What makes you dodge a lobby?

Killer or survivor. Or do you not dodge at all?
I dodge lobbies if I see more than two flashlights. It's not even a git gud situation, I just know these survivors are going to be really annoying - either they're going to find other ways to badger me at hooks, or they're just going to click at me all game. Lightborn makes good gotcha moments but doesn't stop annoying survivors from being annoying. I also don't trust Dwelfs; if I see a Dwelf with a flashlight, or a lobby of Dwelfs, I'm gone.
I don't dodge keys unless I'm doing an adept or an archive to get a 4k. And I love lobbies where all four survivors are the same character or identical, even if it probably means they're a SWF.
As a survivor, I dodge if I end up in a really provocative lobby - like all three of my teammates are carrying keys. I'll also dodge if I'm doing a flashlight challenge and I see other players with flashlights, because I don't want the killer to bring Lightborn.
I'm just curious about what things different people nope out at.
I dodge as killer when I see a 4 man swf
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I will only ever leave a lobby if I decide I don't want to play the game anymore for now (or can't) or if for some reason my ping gets really high.
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High ping, that's the most I bother to check before tabbing out until the game starts.
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I pick
Not dodge at all.
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Keys. That's it.
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Whenever I forget to spend points, would never dodge a lobby, what's the point, cherry picking something until you get something you think you'll win and never actually testing yourself?
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ttvs if I'm not in the mood (most ttvs I've had good experiences with but sometimes I just don't feel like being watched even if it is just their grandma)
or someone with a bigoted username because then I'd be inclined to tunnel them or make them bleed out and I'd rather play normally
Multiple blendettes I'll dodge as survivor if queue times aren't too bad
Flashlights I'm fine with, by all means chase me around for the saves all match instead of doing gens
Keys are annoying but meh I'll take em
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I only dodge if I see multiple keys.
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As Killer I dodge PC SWATs only if Im doing a ritual on a Killer I never play, if Im with one of my my mains I go against them (cant wait to have MMR activated again so I dont see a SWF of 4 people with 4000 hours each as a Oni with 1 hour because I have a ritual).
As Survivor I dodge streamers.
I also dodge lobbies with yellow ping or higher as both roles.
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I dont dodge at all, however my slugging/tunneling/camping goes up based on things.
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I'll happily play against survivors that can kick my ass; I just avoid ones that look likeliest to BM me all game. I'm here for fun, not to play tournaments, and getting tbagged all game is not my idea of fun. There is nothing in this game that ruins my mood like versing people that are more interested in being nasty than they are in playing the game.
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I never dodge. It's my own rule. If we're going to get steamrolled, do your best and learn from it. If I'm killer, don't let the match get you tilted because you can't win every one.
(Edit: split everyone into every one)
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If I suddenly don't want to play the killer I picked
Sometimes I'll think I wanna play something then I'll go "actually nevermind, not feeling it" then go play someone else
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Honestly I usually am not there for it becuase I click ready and then go do something else till the match starts but I have dodged out when I see all 4 survivors with he same skin and cosmetic choices. I find it annoying to play then so I opt out
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Unless it's the rare occurrence where I know someone in the lobby is hacking/toxic, I don't dodge lobbies. I simply adjust my perks.
4 keys=franklins
Several medkits=sloppy+Nurse's Calling
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When I'm playing killer, I often don't even pay attention to lobbies. Sometimes a couple gens will pop before I even notice the match started.
If I'm in a funky mood, I might ditch a lobby if the survivors refuse to ready up within a certain amount of time or if one of them starts flipping through characters a bunch.
I'll ditch a lobby if I see multiple survivors switch to Claudette. If I'm not memeing around and need to play a match for real, I'll ditch if there are 2+ survivors using the same character, because it's too difficult for me to keep track of who's who, even if they're wearing different outfits.
When I play survivor, I'll ditch if there are 2+ Claudettes in the lobby. If I'm having a bad day and survivor queues are fast, I may ditch if there's even one Claudette.
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Obvious SWF and high ping.
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Only RL-stuff or high Ping.
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Not being able to switch killers mid lobby is annoying. I have like 700 hours in this game, and still only have most of my killers on 40. Only on a couple do i have even half of them unlocked.
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Never dodge.
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i only dodge if i literally just played against that group of people in the previous match. and that's only because i'm not allowed to change killers any more.
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Key and 3 toolboxes or as survivor 3 man SWFs. I play solo and have had 3 games with 3 mans that literally just went out of their way to like bodyblock me in a corner and spam lockers next to the gen I was working on.
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1) If someone is on my hacker list, which is only like, 5 people now.
2) If someone has legacy skins but only like 10 hours played (obvious hacker)
3) Key when it seems like a strong team and i'm not playing one of my main killers.
4) Some item that heavily counters the killer, like a map while i'm trapper or something.
5) High ping. (150+)
6) Survivors with coordinated names, because they are always super toxic.
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I'm on switch so I see a lot of the same people over and over again so I generally KNOW the swfs, I only dodge as killer if I see one of the better swfs and one of them has a key. As survivor, never while playing solo. Only lobby dodge as swf if someone is very adamant about it or the game kicked someone out of the party.
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i dodge when i have 3 console survivors on my team
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I generally do not dodge lobbies. The only things that might cause me to leave one are:
- A real life event called me away (my gal telling me to take out the trash, phone call, whatever).
- I see someone on my "Black List." If someone uses hacks or lag spikes in a game with me I write their name down. If someone uses horrific hate speech, or says something like they hope my mother dies of cancer, I likewise write their name down. Why would I give such a person any of my time again? Why would I play against a hacker a second time?
- Lastly I might dodge a Lobby if I see a TTV person whose gimmick is being vile on his show, bringing his/her entourage to take advantage of exploits, and do the whole insulting thing, making fun of the Killer or Survivors. Most TTV people are not like that, but a few are utter filth. So I decide if I'm going to destroy and humiliate them to the point the content they get from me is problematic, or if I am just going to deny them any content from me. Depends on my mood.
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If I’m doing a daily and it’s a swf. If I’m on my pc account and I’m doing a challenge with a killer that’s not one I play often I check to see if I have a swf or bad matchmaking by looking at their profile. For swf their friendslist for mm check the hours in the game(if it’s close to mine then no biggie but I’ll get people 3x my hours and I’ll dodge)
never on survivor unless I can just see a toxic group with keys and flashlights. Being the 4th wheel is asking to get sacrificed so they can escape.
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Nothing, I fear nothing. I will play Wraith against a tournament level squad if I am playing him, one does not back up from a fight.
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I only dodge when I see a lobby with two or more flashlights. I hate flashlights.
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I don't dodge lobbies as killer or survivor. Why would I dodge? Keys? Flashlights? I would rather try to improve against items than dodge them in hopes of getting an easier match - I like challenges that help me improve my gameplay and don't need easy/easier wins.
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If theres two toolboxes and a key I tend to dodge solely based on the logic of:
If you clearly don't want to play the game with me why should I bother trying to play with you?
I mean theres really no point in playing those games when their sole purpose it to let someone die then escape with one gen left after they gen rushed the first 4.
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I'll dodge via force game quit while loading if I see a last second key equipping. That screams try hard swf bully squad.
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the 3 other survivors are carrying flashlights.
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A careless or AFK survivor from a previous match.
Bad ping.
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The dreaded TTV. I'm a beginner killer and I really don't need to be publicly humiliated and called various curse words.
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If I see 3 or more of the same character. It makes me worry about a SWF.
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keys, swf-like usernames, and more than 2 of the same survivor
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- Key
- Obvious toxic squads (flashy skins and flashlights).
- If more than two players have more than 1000 hours.
- Elf Dwights (ALWAYS TOXIC).
- Streamers (I don't want to be exposed in a show, sorry).
I dodge in the loading screen by closing the game when a smart boy switch to a character with a key in the last second and sometimes not always depending on my mood when they use an offering for a survivor sided map. If you close the game at this point you don't get penalisation, because the game won't even start, the survivor won't lose anything except two minutes in a long loading screen.
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You do realize most TTV are small streamers and do not publicly humiliate players right? Of all the streamers I have watched (well over 500) - I would say maybe a handful are what I would call "toxic" streamers - the ones who complain and degrade others. I belong to a Discord group of small streamers and their viewers - probably 120-125 small streamers and I have watched every single one of them - and none of them would have been invited to the Discord if they were "toxic" streamers.
When I am playing killer and there is a ttv survivor - I visit their stream before and after - to wish them good luck and to gg them. 99% of the time they are very cordial whether they win or lose.
I have went against everyone from Tofu, Otz, Elix, Ohmwrecker, AngryPug, and Tru3 to smaller streamers who had 3-20 viewers. Judging an entire group of persons based off limited interactions seems silly to me (and a bit discriminatory) - I judge individuals and not entire groups, but that's just how I was raised.
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When I see a ttv I will go their channel quickly and see what kind of person they are. If they are swf but just being normal goofy friends hanging I will stay. If they sound obnoxious and I hear them talking trash about the last killer I will dodge.
I have actually made a few friends creeping on their channels ^^ we end up laughing about the match and such.
If I can avoid AH I will ✌
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I rarely dodge lobbies with keys, when either if I don't feel like it, if I'm using a low tier killer I haven't played in a while of if it's my warm up game. Otherwise if I'm doing a gimmicky build and survivors bring items that would mess it up I would dodge that lobby too.
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Dodge when I see Russian player 99.9% of the time they're extremely toxic and brings keys. And if I see a key I dodge too.
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TTV names usually. I don’t like knowing I’m being watched by an audience, makes me nervous lmao
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Keys. I don't wanna be halfway through a fun, tense match just to have a survivor (or four) suddenly leave and end it. Or if they're on my team, I don't want them ditching me or ignoring gens to look for hatch all game which seems to be the case with most people who bring keys in my experience
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Legacy everytime and ttvs some of the times
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Only time is if I see a full toolbox group. Not looking to lose a gen before I can even get to the other side of the map.
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As killer if I see an obvious SWF or keys I'll dodge. As killer and survivor if I see a TTV I'll dodge.
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As survivor if the other 3 people seem like a swf I usually dodge because I don't feel like getting rage tunneled for some ######### they did and being accused of being toxic by the killer when I had nothing to do with it
Also because half the time they try to get me killed and treat me like ######### in the end game chat when I did nothing to them and then they bomb my profile with even more #########. This game is the reason my profile is private
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I only Lobby Dodge when the ping is too high.
Like that.