SWFs complaining about Meta killers

Funniest thing happened today
Played against a SWF as Oni, they all got out, genrushing, flashlight clicking, the usual.
Then the endgame chat; typing "zzz" in the chat, calling me bad, the usual. But then one of them said that I was "bad for picking Oni" I didn't screencap it because, to be completely honest, I was furious at myself and left soon afterwards.
It made me ask the question; what the ######### do they want me to do? Do they want to only play against killer that are known to win? Do SWFs only want me to play as Spirit and Nurse and slug and tunnel for the 4k?
Obviously not, because anytime that happens the player is lambasted and called such a myriad of slurs that a racist would shudder just reading it.
So what do they actually?
I don't ######### get it and I'm very, very angry right now.
I wonder if you played against the SWF I played cause they said the same thing. They can't believe I picked such a meta killer as Oni because playing as Oni is tryhard I guess...?
I also found it funny they called me a sweaty killer as they were a 4 Man SWF with a key and meta survivor perks...
Although they weren't racist so maybe that was a different SWF team in my game :D
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1 Claude, 1 Cheryl, 2 Bunny Fengs and the Claude and Cheryl were P3
Sound familiar?
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Oh it was a long while ago, I just specifically remember them calling me a tryhard for daring to use a killer I paid for in a game with killers trying to kill people :D
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"######### tryhard piece of ######### how dare you do your job"
boo ######### hoo, if you can't handle opposition in a video game you shouldn't be ######### playing it
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Maybe just dont take everything seriously there are almost 8 billion people on this planet and you are going argue with such a unit ,just dont take everything seriously and stop posting it on the forum
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i'm sorry i don't enjoy being bullied on the internet while trying to enjoy my time off.
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People are allowed to be upset and this is an open forum.
If you don't want to read it, don't click on it.
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but there's literally no point in making posts like "Killers can you stop camping,tunneling" ,"Survivors can you stop genrushing" this wont stop anything even worst it will encourage people to do those things
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You know that there's a button called "LEAVE" and you can press it so survivors won't trashtalk you
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it's even funnier cause on paper Oni is actually one of the worst killers in the game
a good SWF can go a whole game without facing an Oni with his power activated. the only way he can hit someone is with a basic M1 attack, so just pre drop every pallet and loop jungle gyms and killer shark extremely safe and its nothing he can do
I have played game like those where me and my team actually made it happen so he never got his power once
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SWF has no right to complain about anything in this game. They were just salty they lost. Keep playing Oni.
"Show no mercy. For you shall receive none"
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so I should DC anytime the game isn't in my favor
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I didn't win, that's the issue.
I didn't kill any of them and they still complained about the game
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Then they were just asshats.
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While I agree that the bad manners are inexcusable from both sides I do want to say that it is an unfortunate part of any online competitive gaming. DbD also has a reputation for a lot of hostility.
It is really frustrating and it's hard to not feel wounded by people being nasty. I'm a Survivor main who has never tea bagged even once. Never. I refuse to bring keys (I think it is the equivalent of a Mori and is bad sportsmanship). I only bring flashlights for Rift challenges and even then if it says to blind a Killer 5 times I'll try to do that over 5 separate rounds so that I'm not just spamming one poor Killer. When the gate is open and I'm sure everyone is safe I leave, when I find the hatch I jump instantly, I never wait to make sure a Killer sees me. If the other 3 Survivors DC I will try to lead Killer to basement and I volunteer a hook so they get one full kill.
I like to think I'm a good sport and a fun Survivor to play against. And yet more often than not when I get a message it's calling me bad words, etc. And so I get that it really hurts!
But if you let it get to you too badly it will poison you from the game which is a shame since this is a fun game with some really wonderful community members. Hang in there, try to let the salt roll off of your, and remember that their emotional immaturity or their malice is not your problem.
Take care and happy gaming. <3
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If you want avoid trashtalk ,yes but you can also hide a end game chat if you want i actually enjoy watching how people trashtalk me and make fun of them,but really you do not need to post this on the forums you can easily tell that they were complaining about Oni becuse they A.dont like his mechanics,B.Watched tierlist where Oni was on A tier so they think that every Oni player must be super overpowered
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stop being wholesome of the forums how am i supposed to be angry if you say nice things
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You can't change those people, nor should you even consider responding back or take anything they say seriously. Salty responses to losses just reveals the fear they have of not being good enough. To admit they're outplayed means they admit they aren't great. Those have very fragile egos, and not much left outside of the game.
That may change your anger to pity for them, and realising they mean nothing and act as if they're inconsequential is the best revenge.
I admit though I play in character, so any salty comments I get (which aren't many, to be fair) I usually have fun with in replying in character. Confuses the heck out of them! :D
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Haha! I hope it helped a little!
For what it is worth, Oni is one of my favorites to go against because he's one of the only Killers that actually stresses me out. Inner Strength is terrible against him because he'll just follow the blood orbs and that's only in the rare case that I escaped him. When I hear the roar I just know I'm dead. 🤣
I know a few other Survivors who feel the same way. Keep playing who you enjoy, Killer variance is what keeps this game fun!
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You don't have much of an argument to stand on.
There's a back button, if you don't want to see people vent their frustrations, use it :)
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I still thinks that spamming the forums with the kind of posts that i talked about is crappy but if you want to have forum in state where every person is asking question that does not really need an answer or writing threads about how survivors/killers are bad as a players it's your call in my opinion this forums should be about the game not the players in the game but i know i probably could not change anything,and i can accept that
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The game and the players are the same thing.
Can't have one without the others.
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People are allowed to come onto the forum and talk about something that happened, something they do or don't like about the game, etc. The idea of the forum is everyone can come together to discuss what they want to talk about. All that we ask is that you are civil and respectful to one another and their point of views, and are mindful of the other forum rules while you do so.
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well yes but actually no ,i will compare it to the car if you have a car without gasoline does that mean you does not have car ,you can buy gasoline in the station and bring it to the car so it will fully work you can do same with players i do not mean buying them i mean attracting them.And by game i mean gameplay,balance of the game etc.