few pallets + nerf structures + harvester tech gone + deadzones in the new map coldwind farm...

ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

Hello everyone, today I come to discuss the new map update, the truth is very nice and the whole new map ... but technically speaking it is horrible to play as survivor, they reduced the number of pallets incredibly, there are around 8 to 11 pallets depending on the variation of the map, in the old maps there were at least 12 to 15 pallets per game ... now it is impossible, especially when you play alone and the randoms spend the pallets at the beginning of the game, if we play against a bubba it just automatically gets a free 12 hooks... we add the nerf to the harvester tech and the new dead zones without pallets, the infinity and nerfed structures ... just horrible ... what do you think about it? even the map macmillan dont received anything similar ... now coldwind farm is full killer sided in my opinion... (talking in solo queue cuz you can win rushing with a premade of 4... for sure... but its not fun in my opinion... im not here only to repair gens...).

pd: the objects are now so big... that is why there is alot of dead zones...

pd2: the nerf of the cow tree is just amazing how they killed that loop too.

pd3: harvester tech is working but is so hard doing it now in console at the least... survivors console players rip harvester tech.

Post edited by ChunWooHan on


  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35

    3 years playing and never see a nerf so strong before... yup its just hurt not pallets in the center of the map+

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35

    im rank 1 actually both sides, you can delete these 8 pallets in 2 minutes (im speaking without perks to do it... if we add the brutal strenght... or bubba with bamboozle) gg game, there is not good loops anymore since they nerfed every main building + techs + structures (like tree of cows) + dead zones 1 pallet every 10 metters rip just not fun + reduction of pallets just its not fair at all. :)

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    I didn't really feel a lack of pallets, but if there are a couple less pallets in Fractured Cowshed I'm all for it, that map had back to back to back loops that made killer impossible sometimes. You can still do the harverster tech, you just need to swing on it rather than walk.

    If you are talking about Fractured Cowshed, Rotten Fields or Thompson House, they never really had pallets in the center of the map with a few exceptions.

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35
    edited May 2021

    how this can be fair? main building is nerfed, harvester tech gone, objects are ununnecessarily bigs, pallets are so far and sometimes there are dead zones, structures nerfed like tree of cows and more. Just compare this against other maps reworks :)

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35

    that is right, not always, but the pallets numbers must be fixed in my opinion... since these nerfs are strong for killer sided.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    let's not forget that they've brought back bodyblockable basement stairs again...

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    Well crying whiny killers got what they wanted I guess.. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Well.... Solo survivor is over for me, only going to play SWF and killer from now on. Good job BHVR, thanks for ruining the game completely. In a week this Forum will be overflooded with “Why are my killer ques so long” and SWF complaints 🤦‍♀️

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    It’s definitely a stronger map than before,its a very big map and the gens are spread across. When i play on this map i know theres 80% chances ill do only one kill,gens fly on this map

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35
    edited May 2021

    that is the point... only way is genrush (premade) to win since there is nothing to do against killers campers + tunneling in that map and that is the point im not here to gen rush just want have fun :)

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35
    edited May 2021

    80% chances? what are you telling me? that is only based on premade and gen rushers.... nothing to do in solo queue and im not here just to gen rush a killer finally that map was based more on haverster tech and good loops with the windows in main building + tree of cows now that is super nerfed and pallets gone in early so fast + dead zones where isnt pallet like the old coldwind farm!

    pd: based on numbers killers win 80% of matchs and survivors only a 20% if im not wrong bhv post on twiter how many people scape in 1 year + number of kills that is just amazing how this game become a killer side everyday xD.

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35

    the infinites are nerfed lol just look that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSAbddZYtmU&ab_channel=Cru5h , about the 8 pallets in 2 min im talking the point of view of me playing how killer :) and when im solo queue randoms wasted it so fast so what strong are you talking about? if there isnt pallets + nerfed structures + nerfed infinites + removed harvester tech + windows nerfed on rancid abattoir + infinite nerfed (you can hit now across the railing.... this is not strong anymore :) im talking just based on the rework like mcmillan state!, brutal strength is mediocre? damn boy there isnt perks mediocres at the final in this game everyone can use what they want and its legal.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    its still possible to walk over it, but i think you need to be a 115 speed killer for it (i couldnt do it with spirit but i did it with wraith)

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35

    maybe this still working on survivor too but that is so hard doing it now in console with ps4 controller :/ crossplay)? make me think they do this cuz devs get out played on these maps so hard i guess...

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I couldn't do it with Plague but I trully believe they lie about her speed. I had to go and grab corrupt to get a survivor off the damn thing. I don't believe the map is killer sided at all there are plenty of loops - T/L on each side, shack, there are long set of hay bales (JG's) not to mentions aura perks/add-ons are hard to see anyone with. The gens are ridiculously spread out, the corn is still hard to see through and now tall as a giraffe ass. OP claims only way to win on it is to rush the gens well guess what that's pretty much all anyone does anyhow so this is the map for survivors. Split and tunnel gens is the meta. Exact reason I don't run disco no more.

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    yeah I certainly noticed a lack of pallets on some CWF maps, even running windows I struggled in a lot of areas. It has not been a pleasant survivor experience for sure.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I got a Torment Creek that had nothing in the back corner behind the main building except a single pallet I was forced to prethrow. Only reason I got out was Lucky Break. Went back to the area just to see if I was blind AF, but nope - every single tile had hay and farm equipment, but there was only one pallet.

    However, that is the only deadzone I have come across so far (and I mean at all), and it was still filled with LoS blockers that made LB shine as the insane perk it is.

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35

    well i found like 2 or 3 dead zones cuz the maps can change by the algorithm inside the game xD the objects, loops and pallets change every time just play it alot and you gona know what im talking about xD

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I do play a lot, and on other realms I do see deadzones a fair bit, but Coldwind isn't really comparable. I could have just been getting lucky spawns, but overall, with the exception of Cowshed, it's a very nice rework.

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35
    edited May 2021

    if we are talking about graphics yup its look cool... but if we are speaking about technically structures, pallets locations... old coldwind win... for alot! there is no comparison.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "the infinites are nerfed lol just look that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSAbddZYtmU&ab_channel=Cru5h ,"

    They are still there. You are forced to destroy the breakable walls to remove them.

    "about the 8 pallets in 2 min im talking the point of view of me playing how killer :) and when im solo queue randoms wasted it so fast so what strong are you talking about?"

    You don't call loops or pallets weak because you have teammates that play bad, that doesn't make sense.

    "if there isnt pallets + nerfed structures + nerfed infinites + removed harvester tech + windows nerfed on rancid abattoir + infinite nerfed (you can hit now across the railing.... this is not strong anymore"

    There are plenty of pallets, the structures aren't really nerfed, there are still infinites, and you can actually fast vault the side window of harvester now (aka buff for good survivors). This isn't multiple nerfed things about the map, you're just misconstruing the changes.

    "brutal strength is mediocre? "

    Yes Brutal Strength is mediocre, the math has been done on the time it's actually saving you.

    "damn boy there isnt perks mediocres at the final in this game everyone can use what they want and its legal.""

    I can't tell what you're trying to say here with the jumbled grammar and sentence structure.

    The corn maps are still extremely strong and were busted maps before the rework. There's a reason all the SWF groups sent you here if they didn't have a Haddonfield offering. They needed significant toning down.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The new maps have buffed hay tiles (somehow), buffed main buildings, more consistent spawns, and the insanity that is Cowshed (shack seems to be permanently chained to 2 path pallets and 2 maze tiles, with it being extremely likely to spawn filler pallets that are almost as strong as path pallets to them chain it to the centre of the map and across to Cowshed itself, which was also buffed).

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35

    well firstly my english is not good at all its fine,

    They are still there. You are forced to destroy the breakable walls to remove them.

    R: so you gona tell me in the old infinite in rancid abattoir is not nerfed? you dont see the video right? killer can hit you across the full railling... ggs. even if there are walls its not a infinite anymore its like a building with a unique window... and only can do fast vault for one side.

    There are plenty of pallets, the structures aren't really nerfed, there are still infinites, and you can actually fast vault the side window of harvester now (aka buff for good survivors). This isn't multiple nerfed things about the map, you're just misconstruing the changes.

    R: maybe main killer? im speaking about the two sides cuz im rank 1 killer and survivor playing 3000 hours+ in experience too, this coldwind farm is far to be the same as the old one in pallet ubications and structures. (nerfed)

    Yes Brutal Strength is mediocre, the math has been done on the time it's actually saving you.

    R: there is something called imagination and builds.

    I can't tell what you're trying to say here with the jumbled grammar and sentence structure.

    R: like i said in the other line... that is only a point of view and i dont share it.

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35

    i gona say one thing mcmillan state still have the essence of his old map :) coldwind no.

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35

    thanks for giving your real opinion even if you are main killer or survivor is much better say the truth :)

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2021

    "so you gona tell me in the old infinite in rancid abattoir is not nerfed? you dont see the video right? killer can hit you across the full railling... ggs. even if there are walls its not a infinite anymore its like a building with a unique window... and only can do fast vault for one side."

    I watched the video. In general, the infinites are more plentiful. It costs the killer a lot having all those breakable walls he has to waste time on or lose chases. I definitely wouldn't straight up call the infinites nerfed per say. We do need all infinites removed though, and not from wasting time on a breakable wall.

    "maybe main killer? im speaking about the two sides cuz im rank 1 killer and survivor playing 3000 hours+ in experience too, this coldwind farm is far to be the same as the old one in pallet ubications and structures. (nerfed)"

    I have played both sides at rank 1 for 7,300+ hours. It has plenty of pallets and I'd even say the map is still quite survivor sided.

    "there is something called imagination and builds."

    I never said there wasn't. It's just not very strong.

    The Coldwind maps needed to be brought down in power level, they were ridiculous.

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35
    edited May 2021

    so if coldwind is broken like you said... the others maps are heavens for survivors? that dont make me sense at the final like i said to the other guy mcmillan state still have the essence of his old map :) coldwind no.

    pd: autohaven too still have the essensce.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2021

    About 60% the maps are survivor sided with varying degrees of that of course. Some heavily, some mildly, and some just slightly. 20% are balanced and 20% are killer sided. These are rough gauges of course.

    Coldwind still feels like it has its essence to me.

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35

    so that is why there are like 40m of kills (high win rate in killer) vs 4m of scape of survivors just i dont tell it that is a bhv statics posted on twitter if im not wrong but then survivor sided or not that dont contemplate the face camping + tunneling + camp (im not against it) but finally this map is awful at the final :).

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35

    so that is why 40m of survivors has been killed vs 4m of survivors has been scaped... bhv post it on twitter just amazing, this dont contemplate the facecamping , sluging, camping, tunneling (this is lgeal im not against it) but you cant say its survivor sided maps xD cuz the win rate is high on killer more than survivors for statics of bhv.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2021

    You're looking too much into those stats, they are flawed for a multitude of reasons that are completely unrelated to balance. Dcs, killing themselves on hook, NOED, getting 1 hook all game and then they just swarm the hook trying to save that guy and it turns into a 4k, etc etc.

    There are many, many things in the game that artificial skew the kill rate higher that are entirely unrelated to balance whatsoever. This is also why the devs specifically said not to make any interpretations about balance when looking at the stats.

    If you think the game is killer sided you are in the extreme minority. The vast majority of the high rank/high hour community all agrees the game is survivor sided and quite significantly.

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35
    edited May 2021

    The order of the factors does not alter the product, 40m of kills vs 4m scaped, this is maths only even if its not exactly for suicides / dc (dc for me is already nerfed since you got a ban) / slug / camping / facecamping / tunnel / premades / etc. this only show the killer sided what im talking about and the point here is the other reworks are fine cuz they keep the same amount of pallets and dont touch the main buildings / structures / objects... coldwind is another story finally... pallet reduction + new structures... no essence...

  • Aimant
    Aimant Member Posts: 4

    Hello, everyone. As expected, I will share my opinion here:

    For all of you here saying wonderful things about the new Coldwind rework, "super strong loops", "not nerfed at all" and that sort of stuff... I assume you're main killers, right? Because there's no way a main survivor or someone who plays both sides would agree that nonsense argument. Just to make it clear, I'm the second tipe of person who plays both sides, as survivor and killer.

    The obvious reduction of pallets? The machine (harvester-tech) nerfed? The dead zones (which are "covered" with useless huge objects as boxes or hay blocks) around the map? There's no need to have 7000+ hours to understand such a simple situation that happened here: the rework of Coldwind map is absolutely a pro-killer one right now. If you want to accept it or not, is your choice. But you can't change the evident fact that it is.

    I've been telling it from a time ago: The main (and worrying) problem of Dead by Daylight and its toxicity is lack of empathy. And the comments here are the living proof of that.

    Really easy to say "If you waste 8 pallets in 2 minutes, then you're such a bad player"... With the corresponding respect, THERE'RE 4 SURVIVORS playing the game, you can't be so selfish as main killer. If I play alone and some of the randoms throw pallets as there's no tomorrow, why would it be my fault? Is it really my fault that my teammates are as bad as a rotten potato?

    If your answer is "yes", then there's no discussion to keep going on. Hope you can change your mentality soon and realize it's not everybody's fault. Playing without friends has turned into something impossible right now, and it's a pity for those good players.

    Beauty aapart (which it really may be, personally too bright and sunny for me), Coldwind rework is a shame for survivors, a complete disappointment. Hope Behaviour can reconsider it and fix the disguisting loops, pallets and structures they designed.

    I'll keep forward this post. Have a nice day!

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2021

    The result is not all that matters, that is flawed thinking. We care about kills because we are using it to determine balance, ergo the kills that were made in relation to balance are all that matter.

    The only time the end result is all that matters is when we are not drawing conclusions from those kills such as balance, of which you are.

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35

    you should read aimant POV anyways there is nothing to say, im main survivor who play both sides, im not agree with this new update coldwind farm and your pov is far to be the reality finally, that is why i made this post how discussion and has been moved to suggestion right now maybe they can fix it to give us a good rework like mcmillan state, autohaven, asylum, etc. atm its a painful map for solo survivors +1

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The new Coldwind maps are almost identical to the old ones.

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2021

    Aimants post I almost commented on. So much of that post is completely untrue and shows a misunderstanding of the game at a fundamental level.

  • Aimant
    Aimant Member Posts: 4

    Would you mind explain me how's that "I lied and misunderstood basically (as you expressed) the whole game"?

    Perhaps we're talking about a completly different game then, because I'm here playing and talking about Dead by Daylight. Oh, maybe I posted on the wrong forum... Let me check.

    Hmm... Nope, this is it.

    How's that you're so locked up in your own perspective that you can't consider other ones? That mayble I'm right too?

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35

    so you steal my argument after that change it (edit) to trying to invalidate the argument of aimant ? that is what we are talking about main killers, instead of giving a good feed just you dont want they change it i guess and that is fine but dont try to hide the sun with your finger.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2021

    "Would you mind explain me how's that "I lied and misunderstood basically (as you expressed) the whole game"?"

    First don't put quotes around something I didn't say. A quote is a quote, not an interpretation.

    "Perhaps we're talking about a completly different game then, because I'm here playing and talking about Dead by Daylight. Oh, maybe I posted on the wrong forum... Let me check.

    Hmm... Nope, this is it."

    Sarcastic insults won't move your conversation forward at all, but making points with critical thinking will.

    "How's that you're so locked up in your own perspective that you can't consider other ones? That mayble I'm right too?"

    I did consider your points, they were bad.

    "I assume you're main killers, right? Because there's no way a main survivor or someone who plays both sides would agree that nonsense argument. Just to make it clear, I'm the second tipe of person who plays both sides, as survivor and killer."

    Calling someone a killer main because you disagree with them is already starting a conversation by name calling and doesn't show an actual eagerness for a rational conversation. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make then a whatever main. They may simply have a better balanced perspective.

    "The obvious reduction of pallets? The machine (harvester-tech) nerfed? The dead zones (which are "covered" with useless huge objects as boxes or hay blocks) around the map? There's no need to have 7000+ hours to understand such a simple situation that happened here: the rework of Coldwind map is absolutely a pro-killer one right now. If you want to accept it or not, is your choice. But you can't change the evident fact that it is."

    The map is still quite survivor sided. There are still way more than enough pallets, the harvester "nerf" is a bit of a stretch as it also got buffed since you can fast vault it now, and yes there are some dead zones as many maps already have, you are expected to play around that factor. The rework is not a "pro-killer" change, it's a pro-balanced design change. It was busted for survivors before hence why SWF always sent you there. As I mentioned before, it's still survivor sided.

    "I've been telling it from a time ago: The main (and worrying) problem of Dead by Daylight and its toxicity is lack of empathy. And the comments here are the living proof of that."

    People disagreeing with you isn't lack of empathy. Calling it that is just showing your ego with the inability to understand you could be wrong and choosing to name call them instead.

    "Really easy to say "If you waste 8 pallets in 2 minutes, then you're such a bad player"... With the corresponding respect, THERE'RE 4 SURVIVORS playing the game, you can't be so selfish as main killer. If I play alone and some of the randoms throw pallets as there's no tomorrow, why would it be my fault? Is it really my fault that my teammates are as bad as a rotten potato?"

    That is not selfish, that is understanding the balance of the game. It's a 1v4, not a 1v1. You are a team, not a solo. If the game was balanced around 1v1 how you are implying it would be busted. The game is balanced around your team doing things like that. It is your teams fault, not your fault. Selfish is ignoring the team aspect and wanting the game balanced around you.

    "If your answer is "yes", then there's no discussion to keep going on. Hope you can change your mentality soon and realize it's not everybody's fault. Playing without friends has turned into something impossible right now, and it's a pity for those good players."

    Impossible without friends? Really?

    I play solo queue at rank 1 95% of the time and we 3-4 escape at least 75% of my matches. If you find it that impossible it is a you issue, not a balance issue.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2021

    First, I can't even understand what you're saying from the broken grammar and sentence structure.

    Second, I am not a killer main, I play both sides equally. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them a killer main. Stop being tribal and provide counter arguments to points you disagree with, name calling is illogical.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Even where there aren't pallets, there's usually a lot of LoS blockers.

    I've played on the Coldwind maps multiple times as both Survivor and Killer and I've not noticed any real lack of pallets.

    Unless you run to a corner of the map.

    Also, almost all, if not all of the pallets on those maps are very good. Higher quality = less quantity.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Oh, so the details don't matter?

    I guess Hawkins in the best map in the game because it has so many pallets, right? Oh wait, it isn't because 99% of those pallets are awful.

    Details matter.

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35
    edited May 2021

    since numbers are ilogical and every argument for you is ilogical nothing to say there are people who want comment, i already expose my point on that post and this dont gona make me change my mind at all, solid arguments are based on others maps reworks + statics + maths, if you cant handle it dont worry, its fine, anyways my english is bad im here to read others opinion not only your opinion, we can play both sides but you only can be or main survivor or main killer, just you dont like listen others how i can see, you dont tolarate another povs. have a good day <3 its so simple old coldwind have more pallets + harvester tech + infinite + not dead zones, new coldwind is nerfed.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I've mostly been playing them as Survivor. The only really big change is more consistentcy - dead zones used to be a lot more common, as were insane pallet spawns. Now it's more in the middle.

  • ChunWooHan
    ChunWooHan Member Posts: 35

    the details for sure that map was 101% based on the main building infinites and harvester tech since they removed it, just a awful map.