DO you think the twins takes skill if you dont (or do ) plz state why
Im still baffled by how some people think this killer takes no skill. This killer takes a ton of mechanical skill. you need to know who and when to go for someone as victor. the killer is just micromanaging. it can get so stressful to play this killer yet so fun. ya I guess u can say its not that hard to hit a surv with Vicor pounce since its like demos lunge, but ( not only did you discredit demo mains) against a good surv that knows how to bob and weave against victor it can get tough. also don't give me that" you can slug with victor since first of all they arent even the best sluggers. and if the survivors heal and are in a group you are screwed as vicotr.
it just sucks to have your main discredited like this.
all I'm saying is plz play the killer at red ranks in the moring and see how hard this killer can be
Too easy to snowball without any sort of warning or setup
Oni can snowball easily but he's loud and noticeable, and his demon dash can't do everything
Myers can snowball easily but his terror radius and presences allows you to prepare (At least in theory, if they don't pop tier 3 behind you)
Twins, if everyone is injured, can slug for the 4k and the survivors can't do much about it.
"Just bring unbreakable"
Yeah, next to the DS I need to bring for tunneling, the spine chill I need for stealth killers, the iron will I need for Spirit, the Dead Hard I need to prolong chases, the Small Game and Kindred I need if I want to play solo que, the Adrenaline I need if I want to clutch a chase during the endgame, and the balanced landing and lithe I need so the killer doesn't catch me in unsafe areas.
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you do realize that everyone needs to be injured and if they are in a group you're screwed as victor
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I play solo que, you would not believe the dumb ######### some people pull.
I get that's not every game for you, but it is every game for me.
I don't like Twins because people deal with them in the worst possible way; running at them, taking a hit for some reason, and expecting to get away when the baby starts jogging.
They aren't fun for me
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well being fun and taking skill are different things
you can think a killer is unfun but you can still tell they take skill
plus solo queue sucks with any of the other killers that slug since like you said you can't trust them to let's say not feed the Michel stalk or oni blood.
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i gotcha, i hate spirit, she doesn't take any skill
I can admit there is some tactical finesse to twins, I just don't like them for HOW that finesse is commonly used
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with spirit i agree with ya on that
and I can see how u don't like twins it just sucks to see how many people think they are so easy like spirit
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The Twins are arguably one of the highest skill-cap killers in the game. They take a lot of micromanagement and muscle memory to get good at.
@Blueberry @PixelBush I'm sure some others can back me up as well.
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The short answer is that people don't think Twins take skill because nobody plays Twins.
The long answer is that Twins suffer from the Plague conundrum - Plague has an incredibly high skill ceiling due to the need for good game sense, strategy, need to adapt-on-the-fly if the survivor decide to cleanse, not to cleanse, etc. Not to mention the mechanical skill and momentum controlling that comes into effectively using the vomit. Yet, you hardly see people mention this, because the vast majority haven't put all too many hours into Plague and see her as just instadown M1 killer with occasional corrupt purges. Twins are similar in the amount of game sense, strategy, micro-management and mechanical skill you need, even if Victor is easier to use than Corrupt. (As he should be.)
Twins get a lot more hate despite, in my opinion, being about the same power level as Plague (in mid-low B tier against good players) because of the massive bias against them. Literally everyone seems to have this view of the Twins as an apparently S to A tier killer who hard camps, 4 man slugs and has no counterplay - and really, can you blame them? Nobody plays the Twins so their counterplay is largely not known by the playerbase (grouping up in pairs, using downed pallets against Victor to loop him more safely, crouching towards hooks to check if Victor's there and to avoid killer instinct so you can kick him, using lockers if far enough away, staying healthy, and various other things I could go on about.) And since nobody plays them, no-one's there to contest the stereotype of them being a brain-dead A tier skill-less boring killer that needs nerfs.
If you don't bother to kick Victor, remove Victor while being chased and get stuck in place for a down, (which people STILL do) stay injured and become an easy down for Victor, or kidnap Victor when one of your teammates is being chased and the other is hooked or slugged, then it's no wonder the Twins beat you. If you (and your team) actually know how the Twins work, boom, they're so much weaker. But nobody plays them so nobody knows how they work, so people complain. And if there's one thing the DBD community likes to do, it's to demean any killer they don't like as taking no skill. It's happened with spirit, freddy, (although that is more justified) old billy, deathslinger, pyramid head, hag, doctor, clown, the list goes on.
This has gone on a little longer than I'd planned but I'm very disappointed in the treatment the Twins got in the most recent patch, and the fact that literally nobody cares enough to contest it. People are apparently happy from the awful nerf because they won't go against Twins, which is an awful way of thinking - why not make Deathslinger take 8 seconds to reload? People would be happy because they won't be going against him anymore. It's a really terrible mindset and I hope that when the Twins inevitably get changed (and hopefully have the cooldown nerf reverted) people start to see them in a better light.
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They do take a lot of skill with muscle memory and micro managing. I haven't really gone about where I'd specifically place them on a skill required tier list but they would at least be somewhere in the top few. There play style can be really confusing at first and difficult to understand what or when to use either of them. This ends up also giving them a higher than average skill floor which is part of what puts off a lot of players from using them, they just can't get the hang of it. This higher skill requirement with The Twins is exactly why you see them as one of the most disagreed on spots on tier lists. You see some people throw her in D and some in A. It's also why you see most Twins lose games when you see them and then when you finally run into a good one they destroy. At rank 1 I 4k most my matches while simultaneously most all Twins I run into when on survivor we dumpster them and 4 escape in solo queue even. A high skill requiring killer is why you see these disparities.
The whole "no skill killer" gets thrown around a lot these days, not just The Twins. Most of this just stems from the killer just being strong or a play style they don't enjoy going against. IE they just insult the player for playing them or blame their loses on "it's an easy killer". It's just making excuses.
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No I've seen too many games where the killer uses Victor nearly all game and just runs near enough up your ass then jumps onto you there's no skill in a killer that can catch up to you in seconds oh and hook blockers but that's not as popular now thank God
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Not really, to be honest. Most of their gameplay is camping hooks and playing m1 killer. Then when you're inevitably in a good position you just have to land 3-4 hits with Victor. Which, while not a breeze on console, isn't that hard on PC.
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well that playstyle is pretty easy to counter by crouching like hags traps
plus if you want to slug people they need to be alone and not injured
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Every killer takes skill to use effectively.
We should trying to shame killer players for playing killers you don't like.
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It's not, actually, because Victor lights you up before you can hear Victor thanks to the stupid audio design in this game.
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I feel Twins uses some more thought processing than many other Killers. I liked playing them where I'd aim for some distance in my raptor Victor pounces. Sadly though, the most efficient and used way is basically have the survivor's heels in your mouth before you pounce them which is pretty unavoidable on their end and not that cool feeling as Victor.
I kind of feel they are in a similar boat as Hag. If played in a more fair and fun manner for Survivors, they do take quite a bit of skill and effort to do well with. If you play them in the easiest and scummiest way, the amount of effort and skill you need to put into them drops severely.
Wraith and Cannibal are the easiest Killers with the least skill involved in playing them.
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The twins do take skill to play, she does play "scummy" very well, but she definitely takes skill to play unlike spirit
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The Twins have one of the highest skill ceilings in DBD, because the potential they have to make creative plays using map terrain and require a LOT of game sense to play against Survivors who know what they're doing. Their mechanical skill ceiling is far from the highest but you need a decent level of precision to do well with them: landing a clutch Pounce at max range past 2 people trying to bodyblock can be the difference between disabling a Key or letting 3 people get out with it.
They require a TON of micromanagement and game awareness, more than almost any other Killer in the game (Plague is probably their main contender, which is why I play them both so much). Knowing things like terrain climbing or window blocking with Victor, or where to bodyblock in chase with Charlotte, takes practice and foresight because of how hard you're punished by good Survivors if you mess up.
Against bad Survivors who don't punish you for your mistakes and don't use your counterplay against you, the Twins are very easy to play because Survivors effectively feed themselves to you because the average Survivor drops 60 IQ points when playing against the Twins. Against actually competent Survivors you HAVE to be clever and have to play smart/set up creative strategies to win, which is why a lot of Twins players get bullied so much.
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yes and no
they require some sort of skill to get everyone injured in the first place, and pretty decent muscle memory/an understanding of the killer to get downs sometimes
although, they aren’t punished enough for missing pounces, which is why i dont think they require too much skill. If you get kicked as victor he respawns in 6 seconds, which is dumb imo
also, if the team groups up it’s actually worse for the twins- if theyre running WGLF you literally wont get much slug pressure since Victor is easily kickable due to their nerf, and they’ll 100% get the downed survivor up due to the healing speed increase
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It’s just this playerbase’s obsession with calling everything “no skill”. Every single killer requires no skill, survivor requires no skill, every perk is a no skill perk, doing your objective as either side requires no skill, and on and on and on. I’d just ignore it.
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thanks pixel i knew you would back me up
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100% agree
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Well isn't that the setup needing to get survivors injured to play effectively with Victor unless he's taken away by survivor child services.
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They have one specific, very boring playstyle that doesn't take much knowledge or mechanical skill past "get hook, leave victor near hook, move back and slug if unhooked then snowball". That said the BT change has made this a bit less viable.
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Twins get hate for apparently only being good at slugging or camping, but many other killers can do it better, and they don't get nearly as much hate and toxicity towards them. Twins requires a lot of skill to play optimally, and yeah you can camp and slug with them, but so can a lot of killers, it doesn't mean it's their only way of playing. IMO if you don't like the twins and you hate that they only camp and slug, then stop going on the forums or on pages and complaining that's all they do. Bubba used to be known for that, but once people started putting him higher in tiers and showing how strong he can be played NOT CAMPING, i hear way less complaints about it. Start spreading how good the twins CAN be, instead of complaining they can only play one way. If a new players likes this killer and sees that they are only good for camping and slugging, that's probably what they are gonna do.
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The ones that place Victor under a hook and just switch to him when killer instinct activates, no (why is this even still a thing?) which unfortunately is probably most of what you'll see.
The ones that actually try to place him strategically and pressure the map, yes.
I do think that Victor's recharge time after getting kicked might be a little too quick and that slugging solo players is way too easy with Twins but they do require a lot of game sense and map knowledge to do well.
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All the killers require some knowledge and skill to know how to play with them well. People who 'main', especially those that exclusively play survivor, like to discredit killers they simply don't like whenever possible. Got out played by killer xyz? They take nooooo skill because of reason abc.
The Twins are one of my fav killers to play and play against (sadly I maybe go against them once a week :<). Can Victor snowball if all Survivors are injured? Heck yah, but he has multiple counters. Crush him, be in a group and then crush him... oh and heal! Very very easy counters to the smol gremlin. On top of that survivors can kidnap victor which takes away the killers power for a short time.
Yes the Twins take skill to play for the reasons you already mentioned. They are a dynamic killer which is why I find them so fun. The whole being in 2 places at once makes for very fun plays!
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Imo it depends entirely on how they play.
Actually utilising Victor incredibly well? Yeah he takes quite a bit of skill to use consistently.
Playing GirlWithScythe and using Victor exclusively to camp while chasing another survivor? That takes as much skill as literally any other M1 killer
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i wish to respectfully disagree. it's not skillful to camp, in the slightest. at all. whatsoever.
the irony is a good twins player will use all strategies including the second one depending on the state of the match.
And I'm talking about exclusively camping and doing nothing else do keep up Gerald
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I assume so? They're the only killer I've never played so I can't really give an opinion
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child services XD
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agreed I still don't know why the devs haven't fixed the whole camping thing.
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A lot of people see how Twins players often camp, and overlook that for twins camping is NOT the same as with (insidious) bubba:
Twins might be the only killer in the roster where a specific way of camping, namely parking either of them at a hook/etc is legit as you have to split your attention between victor and charlotte, and make decisions on what to do if a survivor comes near the other.
so, they take quite a bit of skill and organization talent
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I have had immense success with Twin at red rank
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If injured survivors are grouping up, 1) use Charlotte, or 2) Victor regrows in literally 6 seconds. If you're not able to heal, crushing him only buys a bit of time.
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You can kick Victor after he gets a single down. I didn't know you could just kick Oni or Myers or Plague or Nurse to stop them slugging.
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well if the injured the survivor are grouping up then they are probably heading or healed.
plus if you get a cooldown when kicked and switched back to charlotte and you aren't that close if you had to use victor to get over there
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This is all avoidable by keeping Charlotte vaguely close to Victor. If survivors are grouped up and you know they're there you should be able to pressure the group and deny the heal.
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Personally I find them a lot of fun to play against.
Having played them I also understand how they do take skill, especially if you are switching in between chases.
The only thing I have ever said that needs to be changed about Twins is the ability to park Victor by the hook, then it would discourage people from pulling that cheap tactic.
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its dumb how they haven't fixed that,.
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ya those speed add ons make them real lethal