Rank Reset



  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    Yeah i got double reset from rank 1 to 9 on Xbox Series X.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Unless MMR was put in without telling us, no, this is not intended. You should've just gone to rank 5, I believe.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    If you were rank1/2 yesterday and today you are rank20 its not intended, its a common bug tho.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    There seems to be a ongoing bug. Several people have been reporting this. So, you´re not alone.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,498
    edited May 2021

    Survivor jumped from 9 to 19, Killer reset to 6 instead of 5.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Huh...looks like a lot of new players are going to have a rough time against red rank players going back to 20

  • saltmineinaction
    saltmineinaction Member Posts: 99

    So the rank resets has happened, as before I never had an issue with it since it was always fair. But today the worst happened:

    I was survivor rank 12 and got deranged to rank 20?! WHY?! WHY 8 RANKS DOWN?! I play almost every week for a couple of days and hours and I get this huge drank for what?! I find this complete BS... Shouldn't it be like 2 or 3 ranks down only? Why the hell did I get 8 ranks taken away?!]

    I need to restart everything now what I build with ranking up and this is very demotivating to see... Such a shame this happens to players that play for fun and want more competition in playing. This is how you lose players honestly...

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    They should just remove the rank system all together and just implement a background skillbased matchmaking because all Rank does is PISS people off. Just becomes a total bore fest when you get to rank 1...here's 1 depip from a bad game then 1 pip to rank 1 again, then let's reset you back to rank 9 because of a buggy rank reset which you're supposed to only go back 1 colour...but here is 30k bloodpoints for our inability to Rank Reset people that we've been doing for 5 years.

    It's getting to the point with these devs that they really don't know what they're doing to run a live service game.

  • TruffleTurtle
    TruffleTurtle Member Posts: 614

    Omg stop whining. You act like this was on purpose. It's probably just a bug that will get fixed within the next couple days. If they were changing rank again they would've announced it. Also idk why u would have to restart nothing else should of been reset. Just be glad u didn't play when rank reseted like this on the regular

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    I played when Rank reset would put you back 10 levels. Honestly it just made the game more unbalanced and the grind even more stupid. It's a poorly designed mechanic to give people false sense of achievement.

  • NutInMyCrosshair
    NutInMyCrosshair Member Posts: 16

    If you're someone who plays for fun, having a lower rank will benefit you as you'll be against worse killers.

    I went from rank 3S-4K last season to 20S/20K this season, 0 complaints from me. Easier trophies, easier games

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    You mean like...the MMR/SBM they're working on right now?

  • theplumber3546
    theplumber3546 Member Posts: 1

    4 back to 15? Why?

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 752

    i correctly went from survivor 3 to 7, but i went from killer 8 to 19.

    not that i mind, i'll just do meme games with the 20 babies. just thought i'd say something about it is all.

  • saltmineinaction
    saltmineinaction Member Posts: 99

    In lower ranks its more camping killers which I HATE. Also survivors are worse to play with since they have no idea how the game works and ruin everything. First game was one of those

  • Woodywool
    Woodywool Member Posts: 622

    My ranks weren't being reset at all. I was rank 1 for both sides yesterday and still have rank 1.

    I restarted the game 2 times, played one game as survivor and still have rank 1. Restarted the game again and nothing change.

    It's so weird

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 752

    camping killers are so easy to rank up off of though, unless you're the one on the hook.

    pack small game and don't let yourself get caught first, it'll cure what ails ya.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,651

    I think the game is trying to tell me something and I don't like it.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,460

    And for console? We peasants ain't gotz no logs besides dem trees over thar...

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I went from r1 to r1

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    I hope this is correct. I followed the directions posted earlier so here is my log, thank you!

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Happened to me too rank 2 now rank 8 on both sides I guess it's double reset

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 5,687
    edited May 2021

    My rank didn't reset at all. I'm still 9 as a killer and 5 as a survivor. Which is frustrating, because I wanted to get back in the yellows today to try some adepts. :( I even specifically deranked survivor to 5 last night so I'd have some opportunity to have less oppressive solo games for a while.

  • Daddy_Doctor
    Daddy_Doctor Member Posts: 158

    Mine didn’t change at all, not even a pip difference, sadge.

  • TruffleTurtle
    TruffleTurtle Member Posts: 614

    I preferred it that way because everyone wasn't in red ranks so you could actually get good teammates. Now half of the red ranks is boosted and makes playing survivor unbearable

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I went from rank 1 on both sides (in reality I was about 11 for survivor and 20 for killer) to 15 for survivor and 20 remained for killer.

  • Booorra
    Booorra Member Posts: 24

    I went from level 1 killer to level 9 and from level 5 survivor to level 14. Nice..

  • Brightened
    Brightened Member Posts: 307

    Is this part of the issues with the rank setbacks? Or is this the new normal?

    I was survivor rank 1 and went back to rank 9. Not that I'll have a probably getting back my rank, just wondering is all.

  • Booorra
    Booorra Member Posts: 24

    Part of problem.. I'm also rank 9 now from rank 1 just on killer side.

  • jrayne11
    jrayne11 Member Posts: 2

    I was a rank 10 and as I’ve read green rank 9-12 is supposed to be set back to 13.. I was reset to 17. i see a ton of people are having this issue. when is this going to be fixed or are we supposed to just put in all the work to get back up there?

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    I was rank 6 and now im rank 13 Lol

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    I didn't get reset in rank at all im Rank 1 Killer and Rank 3 Survivor still (Yes i saw Twitter)

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Its the rank you belong to 🤣

    Jeez people were mocking me yesterday for a depip, now ranks gone crazy.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,651

    i let someone else play on my account for one day and this is the ######### i get

  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,523

    Just logged in and no change in ranks.

    I'm guessing it's been disabled while it's being sorted?!

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190

    I encountered numerous rank and emblem errors the last 3-4 days before reset. I'd have matches where +1 pip, would procude a -1 result. Where depiping , would show my actually rank as being a full level higher in the lobby. I even got a ghost -3 depip after turning off and then later turning the game back on the last day before reset.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095


    I think at this point it would be best to just turn the new mmr on.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 1,971

    I was too slow and now my rank isn't resetting at all while they fix the issue. Looks like I missed out on this super-derank.

    Some guys get all the luck.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Flawed or not it might be time to switch the MMR on or new players are going to have it even rougher than usual for a while.

    This can't be enjoyable for them

  • Sokolvip
    Sokolvip Member Posts: 1

    I am leaving my log. Please fix your game bhvr.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,097

    Survivor it said I was rank 1 but I wasn't rank 1, I was rank 4 when I signed off last night. Now I'm rank 15.

    Killer said I was rank 1 when I wasn't, I was low rank from not playing killer much and not taking it serious enough to pip (I mostly mess around as killer and playing with their powers to understand it better as survivor, I don't care if I get kills/hooks unless I'm doing a challenge). Now I'm rank 20 which was probably more realistic rank reset for what my actual rank was but still funny to see it go from 1 to 20.

    With everyone's ranks messed up now would be a good time to test mmr. Players will definitely have to rely on how match feels over what ranks they see since they won't know if the other yellow ranks are yellow that didn't move at reset or red ranks that didn't play well that should've be yellow all along. 😂

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613
  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,523

    When this is sorted, can I have my deranks please?

    I missed out and am now getting humiliated by the red rankers I've strived so hard to avoid.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Makichan84
    Makichan84 Member Posts: 4

    I went from rank 3 to rank 15. norm i should have been at 5. i figured it was another bug when people were getting bugged webs and when they add or change anything. im like im having enough issues just pipping.....now im getting paired up with new people or ones that dont play much and its just horrible.

    it also seems its harder to pip. ill save like 2-3 people do 2-3 gens and so on and i just dont pip.

  • deadlybyte
    deadlybyte Member Posts: 17

    My rank isn't resetting at all. I would strongly suggest DBD to sort out all the bugs before releasing any new content

  • Mikasa
    Mikasa Member Posts: 28

    my rank hasn't changed. as it was red so it remained

  • Matey
    Matey Member Posts: 1

    Here some logs if it help ,

    I was going from Rank 1 to 9.

    This is the newest log and I have played after the reset. I have a few more logs in this folder hopes this helps.

  • Jadzea
    Jadzea Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2021

    I have been working the last 2 days and just logged on. I went from a rank 9 to a rank 19. #########. I don't even want to play now because of how far back it threw me.

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    I did not even get any rank reset this month ... so sad!

    Enjoyed 10+ min queue time the few days after reset ...