynamic killers. They belong ng in A if not S-tier, because they are downright oppressive on any map when played right. Yea they struggle on bigger maps more, but they don't outright lose them like Trapper or myers. They just have to many tools in there aresenal.