Killers are OP against 4 survivors that aren't grouped.

Nomporu Member Posts: 53

Just adding to the pile of killers are too strong posts, maybe the devs will actually do something if enough people say something.



  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    Because every lobby I'm in at red ranks as a solo is a complete unfun slaughter, too many strong killer perks when most of the survivor perks are pretty balanced.

    The fact that perks like noed and insidious still exist in the state they're in is ridiculous.

    If it's not a 4k, it's a salty bubba stood right in front of a survivors face and you have to sit there and accept your fate.

  • RyRapsYT
    RyRapsYT Member Posts: 300

    usually theres some sort of complaint or reasoning that comes along with these type of posts

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    did it really take you 7 minutes to type that Raps...

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53
    edited May 2021
    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    Honestly? Yeah, it is. Solo Survivor is a wasteland of death. This isn't an excuse to nerf killers, because there is already an issue with amount of killer players vs survivors. We really need to buff Solo Queue-- Then, if Killer's need a buff at that point do it, but I doubt they will be.

    This game is nowhere as survivor-sided as it used to be.

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    Never thought about it like this, what Solo Queue buff would you propose? Groupless people get a small movement speed buff?... or a progression speed buff? Or where you thinking smaller, like less chance to depip or more bloodpoints?

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    No, nothing like that. The biggest solo queue buff would be a working matchmaking system for one, but all Solo Queue needs imo is more information at base.

    Something like a ping system, or a simple wheel that can say "I'm being chased by the killer!" And things like that. A totem counter (not from a goddamn perk, thanks BHVR), maybe even symbol icons that can tell what a survivor is doing.

    Changes to make tunnelling and camping more counterable or less desirable would also help solo queue massively. Keep in mind, none of these statements are originally mine, these have been floating around everywhere.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917
    edited May 2021

    From the (very old) player spread by group(Aka how many people play solo or 2/3/4 man SWF) statistic shown us that 47% of survivors are at least in a 2 man SWF.

    So the likely hood of being in a full solo lobby is astronomically rare.

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    Yes to all of this! Ping system would be cool as heck, a somewhat automated one like you stated would probably be needed, don't always have the time to say 'i'm being chased' haha

    I like the idea of proximity chat, not just to make the solo vs swf experience closer, but like, that would potentially be hilarious. Could bring in a lot of big content creators for the content.

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    2 people in a group can still be a struggle for the solos.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Perhaps they should buff solo survivors because you can't ignore swf being in the game either.

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    The fact that you think anyone with a different opinion to you is lying about being red is hilarious.

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    also never said i ever was okay with any of the things i've stated, I just don't really use forums, for anything, ever, just wanted to add to the pile of people asking for ######### to change.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,785
    edited May 2021

    counterpoint how does this prove killer is too strong against 4 random survivors rather that 4 random survivors are too weak

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Thank you for verifying to us that you are a relatively new player by showing us your Devotion. So you recently broke through to Rank-4 and are getting overwhelmed? That makes sense. It suffices to say what you need to be doing is asking for help, not complaining about Killers being too strong.

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    'People with below (so many hours)'s opinions don't matter'

    I have below 300 total across both platforms yeah, none of my opinions are going to change in the next 100 hours.

    Survivor has a lot of good perks and variety, don't know what I'd say 'the best' is, depends on if you're going for altruism or playing more for yourself.

    The killer side I feel has a lot less variety, noed, pop, insidious for the campers, ruin (which i don't have much of a probably with just see it a lot) BBQ&C etc. don't know if i really need to list the ######### everyone knows.

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    'hewwo could i pwease have help, i dunno how to counter noed'

    it's the same old 'run around the map doing nothing aside from looking for totems just in case they have noed'.

    It's not a rank thing... i've hated noed and such since rank 20.

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    Someone brought this to my attention higher up, really good point i hadn't considered.

    Even if they buffed solo survivors there's still some perks I'd like changing but yes, buff solo survivors.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Therein lies the rub, we don't know because you are wrong about that. I play a Red Rank Killer and I don't run Barbeque & Chili, Pop, Insidious, and only throw NOED in once in a blue moon. My standard build is Corrupt Intervention, Play With Your Food, Sloppy Butcher, and Make Your Choice. I play against a lot of Red Rank Killers too and I assure you their builds are quite diverse. Again, what you need is actual help, tactics, advice and to stop letting yourself be tilted. The route you are choosing isn't going to help you at all.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    I rarely see either NOED or insidious at red ranks unless its someone new to said killer or is trolling with bubba.

    If I had killers like that at in my red ranked games I would never leave rank 1-2 as survivor even when messing around.

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    What one person plays out of the thousands and thousands plays means nothing, even if the broken perks are only played once every ten games... that's still not fun? What nationality are you guys? I'm EU.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    All due respect, you see it less than you THINK you do. :) I used to think all sorts of things because our perception is largely influenced by confirmation bias. The times you do run into NOED stick out to you more because you hate it and don't do well against it. What I suggest, because it helped me, is record every game and track every Perk you run up against and graph it. I suspect that after a proper sample you will find you don't run into it near as much as you THINK you did. :) I also suspect the slaughterfest you describe isn't as total as you are projecting. Being tilted blinds us to facts. Statistically you are pulling the same Killers as the rest of us, so statistically you are fighting the same builds we are fighting.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,214

    I never said your opinions didn't matter.

    Could you maybe try to list all of the OP perks you can think of?

    And maybe the OP abilities/things?

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    I'm not doing that... #########.

    noed is dumb and needs to be changed, i am not changing that opinion, doesn't matter how many times I see it in games.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited May 2021

    I'm in the United States, East Coast. But we are obviously online at the same hours so we are probably pulling the same Killers. The Queues grab Killers from where ever it can. :) Look, I want to help you. I respect Survivors who play Solo and you slogging down to Rank-4 as a Solo in a short time is impressive. Your experience of being overwhelmed and frustrated now that you are fighting regular Red Ranks is not uncommon, nor is it anything to be ashamed of. Most of us have been through it. What you need to do is NOT get tilted, forget everything you THOUGHT you knew, and recognize this is a brand new ballpark with all new rules.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Killer is meant to be OP

    That's the whole point of the game. Try desperately to escape from the scary killer.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    You won't accept actual evidence you see that you are wrong? You have DECIDED what is right and nothing will sway you? That is called "willful ignorance" and is the worst thing to do to yourself. Everyone starts out in ignorance, and there is no shame in it. We only advance as we learn. But "willful ignorance" is putting yourself in a cage. We can't help you if you don't want to be helped. I notice you aren't asking for advice on how to deal with NOED in the Red Ranks. That is warning flag; it demonstrates that you care more about moaning and groaning than actual solutions. If you don't look, you won't find.

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    Bubba is dumb, and his ability allows him way too easily to camp.

    Noed punishes players for not running around and cleansing every unlit totem.

    Insidious promotes camping and needs a complete rework.

    I'm sure the rest I'd list would have also been stated a million times.

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    The only helping is nerfing the broken perk lmao.

    I'm sorry, but I don't see how anyone can think they are balanced or fun to go against.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035
    edited May 2021

    Killers aren't too strong, SWF is too strong.


    If they added something to the game to give solos a bit of an edge whilst not giving SWF any more power, the game would be very balanced. The skill gap between solo and SWF is the only problem, and a simple proxy chat would help tremendously

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited May 2021

    I know you showed us that picture and all, but your comments are making me doubt the veracity of that Rank-4 in the right hand corner. Otz, btw, has a great video on how not to get tilted.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    My ping is always green, around 30, so no, we are not against the same killers.

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    A fair fight is more fun to most players than getting farmed by a killer who is way too strong.

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    If you're red ranks you're not staying in a lobby with over 100 ping... especially not with how elitist you talk.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited May 2021

    Nothing you are saying jives with that screenshot you gave us. But suit yourself. I don't recall what I was like at 300 hours, so I might have been just as pig-headed, perhaps worse. I assure you NOED isn't going away, nor are any of the things you are complaining about. You have reached a juncture where you are going to just have to adapt and move forward or cry off. If you are no longer having fun, there are other games. There will be no Deus Ex Machina from the DEV anytime soon. I'm not saying this to be mean; it is just a fact. Complaining isn't going to help you overcome these obstacles. Let us know when you actually want help.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,214
    edited May 2021

    Your response didn't post to my last question.

    So I'll aak again.

    Could you maybe try to list all of the OP perks you can think of?

    And maybe the OP abilities/things?

  • Nomporu
    Nomporu Member Posts: 53

    I think in the process of editing a mistake i deleted it, apologies, new to the forum. This was my post:

    "Bubba is dumb, and his ability allows him way too easily to camp.

    Noed punishes players for not running and cleansing every unlit totem.

    Insidious promotes camping and needs a complete rework.

    I'm sure the rest I'd list would have also been stated a million times."