Killer question

Is there a killer in this game which is good against lopping?
I ask because lately I get a lot of matches with people who are all good at looping around
Best Answers
There’s a lot of killers that have a decent anti loop ability. Nurse and Spirit are the obvious ones. Pyramid Head, Huntress, Deathslinger, Blight, Demo (mainly shack, jungle jims, and TL walls), Trapper (depending on if his power works or not), Hag, Plague with corrupt purge, and even Trickster in those debris loops at Autohaven are all good at anti looping as well.
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There are several killers who making looping difficult. Freddy and Clown slow survivors down in loops to get hits. You can mind game people with Spirit. Doctor can block vaults. And Nurse just flies through walls and pallets. These might be the strongest anti-loopers off the top of my head. Then there are a few more who have skills that can hit people when they loop or are on the other side of windows/pallets (Huntress, Deathslinger, PH).
Trapper as well.
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Yeah, I did mention Trapper.
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oh. I may not have seen that in the list.
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It’s all good.
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I forgot about Freddy and Doc, those are good choices. I’m conflicted about Clown because predropping pallets does hurt him a lot.
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Every killer but Plague(if they dont cleanse), Myers, Legion and GF
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Clown can literally shut down a loop in seconds with minimal effort.
Deathsllinger is similar, but takes more effort and can get hits more consistently.
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Depends on the loop. The majority of Killers can use their power at a loop in some manner, but it differs on a killer to killer basis as well. Short loops with low walls can work for Huntress, Trickster or Deathslinger, but they aren't as good at the Killer Shack or in indoor loops. There's also the strats the Survivors use against different killers (i.e. Spirit phasing --> Survivors will slowly walk away from the loop, Clown bottles will cause the pallet to be pre-dropped, etc.). My advice is learn how your killer of choice deals with loops the best and master it.
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I played a bit with the trapper and tbh, I'm quite happy with the result yet. Placing the traps either at loops or at randome places where no one expects them is quite fun.
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Nurse ignores looping. Trapper and Hag can cut chases short and circumvent looping. Deathslinger just needs line of sight to shoot and reel survivors in. Spirit and Blight can beat survivors to loops.
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hurts freddy 2x more than it does clown