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Should Self-Care be reworked or replaced with another perk?

glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

I'd like to hear all of your thoughts on this.

Should Self-Care be reworked or replaced with another perk? 99 votes

SaelonLeonardo1itaScary_Punk_GhostHannonDerZuntorBeelzeboopThat_One_Friendryseterionash13simpforfelixLunaDelulaInnIxjeh 12 votes
Replaced with another perk for Claudette
TsukiYureiGay_Police_Dept 2 votes
HeartboundTaigabjorksnasBabyBubzRattiusherrik666boostedsurvivormainVulcanicoreItzZane_DistortedDreamKirkyladpiggygooikPSPGazgemauchAlzuqui 15 votes
SkeletalEliteDeon00777 2 votes
Keep it as it is
White_OwlGibberishAdelooSeiko300kodiakyChocolate_CosmosTapeKnotDimek[Deleted User]JawsIsTheNextKiller[Deleted User]MrPenguinUistreelSvdHDr_LoomisAhoyWolfGeneralVTunnelVisionCritical_FishPlantCollector 68 votes


  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    Keep it as it is

    It's fine, if you buff it, it will be too strong. If you nerf it, it will be too weak. I think the perk is very much fine, people just don't really know when to use it.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    It could use a slight buff and be a little bit faster but not to much.

  • GargledFire
    GargledFire Member Posts: 83
    Keep it as it is

    Self Care is a very strong perk when used correctly. It is quicker to self care than pull a teammate off a gen to heal you, unless you or a teammate are in direct danger. Self caring saves a second or two when healing and having 1 other survivor on a gen, compared to having that survivor heal you and you both work on the gen with reduced action speed.

    And that is a second time save if you don't hit a single skill check, or use heal speed increases. Every skillcheck is something like 1.5 seconds of time save. If you can hit great skill checks every time, self-care can honestly be overpowered in certain situations. It also gives you survival points which are the rarest type.

  • bowo
    bowo Member Posts: 121
    Keep it as it is

    self care is fine as is imo - it's just that many players don't use it to finish off a partial heal and instead take twice as long to heal

  • Booba
    Booba Member Posts: 62
    Keep it as it is

    Self-care is ok as it is right now.

    The people and how they use it are a problem though.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited May 2021
    Keep it as it is

    Requires the user to not be P3 corner care Claudette,

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    i hate because of the people that use it, its not even good so no point in touching it.

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848
    Keep it as it is

    You can't it's part of claudette's teachable perks and getting mad as being killer is hilarious.

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743
    Replaced with another perk for Claudette

    Yeah, i don't care if the problem is people who don't know how to use it, just get rid of it.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,788
    Keep it as it is

    self care is fine as it is the only issue is some people don't use it properly. If i'm running it I'm gonna take botany incase if the killer has sloppy because self care by itself takes forever and it can chew up valuable time. I will only self care when it's necessary and teammates aren't on the hook.

  • panernaners
    panernaners Member Posts: 243
    Keep it as it is

    If they slightly buff it then they would have to nerf botany knowledge or make the two perks not work together honestly the perk as it is now is mostly a trap for new players. I think the only way to fix this perk is to spread the right info on how to use it or just replace it.

  • ryseterion
    ryseterion Member Posts: 445

    Its mostly fine but if it were slightly faster then it would be perfect

  • Deon00777
    Deon00777 Member Posts: 4

    I say nerf because the second effect would be better served as part of Botany Knowledge, so put the item use reduction on that and remove it from from Self-Care.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    Keep it as it is

    Self Care burns just as much gen time as one survivor healing another, and due to how gens slow down if there's more people on it, it actually saves time to have one person self care and one on the gen. Self care gets a lot of hate mostly due to poor usage, but in reality healing itself is not incentivized unless you're confident you and your teammates all can last more than 32 seconds between hits.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209
    Keep it as it is

    I know self care is meme'd to high hell as a 5th killer perk but that's just because a lot noobs dont know how or when to use it, if used correctly and well timed it can be a fairly strong perk.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    The way the game is now it's balanced around survivors having two available health states. We even have a killer now that takes three hits to down you. Self Care is my fallback safety perk, but long ago Nurses Calling was the answer to it. I'd be down for more healing perks and more healing detection perks. It's core to the game.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763
    Keep it as it is

    Self-Care should be meta again.

    Change my mind.

  • Hannon
    Hannon Member Posts: 221

    i think that they should make it like saboteur

    you Heal at a normal speed but it has a very long cooldown