I am here to suggest some sort of penalty for the wannabe killers who face camp. Literally face camp. I have several screenshots/videos/ tickets i sent about this. It's frustrating to see how the new matchmaking gives me the same killer for 4 consecutive games(today alone i played 4 matches against Bubba,in a row, although was 4 different players behind it, the strategy was the same: sit in front of the hook, not engaging in chases, etc). Since they all use the universal build(NOED, BARBEQUE, RUIN, +/- Franklin's), i kindly suggest you implement some form of penalty for that outrageous gameplay. You nerfed DS like no other, you keep nerfing left and right.. yet this is not gameplay. What;s the point in solo queue-ing public games, since the killer won't move from hook, the teammates(some don't really respond to my attempts of strategic unhook) etc. Makes me lose interest in the game altogether and is a shame. I am starting to do some noob achievements(ADEPT etc) because i lost my interest in playing it seriously. I hope you consider this. (e.g if they sit in front of the hook for more than 10 sec there will be some sort of penalty) . I am simply suggesting , based on my personal frustration. Don't attack me for it.

Also imagine having so many perks out there, but not being original in any way and build your own killer . Copy paste the same 3 perks for any killer..sad.



  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    What do you mean by tickets? Do you mean you sent a report on the person face camping? Face camping is not a bannable offense and it's legal. The reason why killers are so limited to certain perks it's because generators go by so fast that there isn't much of an options if you want to win consistently.

  • YourWifeSamantha
    YourWifeSamantha Member Posts: 32

    because i was fkin angry ..i got out of the 4th game against a buba who wouldn't move from the hook. Idk what is my luck lately lol. Also is not Karen energy . I legit have to play like this for over a week now. I don't know what happened.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,390

    I mean they participated in the chase that lead to the first survivor getting hooked.

  • YourWifeSamantha
    YourWifeSamantha Member Posts: 32

    No I don't even bother reporting anymore. I just thought maybe is a coincidence but at this point idk what to believe, Like the game is completely different for about a week. Either players changed, or i just get the bad ones(NO OFFENSE)

  • YourWifeSamantha
    YourWifeSamantha Member Posts: 32

    LOL if that;s the case then i guess ... they did nothing wrong right? xD

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    Well most killers feel under the stress of rounds most rounds. It can be quite difficult. Killers that don't have a lot of time and experience in the game are going to struggle. It's not easy to play killer. So sometimes after a bad few rounds killers just do what they wish. If the objective wasn't done so quickly then maybe we would see less toxic behavior from killers. Survivor is a lot easier to play just because it's 4 of you versus 1 person. That's why killers have to run meta for the most part in red ranks unless you are playing spirit or nurse which have an easier time once you get good at them. The rest of the roaster has a harder time keeping up pressure. So I wouldn't complain about it. Either take a break or just understand why the killers might be doing it.

  • MrPsych
    MrPsych Member Posts: 265
    edited May 2021

    Camping is not against the game rules. It sucks for the survivor involved but it's a tactic like any other.

    If killer camp, survivors can just mass repair gens and leave the trial in a few minutes without being bothered. Campers won't get to a high rank with this strategy and likely depip as a result.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Correct. Camping is a legit tactic to slow down generators, and it's Survivor's fault if they run at a guarded hook. There is also no way to punish bad campers without wiping out legit camping or player agency.

    So yes; the Killer did nothing wrong. Good talk.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    Fun fact: In order for a killer to camp someone they have to catch them in a chase first.

    The More You Know
  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    I'll say this. I agree that camping like this is frustrating. The problem is, camping like you just said, is bad for the killer. They will get 1 kill, but they will lose the game.

    The reason people get upset, is when the camping works. Why does the camping work? In my experience, it is because the survivors have put themselves in a situation where camping is the most viable and correct strategy. Let me explain a few situations i have been in, where survivors put me in a situation where camping was the best play, and allowed me to win a game:

    • Chasing the first survivor, and just as you hook them, 3 gens pop. Now, i'm not saying "well i lost because goodbye 3 gens" is why i camp. I'm saying that it is the best play. The survivors now have to come for the unhook and they just finished 3 gens. So i know that the other 4 gens have no progress. Most likely, the 3 gens are on the opposite end of the map, so now i'm near 1 or 2 gens along with the hooked survivor. The survivors now have to come to my side of the map. In this case, it is the best play to make. What they should have done instead, was not pop all 3 gens, and leave them 99'd and then start pressuring for the unhook, or spread out more so the other 4 gens aren't so close.
    • 3 gens. If i hook a survivor near a 3 gen, why would i bother leaving? I'm doing my objective by defending generators, and you set me up to be able to camp and defend the generators.
    • The other 3 survivors are injured. If all the survivors are injured, the pressure is on them to get the unhook. They can't do the gens, because they have to stop and heal to come for the unhook which means gens aren't pressured. If they do gens instead, i can often wait 1 hook state, lose a gen or 2, and then be able to down multiple survivors and slug them for a win if they aren't careful.
    • If you instantly immerse and hide as soon as you hear the terror radius and i have nobody else to chase, i'll go back and check for the unhook. If i spot someone, i'll go chase them. If i don't, then i might hover a bit, because at that point i just checked gens, i know survivors aren't on them and are hiding and i can afford the time to wait for a hook state.

    Often times camping is able to be done because survivors put themselves in positions where camping becomes the good strategy to employ.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Welcome. Some Killers are going to Camp. Nothing you say here is going to affect that. I'm not trying to be mean, simply direct and pragmatic. The best thing you can do is watch videos, read articles, and practice the game basics. It sounds like you had a run of bad luck. It happens. As time goes on you will find that you are still the victim of a Camp now and then, but it isn't near as common. You just put your head down and charge into adversity:

    “Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

    And by opposing end them?”

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    Technically, you're correct they did nothing wrong. I'm aware of the sarcasm, but they broke no rules. Camping is allowed, its boring for all parties involved, but it is an intended mechanic and the way to punish it is to just do the generators and leave.

  • PlunderingPanda
    PlunderingPanda Member Posts: 112

    A camping killer is literally leaving the survivor's main objective completely unattended. If they're gonna camp a hook, just read the room and go find a generator. I recommend doing a generator within the killers terror radius first, if they're actually camping. It might also annoy them enough to make an opening for someone else to unhook while they go investigate that annoying clanging noise. You can literally do 1.2+ gens solo with 1 survivor hooked, even accounting for the time it takes to figure out that the killer is camping.

    Here's the super deep, dark secret about camping: Killer's wouldn't do it if it didn't work out for them in the end. I watch people reward campers all. the. time. I can't remember the last camping killer that WASN'T rewarded with at least a 100% "return on investment" for camping. It's silly. Survivors that hop into camper territory might as well put it on their dbd resume as: "Unpaid volunteer work at Bubba's bloodpoint farm".

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    That's the thing. It goes like this:

    Killer finds Survivor.

    Killer chases Survivor.

    Killer downs Surivor.

    Survivor #2 runs brainlessly at the hook.

    Survivor #2 either trades, or gets grabbed.

    Survivor #3 runs brainlessly at hook.

    Survivor #3 gets chased/grabbed.


    Stop sending my food to my mouth, and I'll have to leave the hook, or starve.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    If you're not (too) addicted to DBD gameplay you should probably just play something else.

    The vast majority of long term players take the game too seriously so they will either try to get the 4k no matter how even if it means hooking everyone 1 single time by camping + slugging or even not at all (faced a Nurse that would slug everyone all game then immediately go afk the second she finally slugged the 4th survivor to let everyone bleed out) and some survivors would choose to escape without any chases at all if they could finish the gens in 1 second.

    One could say the community tries its best to ruin a fun-concept-game one day at a time and since people don't change you might as well get another game unless you really are addicted to the gameplay.

  • YourWifeSamantha
    YourWifeSamantha Member Posts: 32

    yea, i mean he cant kill all the rest of us if we fkin go together to the hook, right? i tried that.. my teammates didn't participate c.c / i know is a 4 v 1 , is just frustrating for me personally to play idk 12 hours a day sometimes, and have same type of killer .

  • YourWifeSamantha
    YourWifeSamantha Member Posts: 32

    yeah i get that, but same can be said for some of us survivors, after having to deal with same thing an entire day, right? c.c out of respect i don't dc, i continue my game. Is not even about ranking anymore, is just boring.

  • YourWifeSamantha
    YourWifeSamantha Member Posts: 32

    never said is illegal..or anything. is B O R I N G . boring.

  • YourWifeSamantha
    YourWifeSamantha Member Posts: 32

    Thank you for taking the time and kindness to reply without sarcasm or attacking me . I appreciate your answer <3

  • YourWifeSamantha
    YourWifeSamantha Member Posts: 32

    Thank you. Yeah i will have to accept it. Maybe it was bad luck .

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
  • YourWifeSamantha
    YourWifeSamantha Member Posts: 32

    i wasnt gonna xD i just said is so boring. Is easy to gen rush in that case, yes. But i am that one idiot who doesn't like leaving teammates behind. Oh well. Thanks

  • YourWifeSamantha
    YourWifeSamantha Member Posts: 32

    Absolutely not the case. Killer downs 1 survivor. then camps it. The rest of us do gens. I try go for hook but i won't risk getting grabbed as u say, i try to make him chase me, i flash him etc. idk . You name it. He won't budge. I sometimes manage to rescue and get hooked instead, sometimes i escape with BT , but in today's situation it was not about my gameplay ..was about 4 games in a row, same tactic, which makes it super boring.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,874

    Do you have cross-play enabled? You shouldn’t have been matched up with the same bubba 4 matches in a row, especially immediately after a mid-chapter drop/new rift. I know you’re pissed about the camping & it sucks. I’m pissed about the farming & the new struggle phase making it worse. Try to remain calm and hang in there. I switch to another game and return later when i have too many back to back sessions of people playing like dicks.

  • YourWifeSamantha
    YourWifeSamantha Member Posts: 32

    yeah actually i do have it enabled. Can that be the cause? Never thought about it.

    I am calm, it was just boring :/ I have many friends ( more than half my fl almost 200 ppl , are killers in dbd). You imagine i also talk this with them, and none of them apply the face camping , yet they manage to make the game enjoyable . Thanks for your kind reply.

  • YourWifeSamantha
    YourWifeSamantha Member Posts: 32

    thanks Nancy , always can count on you:P( it was not me being face camped tho")

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Nothing wrong with securing a kill. The strategy works on bad Survivors and can potentially speed up the process if someone suicides. Best you can do is improve your stealth game so they never get the 1st hook.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    Maybe the killer was trying to depip

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    Hence the reason for SWF's who run Prove Thyself, Kindred, Spine Chill, Tool Boxes etc to power through those gens and almost out the gate by the time the killer tries for the second hook. It works both ways,,, Good talk.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Being camped by a bubba is nothing less than an honor and a privilege.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050


  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    The same argument can be made against survivors who spend the whole game hiding and just doing Gens. there is no chase just frustration and boredom.

    but that's okay as long as the survivors make it out, it's all on the killer at that point right?

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705
    edited May 2021

    Not my original thoughts, but a paraphrasing of something from a wise, long-ago DbD player named Dezzmont:

    Understanding Camping and why Killers do it

    DBD is, at its core, a really simple game, and the killer gameplay loop when it comes to hooked survivors is really easy to model:

    -After hooking do you leave or stay to defend the hook?

    Here's how a good Killer makes that decision.

    -Is there another Survivor nearby or do you suspect a survivor is nearby? If yes, stay and defend. If no, go search for more survivors.

    Reasons: if you stay and no survivors come for the save, you have gained nothing and lost gen time. If you stay and someone gets off of a gen to come and save, you have now taken at least two survivors off of their main objective (more if they hook rush) and their objective progress is effectively cut in half. If you leave the hook and get into another chase, you are now delaying two survivors: the hooked and the one being chased. If someone else goes for the save during this case, you have cut Survivor progress by at least 75%, maybe 100% if the 4th survivor is not doing gens.

    -If you defend, and survivors go to the hook you are now slowing gen progress by at least 50% and eliminating a survivor from the game. This is a situation you want to be in as a Killer; you will eventually win when the survivors make a mistake and get downed if they can't get the save quickly. This is the best possible situation for a Killer. This is where killers with instadowns, group damage and the ability to quickly kill survivors and prevent hooks have the advantage (Billy, Bubba, Myers, Plague, NOED users, etc.)

    - If you defend, and survivors don't go to the hook, you are now not progressing your objectives (Killing Survivors) in a meaningful way as your presence does not help secure the kill on the hooked survivor any more than if you were not present, and now 3 survivors are free to repair as fast as they can for as long as you defend with you gaining no value. If you defend the full hook timer, you probably lose the match.

    However, a skilled Killer will be able to split the difference. What Survivors call 'Proxy camping' (proximity camping, a phrase they made up to describe a Killer who patrols while monitoring the hook, i.e. a smart killer) can effectively keep pressure on generators and be prepared to punish unhook attempts. The Killers who master this are the ones who reach high ranks and stay there; this is especially the forte` of high-mobility Killers like Billy, Nurse, Oni, and Spirit but it can be done effectively with any Killer by taking advantage of the map and understanding when, where and how Survivors will approach for the save.

    What does this all mean?

    Camping is not a playstyle, in the same way that throwing rock every time in Rock, Paper, Scissors isn't a playstyle. Camping is an attempt to counter expected survivor behavior, and it is required to get a good outcome if the survivors hook rush. Good killers think less of if they should camp or roam, and more try to anticipate the survivors.


    -If they suspect the survivors are extremely altruistic (because they hook rushed earlier or made cocky borrowed time saves), then the ONLY correct choice is to defend the hook, perhaps trying to pretend they aren't to bait a rescue.

    -If they suspect the survivors are pragmatic, the ONLY correct choice is to leave the hook to find another survivor as soon as possible.

    And, of course, if a killer sees a survivor at the hook not trying to hide their presence, they automatically know that defending will be the highest value action they can take, and leaving is the worst thing they can do in that scenario. Barbeque and Chili and many other tracking perks, powers and addons exist. Killers can see you and you as a Survivor are not as good at stealth as you think; with over 3,200 hours in this game I can say that I nearly always know where survivors generally are and often know exactly where most or all of them are.

    Killer choice is irrelevant in which scenario actually plays out. As most intelligent killers will tell you, camping comes about because of survivor behavior. If you always go aggro for the unhook you create a game where it not only is always the best choice for a killer to camp, but its always a game losing state for the killer to not camp. Your skill at chasing is relevant here, but if you risk it - and it is a risk no matter how good you are due to countless second chance Survivor perks - you may gambling your victory.

    Listen Carefully, Survivors. This part is super important for you.

    Your most important tool to get rescues vs killers who default to camping is subterfuge. Even if you are 100% committed to unhooking what you must do is make it seem like you are not going for the rescue.

    This means not being seen near the hook. This means making sure that if you are SWF that allies make it clear gens are being done by either finishing them or intentionally failing gen checks once or twice. This especially means not using really transparent diversions that make it clear someone else is ready for a hook rescue, like jumping over a window repeatedly, because then you are just saying to the killer "if you keep camping you have incapacitated 3 people, not just 2 because you now know 3 people are not on gens - you who is trying to get the killer to chase you, the guy on the hook, and the person hiding going for a rescue.

    Thanks for reading, those of you who had the attention span to do so and the IQ to understand it.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    He did the right thing; one hooked, one standing there watching. He took 50% of the survivors off the objective with 4 gens left. This was a smart play by him and a bad play by you.

  • latigresa
    latigresa Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2021

    Camping is more nuanced than standing by a survivor for 2 minutes. Most survivors don't realize what is happening and think no one is going to rescue. Then one by one survivors stop what they are doing, go see what's happening, and have to find a generator to repair to take advantage of the camping. The previous steps wastes time for survivors. Maybe there was already a progress on a generator and you resume repairing. But either way, you don't get a full 2 minutes or so to repair.

    Once the victim is second stage, the damage is done. The killer can either proxy camp or patrol. If the survivor is unhooked, they killer can return and finish them off or know that one survivor is almost eliminated. Its win/win for the killer except a few situations. If survivors have kindred or selfish, the killer will be countered.

  • Hermit
    Hermit Member Posts: 388

    Let's see what the Devs have to say about this: