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who else has been put in this situation?

Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

So I know I may get a little heat for this but here's what happened. 4 gens left downed a Nea who was the last survivor and the hatch was opened. Picked her up but there was no hook nearby so I dropped her and just camped her while she was crawling around. She had a key so I didn't wanna close hatch and then she finds it and opens it back up. I finally found the hatch with her nearby so I closed it and she was able to get up with adrenaline.

Nea was trying to get past me so she could open the hatch back up but it didn't work out for her. I know what I did was kinda scummy but she had a key so I felt like I didn't have much of a choice but to camp her and I never like to leave people on the ground because I know how annoying and boring that can be but this was just the one scenario where it was necessary. have any of you had something like this happen?


  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Your goal is to kill, their goal is to survive. You did what was within your options. You have to decide for yourself if it is worth it your time and effort.

    I downed a Meg at an exit gate after closing the hatch on Pale Rose today. I picked her up and there was a massive hook deadzone because Swamp. I let her wiggle and signaled to take the gate. At that point for me killing her was just a meaningless formality that would waste my time and hers. You are free to do as you please as long as you abide to the rules.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    You did nothing wrong.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030
    edited May 2021

    As long as you aren't taking the game hostage for an indefinite amount of time for reasons other than winning, it's not a problem. FYI she can't use a key when she is downed.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,169


    I felt kind of bad about it (especially in the cases where it turns out they didn't actually have DS, they were just messing around or trying to bluff me or something) but I've had at the EGC where someone bolts into a locker I was chasing and when they do that, I kind of have to assume they've got DS. I've sat there for sixty seconds before grabbing them (or slugging them on the ground if they jumped out) because if they have DS, they're going to escape if I pick them up early.

    It sucks because it feels like such a waste of both of our times but whatcha gonna do

    Although I do have a pretty funny story like this. I took someone down right in front of the exit gates on a upright pallet as Plague (I had Blood Warden, which will come into play later). However, the other three survivors were there and ready to slam that pallet down on me. So I basically just camp the downed person, throwing up on everyone and letting them all get injured by it. They just weren't very brave (maybe they needed the achievement or wanted to get cute and slam the pallet in my face or something) but they just basically kept looping the downed person instead of picking them up.

    Half the EGC goes down before one of them finally gets the guts to pick up the survivor and I'm sure you know what's next. I down one of them as they both bolted to the door, pick them up now that they're not at the pallet, and hook them. Survivors swarm the hook to get them free right away but there's less than one minute is left in EGC...

    Man, I got SOOOOOOOO many salty messages from those guys for playing so cheaply. I never bothered to respond because I'm not going to waste my time explaining to them why picking up the survivor inside a pallet next to the exit gate was going to end poorly for me (there's a zero percent chance they didn't know what they were doing, it's just it finally bit them) so I found it funny and an accidental super murder using "toxic" tactics.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    omg that's insane!! And I don't even run bloodwarden that much but one thing for sure is rarely it can turn a 0k into a 4k in the blink of an eye. OH I wish I could see a video of your match.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,169

    Bloodwarden really doesn't come in handy very often but when it does...


  • brubli
    brubli Member Posts: 214

    They have the option to die when they want via not struggling or not being under a pallet with power struggle. They are trying to survive and you are doing the only thing you can to stop that. Don't feel bad

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    I don't really see anything wrong here you had decided you weren't going to give her hatch, which she isnt entitled too, so you took the correct option to kill her.