SWF, its time we have a talk

Just gotta say, after thousands of matches where survivors all think they're good because they're on comms with their friends: you guys aren't as good as you think you are. Literally. Remove the comms, and then see what happens. Any game with a 4v1 will be extremely easy for the 4 if that 4 just happens to all be on comms. Trust me, after all the toxic ######### and teabagging I have put up with, you guys just think you're good. Stop being toxic and just play the damn game.
Very well, I will inform the SWFs via the One Survivor Omnimind that they are, in fact, bad at the video game.
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Yeah every single swf player is awful, even the ones that can loop good killers for a long time, run every tile in the game perfectly, and who single handedly cause the killer to lose the game because of their looping skill. They all suck because of comms...yeah definitely.
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As somebody who plays in a SWF from time to time unless they’re true sweat lords, they’re probably talking about random stuff throughout the match. When I play with my friends I’m not shouting out what the killer is doing and what gens we should pop and how to coordinate a flashlight save, I’m just kinda auto-piloting the video game while I catch up with friends and shoot the [BAD WORD].
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It's not easy for the survivors if the killer is any good. Too many killers blame comms for their mistakes.
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If you were to only go against unco-ordinated teams you'd quickly r alise why SWF and Comms is a good thing.
That, or you're the kind of person that doesn't get bored of playing the same game over and over again on the easiest difficulty. Which is okay for single player titles, but not so much multiplayer ones.
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Literally when I swf we talk about stuff going on irl. Last game I played in a 4man we talked about how good cheese is compared to peanut butter with celery. Still didn't stop us from crushing the killer in a 4 man escape but hey rank 1 I thought comms made it or broke it in terms of balancing.
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I play with friends on comms but most of us are in the double-digit ranks and suck. I also am a killer main and the last thing I'll ever do is smack talk or make fun of my fellow kin.
Being on comms is no guarantee the person will act like an ass. Many solo players will do the same thing.
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How losing players think SWF play:
How they actually play:
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Knowing this community, take what people say as half truth/lie.
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That is a question you should make yo SWF players, they are the ones Who plays the Game on easy mode :)
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Not really, the significant majority of SWF players aren't full party genrushers. You face them in most of your trials and don't even notice.
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So none of you ever say "also, the killer is chasing me" or "finish the gens he is camping"?
Because thats already a lot of information, and even if i was talking casually with my friends, those kind of infos were always passed on in our swf groups.
And why is that? Explain it to me, please. Because as i see it, without swf and comms the game could be balanced properly around solo play. Now they try to balance it around solo and swf at the same time. I am really interessted why you think that is a good thing.
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So, you are mad because players decide to play with each other for fun? Well.....
I'd say letting them do what the ######### they want because it's none of your business to criticize on why and how they play with friends, that's my suggestion.
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Because solo teams are so inherently underpowered that playing solo que, your goal isn't to escape, because such a goal is extremely unrealistic. Solo teams simply cannot co-ordinate no matter how good each individual is. Wanting to go against solo's is wanting to go against the weakest players in the game by default, players that the game isn't even balanced around any more.
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Please inform them of some insult about their mother aswell
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I think you're selling solo teams a bit short, some level of coordination is often possible and sometimes you'll do it well enough the killer will refuse to believe you're anything but a 4-man. Ofc you'll often get put with other survivors who throw whether they know that's what they're doing or not
I'm not even completely convinced of comms being the all-deciding factor anymore, I've been duoing off-comms with a friend a lot recently and my escape rate has gone way up. Just having one person who'll do gens and not let you go to 2nd is a lot
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TBH, the most basic of information can be strong.
Not saying that will turn them into gods during a chase, but we can’t deny SWF will always have an advantage unless they’re all new players.
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no they sweating with their friends
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I have no illusions that being on comms with my friend doesn't increase our effectiveness. However, SWF (or equivalent) is unavoidable in multiplayer games where you can form teams. Trying to shame people into not playing SWF isn't going to work. If you have suggestions on how SWF and solo survivors can be placed on equal standing, feel free to make them.
Post edited by Orion on4 -
I'm really, really not. I don't think a single team has beat me without at least two people on each others friends lists since long before crossplay was a thing and I could actually check all 4 survivors.
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No one is denying that SWF has a bit of an advantage over solo on comms. However, that picture you’ve shown is incorrect and n many levels.
It assumes you have to “look” for peeps to work on a gen. Guess what? You are likely going to spawn next to someone, in fact I had that happen to me yesterday. A new with Prove Thyself kept following me to whatever gen I was working on. She didn’t need me to tell her where I was.
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You are right, but most multiplayer games know that and they warn the rest of players in the lobby that they are facing groups, even games without It has external pages like OPGG on Lol and you can avoid them if you want.
I can identify premades sometimes and Lobby Dodge, but not always.
About how to place them equal, easy, two separate queues and they will see that SWF queues takes forever, why? Because is unbalanced as hell and maybe 10% of Killers Will join they queues by their own.
Balance SWF or let us know we are facing them to make a choice. If they have 50 min queues because killers Dodge is not our problem, you decide to make groups, take the advantages and disadvantages.
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I played against chilled swf as well as sweaty, red rank groups. Mostly it comes down to fast gen rush though because they communicate together via Discord or something, also with the intention to finish the game quickly. For me, as a rank 11 killer with 80 hours of game time, it's frustrating and I've wasted 15 minutes of my free time. But I can understand that friends want to play together. It's just that many perks don't make sense anymore if you can use voice communication. But often it's just about rushing and screwing the killer.
Yesterday I had to ran against four red swf players. All of them chose 100% BP as sacrifice and they were so tuned in that I had no chance. In addition, flashlights clicked and unnecessary blend when I was just running therefore. I then stayed out of it and left them alone so that they, at least, get no more BP through chase. But they chased me instead of making the last gen. And afterwards they apologized for being toxic, fy! I've never seen such a #########, unfun match.
But I also don't know what can be done about it, except finally improve the matchmaking. Maybe in swf the gens should take longer to repair, or perks should be disabled. Or you just have to live with it.
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I don't think you really can talk about what they're doing since you seem to make quite a few mistakes when playing before blaming it all on swf
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If you were to only go against perk less rank 20 trappers you'd quickly realize why 50k hours nurse and Spirit is a good thing.
That or you the kind of person that doesn't get bored of playing the same game over and over again on the easiest difficulty that SWF provides
Killer don't get to choose what kind of match they get in, SWF get to make it hard for killer each single game they go in. Any good game dev would have realised that long ago, ESPECIALLY in a game like this one where lack of communication is supposed to be the survivor team weakness
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Quit the crap you focus only on bully squads most swfs are just friends trying to have fun and are chill don't act like it's forbidden to not play this game with other people because y'all want an solo survs easy mode maybe keep practicing and stop being offended by the butt dance
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You know what else doesn't take skill ?
Killing 4 solos who derp around all game. Even my gf (who doesn't play killer) has won matches on my Rank 1 profile - as Legion.
Again: A person who does NOT play killer AT ALL (unless you count like 2 matches per YEAR) has won at rank 1.
On top of that I see meta perk killers tunneling, (proxy) camping and slugging against obvious solos.
You think that takes skill? Running 4 slowdown perks just so you have enough time to tunnel/(proxy camp/slug a bunch of 100 hour survivors using a killer anyone can play perfectly first try (i.e. Freddy)?
At this point I am convinced most red rank killers are just as bad as most red rank survivors but the only time they get a clue on how bad they are is when they face 4 survivors that know that they are doing.
Long story short: If you can't beat survivors who are actually playing the game instead of sitting in a bush while you're tunneling/camping/slugging their teammates out of the match then clearly you are not ready for decent survivors.
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It’s supposed to represent different mind-sets people could have in-game. There are some players who bring Prove Thy Self and only work on gens that others are currently doing.
It’s not assuming that all players won’t do a gen unless someone else is working on it. It’s giving an example of a mindset that can cause matches to flop.
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This guy is out here trying to speak to the CEO of SWF lmao
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Yeah but isn't fun for the killer. Is he supposed to be swf survs entertainer?
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3 gens should always pop in your first chase if the survivors are smart, being in a swf doesnt change that
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In solo queue, it rarely happens that 3 gens pops up in the first chase. In swf, usually 2 keeps the killer busy with flashlight saves and stuff like that and the others 2 works on gens with Prove Thyself. There is no chance against swf unless you start doing very dirty stuff. No one single chance, and i'm rank 1 with more than 4000 hours. No chance. Period. They are so fulfilled with second chance perks you can't do basically nothing against.
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thats why i said “if the survivors are smart”, what you described is a skill thing, not a problem with swf
good survivors will just work on gens no matter what, the problem is that in most solo queue games the survivors are just bad
and also, maybe its just your skill thats losing you the game.... its extremely good for the killer if 1 survivor is doing nothing but waiting around for a flashlight save (which are easy to counter), and while 2 people are also grouping up on gens. Its why its better to split up in the long run because it wastes more time to do gens together
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Do you mean the killer? That the killer is supposed to be the entertainer?
If so, no. I can't speak for SWF, but for me and my group, we're just trying to play a game. The entertainment is talking to my friends about life, and plans, work and honestly just bs'ing. The game is the second objective for extra laughs, scares and kudos
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So what you're saying is that solo q is underpowered and it's easy to 4k with, which means you would agree that solo q needs a buff
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This. I would argue that if you genuinely can't get kills against even the most average SWF, you don't deserve your rank. Killers imagine every SWF has SWAT team comms, when they're not even talking about the game half the time. Killers would honestly feel worse about the results a lot of the time if they heard that the comms were actually a drinking game, one player was AFK getting food for a minute, etc. The accusation of SWF wanting to play on easy mode is really a form of projection. Because wanting to only play against solos is wanting to play the game on ultra-easy.
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Yeah but that isn't fun for the killer play against a group of 4 fully organized satan's spawn, with flashlight clicks all the game, teabag every pallet drop, DS, Dead Hard, all the possible second chance perks... this isn't fun at all. Maybe you're laughing with your friends, enjoying the jukes etc. but the killer, would just destroy the PC. You can bet on it.
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Look, SWF is an unsolvable problem. DBD has the lack of information built into its core, and that is why we have perks which give the player select amounts of information, such as Bond and Alert. Using comms is a huge advantage, where it shouldn't be.
However, that doesn't mean that every single time the survivors defeat you, was because of SWF. Not every group is extremely coordinated and most of the time people are playing while talking about something else entirely, and I speak from experience.
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Threads like this are more toxic than people that play on comms lol.
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In Solo Q, there are a lot of variables to consider before the above happens, for example;
- The person being chased has to be good
- The other Survivors know that one player is being chased
- The Survivors spawned near 3 separate gens
- The person being chased doesn’t lead the Killer to any of the gens being work on
- And so on
The situation you’ve mentioned does happen, but not as often as you think.
SWF, on the other hand, can simply achieve this with the most basic of intel.
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That's not your typical swf. That is a bully squad or sweat squad. What I listed was the casual swf who literally just want to play with friends. That's why I said "kudos" cuz the killer will get ggs and glhf from us
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So the "I will hide until I know who the killer is" isn't assuming that they won't touch a gen?
Because in reality THAT is the problem. Comms doesn't solve the mindset of choosing to not be productive during the match. You can have that mind-set even with comms, because some people just absolutely suck at this game. I have caught some of my own friends sometimes being too immersed, and I have shared my views with them and now they know better. It wasn't comms that solved that issue though.
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You're like my favorite forum member, i don't think i have ever crossed one of your comments and not liked it
Can I offer u a beer
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Toss one my way and i'll catch it with my mouth.
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Just become a spirit/nurse/blight main and get good. Theres no "unbeatable" pub swfs.
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So how did you share your view to your friends without comms?
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Swf will always be a problem. But people defend it know how strong they are. Swf matches always end up the same either slug them all after all their UBs are gone or gens finish too fast. You also have people saying that playing against swf makes you a better killer which is obviously a lie you don't learn anything from a swf. Voice comms were never intended thats why its not in the game. Imo add voice comms to dbd and buff killers rework some of the perks. That would be the only way to bring solo q to swf.
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Huh? By spectating their gameplay.
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How did you communicate to them about their gameplay without using comms?
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I use Prove Thyself a lot, I wasn't aware that it was another thing that killers hated.
Sometimes I work gens together, sometimes I don't. Same with hiding until you know who the killer is. That's seen as a bad thing? I mean I don't sit in a locker or just camp the corners of the map but I do play conservatively, I don't just go rushing out waving my arms trying to get the killer's attention so I can engage in a successful hook right away. I guess I'm playing the game wrong.