Small Game New Perk is OP for SWF
Damn you why you always make a killer player desperate and disappointed. This new perk is OP for SWF you don't need any generator to complete to know totem location.
1 player from SWF can only running and detect any totem location . This is so desperate for killer player, My totem destroyed only on 10 second from beginning on the game. Damn you.
If you are not willing to take a risk in a risk reward perk then don’t bring it
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did you just realise this perk existsed in the first place?
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Weak bait
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dont understand, do you know before patch 4.7 this perk is only can detect bear traps, instead on new patch 4.7 this perk developed to detect totem location even no generator is completed.
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Someone didnt have their noed activate. (I know he said about the 10 second totem destroy but i feel this fits to) totem spawns are bs on some maps both ways.
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I’m aware of what it does. It helps find totems just like killers have perks to help find survivors
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Small Game has always had the ability to detect totems
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damn , this game becoming only survivor main
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??? Uh... what?
This perk isn't OP for SWF... a good SWF will be able to both call out totem locations effectively, know totem spawns, and will be able to get Detective's Hunch to pop to see totem spawns anyway. If anything, the fact that it gets better at showing totems based on how many are done just makes it more effective for finding totems than Detective's after a while without the tradeoff of seeing other things on the map with it, and helps boost solo queue a little closer to SWF by giving them a totem counter. (Something that solo survivors have been requesting for years because it's a change that would only help make solo queue a bit more on par with SWF- who already have that information for free just by using comms.) It doesn't buff SWF at all.
It sounds like you just got super unlucky with having a Survivor either spawn on your totem, spawning close enough that it set off your perk, or possibly just a bad spawn. (All of which being possible risks when running a totem perk- though I will agree that they shouldn't be popped within the first few seconds.)
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It's not bait imo ots genuinely so much better in swf than solos.
And then bhvr are like "we hope solos will enjoy this perk" besties you've just buffed swf even more wdum x
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"Small Game New Perk" ??? This perk has been there forever and maps still exist which will literally show the totem's aura for free. Small Game just tells you the general direction of where it is and now how many have been cleansed. It has always worked to locate totems in the exact same way it does now. I don't think a SWF is going to waste a perk slot with Small Game to find totems when they could just bring a map, and if they do bring Small Game then that's one less Unbreakable/DS/BT/Dead Hard/Adrenaline etc for you to worry about. Who cares, the only ones that will run this perk are solo q'ers and they need all the help they can get lol
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Though it's not broken like OoO I do feel it has taken it's place as the perk 1 person in a swf equips so everyone can have it.
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Interesting, then again it should have never been buffed like this, should've just given us a totem counter then revamped small game
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This perk has always detected totems
This was the version before the current one, notice the "Get an auditory warning when looking in the direction of KILLER TRAPS AND TOTEMS"
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Hardcore agree
But n stick key Info on a perk and then wonder why solos are weak while swf are dominant okay bhvr
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SWFs can count to 5 together lol they don't need the counter, and if I was in a SWF I would run 4 meta perks and bring a map if I was really going to find totems. SWFs can coordinate without the use of these info perks, that's the whole point of SWF. You can coordinate your team to search for key totems (like when NOED pops) because you realistically don't need to cleanse all 5 totems every game. This buff was almost specifically for solo survivors who are used to getting NOED camped and want to ensure they can stop the perk from activating themselves. SWFs definitely don't need this perk especially now that it doesn't detect traps
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3man swf 1 solo.
"This buff was almost specifically for solo survivors who are used to getting NOED camped and want to ensure they can stop the perk from activating themselves. SWFs definitely don't need this perk especially now that it doesn't detect traps"
Well like you said, swf get this information for free without needing to use perks. Solos shouldn't have to use perks items or addons for information SWF get for free. So it wasn't a buff. Not in the slightest, it was a bandaid that everyone is going to point to when it fixes none of the issues.
It's the worst bandaid fix I think I've ever seen because it's like trying to use a bandage to reattach a missing limb.
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I would hardly consider knowing how many totems are left in the map to be "key info" lol
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Then you clearly don't play that much survivor.
4 gens done, you don't know how many totems are cleansed, possible chance of Noed. Do you search for totems or pop the gen? The killer could have Noed which would let them snowball pretty badly, but what if they don't? Have you done all the totems anyway?
So you search for totems that could've been cleansed and throw the game with the time you waste doing that, especially if your team is also doing that, and everything goes to #########. Or you don't search but what if your team isn't either and oh god there's Noed and it's in a well hidden spot because people did 3 out of the 5 totems and that's it you're #########.
Not to mention inner strength. Or maybe devour, there could he a totem laying in wait somwhere.
Knowing how many totems are left is absolutely key information.
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you are that 1 person in the universe that thinks small game is op
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Only if you want that noed is 100% not working. But yh you could just cleanse noed after it activated. Cleansing all totems before the gens are done is a time waste imo.
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That's extremely dramatic lol they added a totem counter which solo survs have been begging for forever, SWFs dont need this perk and they probably will never use it. If they do then great that's a waste of a perk slot when they could all just tell each other how many totems they cleansed. There's plenty of other issues in the game you could overreact about
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Imagine being upset that survivors don't have to complete a Gen in order to proc Detectives Hunch to find totems. That's a little less pressure off of gen rushing no?
Instead, survivors with Small Game will probably be trying to hunt down all the totems with their new and improved, reworked perk that let's them do so.
Survivors, (Potentially) wasting precious time cleansing every last totem in case of NOED or other potential Hexes. If you bring absolutely no Hexes then this literally will not affect you at all they're just straight-up wasting their time. You can also choose to bring something like Thrill of the Hunt so that it takes them longer to cleanse totems. If you run a Hex build you can run Thrill and or Undying or run your Hex + Haunted Grounds so that they are screwed over either way.
Basically what I'm saying is that, I feel like you're going to complain either way and that's silly to me because it's always like this with totems. Killers always seem to get upset when Survivors actually do a side objective other than gen rushing but also, complain about gen rushing so there's no winning lol
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"they added a totem counter which solo survs have been begging for forever"
Yes on a ######### perk
Which part of basekit information so solos don't need to use perks items or adons to get the same information SWF do for free is so difficult to understand? Am I speaking in German accidentally or something?
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You sound like you play at maybe green ranks? Where NOED probably procs every game? In red ranks, it's like... maybe 2/10 games end with a NOED down. And I would much rather search for a lit totem then waste my time at 4 gens cleansing dulls when I don't even know if the killer has it yet. The rest of the stuff you said is honestly irrelevant. Key info would be knowing how many gens are left, where the killer is located, Kindred, etc. Small Game is a joke of a perk that they only buffed because absolutely no one used it
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red ranks bestie try again x
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I would say detectives hunch gives you the information more reliable. The range is insane. And you get the info in which area totems got cleansed.
The totem counter is imo only useful for one thing: you are able to know that its one of this rare matches where your team is doing totems and its not a time waste to cleanse a totem.
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So you're just bad then lol and you call people bestie because you lack a personality
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or, and hear me out
basekit totem counter
so that people get the same information
and devs can buff totem spawns around that
shocker, i know
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I don't think adding a totem counter to the base game would really change all that much lol like why are you unironically complaining about Small Game
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or i just dont like the massive imbalance between solos and 4man swf so i use a perk that's frequently complained about to best show how much the difference in power actually impacts trials
i have a personality, you're just not ready for it x
sit down darling i have places to be
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im unironically complaining about small game because it shows the developers dont know how to actually balance their game and despite them saying that theyd work on bringing swf and solo closer together it's done the opposite.
i have no issues with the strength of the perk. i have several, severe issues with it's implementation
try reading things next time and i wont need to explain it again
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im unironically complaining about small game
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i have no issues with the strength of the perk. i have several, severe issues with it's implementation
again darling use your eyes and read things
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Yh i had hope for it, too. Sometimes they do useful qol-changes like the change to obsessions this update. Sadly we will now never get one bc they small game has it. Whats more frustrating is the fact that we will never get a explanation why they did that.
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It's just a really dramatic over reaction to a harmless perk getting buffed, that's all xx
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or it's showing that the devs won't stick to their promise of buffing solos in a meaningful way but keep being the reason the game won't get balanced x
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All the change does is help solo's find totems and keep track of how many were done
SWF gain basically nothing from it that they couldn't already know with competent communication (Granted not every SWF has that lol)
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Okay you got me. I agree bestie. :) Yes mama work xx slay the house boots queen darling xxxxx
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I'm pretty sure the issue here is the devs not just buffing solo queue, but buffing a perk that allows SWF to use efficiently. Instead of buffing solo queue they made a perk made for solo queue allowed for use in SWF, which essentially buffs it. It's not an overreaction.
What could have been done is solo queue getting buffed on its own.
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wow youre such a nice person, so glad youre mocking the way i speak too x
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a good swf will not use small game anyways they'll just do gens and if noed pops find the noed totem. like it is an overreaction cuz even if swf know all 5 totems got cleansed it doesn't change the impact of the match in any significant way lol
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######### thank you.
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This perk is basically unchanged for SWFs actually, other than the better tracking as you cleanse more totems. SWFs will just call out how many totems are cleansed. The counter doesn't help much unless there's someone in the team not on the SWF cleansing.
Totem counter should still be basekit though, seeing as totems are the "sEconDArY ObJecTiVE."
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That's not exactly the point though. The point is, the devs tried to buff solo queue but ended up buffing SWF as well.
The perk is still very powerful in SWF, and that's fine, and even if it were weak then that'd also be fine. But the devs decided to buff a perk for everyone to use instead of standalone buffing solo queue.
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im glad we can at least agree on the last bit of it actually needing to be basekit not a perk
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I would not say the perk is very powerful in swf, so I guess that's where we disagree. SWFs use perks to protect their teammates and give them as many lives as possible (unbreakable, ds, dead hard, bt, adrenaline, soul guard, etc.) if you equip small game you're losing out on the actual strong perks, just to know how many totems were cleansed, when you're already playing/comming with other people and they could literally just tell you. Baby solo survivors knowing how many totems have been cleansed is what the buff is intended for and adding a basekit totem counter would give SWF that info without requiring the use of a perk slot
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This is a fair point.
I'm hoping they move the totem counter from Small Game to the survivor kit.
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Why are you making multiple threads on the same topic