Archive Challenge: Time On Your Side

So why is this challenge still based on the killer's terror radius considering the new BT doesn't rely on the terror radius anymore? First game I got a nurse whose tinkerer popped at just the right time in order to cancel the challenge progress. Second game, I get a Wraith. I mean, why? This challenge not only promotes hook farming, but makes it difficult to complete if the Killer has anything that removes their terror radius. I thought they got the right idea when they removed the terror radius condition from BT.


  • GhostMaceNotCrusty
    GhostMaceNotCrusty Member Posts: 716

    Without the terror radius part of the challenge, it just becomes unhook X people with borrowed time

  • Shadow_Da_Bagel
    Shadow_Da_Bagel Member Posts: 64

    Even then, I would rather have it be unhook X people with borrowed time while within 32m of a killer. Perks like tinkerer and powers like Wraith's bell completely ruin this challenge and make it very inconsistent even though what you are doing effectively never changes: unhooking a survivor within a short distance of the killer. They could easily make it based on distance rather than the terror radius and it would keep its meaning. I am not kidding when I tell you that tinkerer almost messed this up for me on my third game. My second unhook didn't count because of it and I pretty much had to throw the game to get the last one. My teammates got out, but thanks to this challenge, I died.

  • hex_uwu
    hex_uwu Member Posts: 201

    Yeah....... I strongly dislike this challenge. Even with BT you should not be unhooking survivors in the killer's terror radius unless there's no other choice (e.g. camping). And now that BT doesn't even require a terror radius it makes even less sense. So you either have to bring the killer back to the hook and unhook that way or unhook half a second after the killer hooked? Or I guess just pray for a farming killer. I just really wish they wouldn't create challenges like this that encourage farming. Especially since it's part of the rift grind so people are going to be throwing whole matches just to do it.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795

    it's called a challenge.

    like... it has nothing to do with the perk.

    there have been prior perk challenges. "get healing skill checks while using the perk Empathy", is one example. does Empathy have anything to do with healing speed or healing skill checks? no. "stun a killer with a pallet that has been reset using the perk Any Means Necessary" - does that perk have anything to do with better stuns? no!

    the challenge is to unhook survivors in the terror radius while using the perk borrowed time. the perk is literally only relevant for validating the challenge, but it has nothing to do with the actual action you're performing, just like a bunch of the other perk specific challenges.

  • Shadow_Da_Bagel
    Shadow_Da_Bagel Member Posts: 64

    I remember a challenge that went like this: "pick up downed survivors or pick yourself up while using the perk empathy." And you had to do this TWICE in the same match! So not only was it insanely difficult, but it also had nothing to do with empathy. Ended up doing this by using no mither and taking hits for survivors while they were in a chase, hopefully making the killer slug me. I got lucky by getting a baby nurse that really wanted to snowball after downing me. Meanwhile empathy literally got no use and I had to throw the game to get it (like this challenge). I guess that challenge to get healing skill checks kind of makes sense since empathy helps you to find people to heal, but making it based on skill checks which can be quite inconsistent (also like this challenge) is a terrible design flaw. Like just make it to heal X people.

  • hex_uwu
    hex_uwu Member Posts: 201

    Update: completed it in a 4 man swf. Had to warn my friends in advance that I would be farming but would happily go down for them regardless of BT. Repeatedly said 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry' as I unhooked them literally 2 seconds after the killer had turned away. I got lucky because the killer ignored them and went for me but I know a lot of killers would happily continue to tunnel the unhooked. We all got out alive. :)

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    It's definitely a challenge that encourages bad game play. I got it done against Wraith because my swf teammate was good with me pretty much farming him before wraith could hit his bell.