The Entity is an SCP?

As written in the title, is the entity an SCP?
What does that abbreviation stand for? Dare I ask such a thing in 2021...
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Secure, Contain, Protect. It's basically a collection of pages about supernatural creatures, effects, or events that random people made up. There's an overall lore about the SCP Foundation, a specific writing style for the articles, and a few games.
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Why would you assume this?
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I'm p sure the Entity's realm as a whole would be an SCP.
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That's splitting hairs, since She is the realm. She's everything except the survivors, killers, and Maurice.
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No, its the same situation like with Trevor Henderson Siren Head if entity would ever be an SCP the devs would literally lose their right to the entity "character" i think thats how CC licenses work
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It would work as an scp but no since theres practically no way to contain it
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I'm not greatly familiar with SCP (love it though) so I can't be sure, but aren't there at least one or two popular specimens that grow exponentially and / or can't be contained? I don't ask to argue, but to be informed. I could swear that I ran across some that were of this nature. "Don't confront, stay away, top level access only, we have to keep trying to find ways to stop this thing from absorbing everything around it". Could be wrong though.
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Cringe is more like it.
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Those do exist but all of them are some god type being. The entity is more of a force that dissapeared from universe to universe
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Yea, I asked my 9 year old brother.
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You could consider it so as many other classified SCPs are beiings from different dimesions that in some way prey on humanity.
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Because anyone can write their own SCP, it's usually about as good as your average fan fiction...
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Entity is a god like being with no body or form. Only seen when it manifests as spider claws to interact with 3 dimensional beings, like survivors on the hook, which are also put into 3 dimensional world created by the entity itself
At least that is my understanding of it
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It's like creepypasta, there are a few good ones in there amongst all the garbage.
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In the same article, they reference the Entity as "It" or "itself" over 50 times, Also in your literal statement it says:
"This is due to the French language, mother tongue of most of the Developers, neither possessing a gender-neutral pronoun nor a grammatical neuter"
The very lore at the top of the page calls the Entity an "it"
"This thing, that I dubbed The Entity, is evil in its purest form. I find it hard to spot, but I can hear the cracking sound this loathsome thing emanates. Like a deity, it surrounds the area, closing in on me as its Killers hunt me. It does not seem to be dangerous in itself. Not until you are caught and the Killer hangs you from one of the abhorrent Hooks. I have ended up there over and over and every time I yearn for both release as well as escape. Pain melts with fear in a most horrid way. Yet I return to it, more or less every night. Once on the Hook, Entity takes over, pulling one upwards to something else."
In reality, it appears the original intent and current lore of the game designates the Entity as an "it" and not having a gender. Given that it is portrayed as some Godlike/Demon type "thing" it is likely it doesn't actually have a gender and anyone saying "she" or "her" is likely just being obnoxious.
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I still don't understand what's wrong here, but eh whatever.
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I think they mean could the entity fit as a scp
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Nothing, some people just get really mad at the fact that I consider the Entity to be female.
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Alternatives to your "obnoxious" claim:
- Headcanon
- Joke
Seriously, what harm does it do you if I call the Entity "She", as opposed to "It"?
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Everything is an SCP if you look hard enough.
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Technically still counts as a "SCP". The Entity's Realm counts as a Pocket Dimension Class.
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I am aware. I'm just saying that there's little reason to consider Her separate from Her realm. Then again, the SCP wiki loves its -1, -A, etc.
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Not entirely true, it's completely discourages bad writing.
Your work has to be judged by the community if it's even worth putting it on the list.
Going on a bad article spree will be a great toll on your account.
However there is some very clever articles that require little writing.
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Isn't something only an SCP when it has been assigned that moniker by the foundation? If not, then virtually any semi-magical character or thing is an SCP.
Also, if the Entity were to be an SCP, then wouldn't the foundation be all over it? If DbD ever did an SCP chapter, lore-wise the foundation has to know about the Entity somehow what with the cult in Elodie's bio and all. It'd need to be assigned a number and have its own article(s). What would that even look like? What would the foundation know?
(Also also, SCP according to the SCP wiki, the "acronym" stands for Special Containment Procedures, and the motto was created from the acronym, not vice versa.)
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It can definitely be classified as one since SCP deals with anything supernatural or extremely dangerous for the public but the SCP foundation probably wouldn't be able to contain such a being. Maybe a killer if they were to come to earth but that's assuming that the entity can't just snatch them right back.