devotion to the unseen challenge tip

i just did this challenge as t1 myers. you don't have to actually become undetectable from the perk, you just have to be undetectable and hit someone. probably also works as ghostface.
just thought i'd make a post about it, maybe people didn't know. or maybe everyone knew and i'm late to the party lol
they feel like magic the gathering cards. you have to read the criteria very carefully to see what it's actually asking of you vs what you might assume / jump to the conclusion of what it's asking of you.
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Nice, thanks for this tip it's one of my last challenges to get done. 👍🏻
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It's normal to read descriptions to understand how things work. The fact that this challenge works like this is either an error in its description, or a bug in the challenge conditions.
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That's how I did it. Scratched Mirror and then an indoor map and it's practically guaranteed.
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The fact that this challenge works like this is either an error in its description, or a bug in the challenge conditions.
Well the challenge says "while using the perk Dark Devotion", it doesn't say that you have to hit people while dark devotion is active, so it's not a bug
It's always been the case for older challenges as well, like for the "Kill 1 survivor by your hand while using Rancor" you could just use a mori with rancor equipped and you were good to go
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I thought you had to activate the perk to get it to count. Thanks for the tip!
Time to level up my plague to unlock the teachable :)
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Another tip is to run tinkerer as well, just to be on the safe side.
I did it on first try as nurse, also used the addon that makes you undetectable for 16s on hit
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Hitting survivors doesnt requires you to hit other 3. Just focus on the Obsession, with 30sec for the next hit.
I somehow finish this challenge as Trapper. Hitting obsession then other 3, because I could go right behind them in Rotten field and they didnt see me.
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I did it the challenge on Ghostface. It also works when you are in Night Shroud and hit someone.
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I used Blight with Vigo's Journal for this challenge, that add-on is just so much fun :D
And yes, lethal rush counts as "hitting with your weapon".
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Must've been patched to just basic attacks or something. I literally just did Vigo's Journal Blight and failed to earn it. I know I Lethal Rushed at least 3 because I earned the Speed Kills achievement mid-match.
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I finished mine using trapper with dark devotion and nemesis.
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Exactly, anything that grants Undetectable works, as long as Dark Devotion is equipped. So Myers T1, GF Shroud, Demo emerging from a Portal, Dark Devotion, Tinkerer, Trail of Torment, Beast of Prey, and various killer addons which grant Undetectable (e.g. Twins Ultra Rare) all word for the challenge.
I did the challenge with Pig, using Dark Devotion, Tinkerer and Trail of Torment. I was sent to Hawkins, which allowed me to get so many undetetable hits ^^.
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Well, apparently not anything. I tried Vigo's Journal again, and it failed again. I counted.
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Yeah, I love using killers' powers or a second perk to make the challenges more reasonable. I used Mikey for that challenge and equipped Sloppy Butcher for the Blood Echo challenge.
Mikey was also really good for a previous Haunted Grounds hit-survivors-while-they're-Exposed challenge. 😈
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oh my god i just saw the blood echo challenge. "hit survivors suffering from hemorrhage while using the perk blood echo"
yep. definitely going to equip sloppy for that one LMAOO catch me not struggling to get this done
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I tried it with GF and it actually did not work as well as i though it would.
They kept revealing me before i was able to hit them. Didn't help that the obsession DC'ed so i couldn't activate my dark devotion anymore
Luckilly me deciding to not deadhook them leaded to me getting the last hit i needed in the exit gate as we were both butt dancing
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Same here. i tried this in two games. I also had tinkerer, discordance, dark devotion ..must have hit them 6,7 times (the chase didn't start, i was undetectable when they got hit) in the games with blight rush, so it must work with basic attacks only.
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No all the challenge that previously required a specific perk only needed you to run said perk. Also it doesn't say "hit 3 people while being undetectable by Dark Devotion