Dead hard is cancelling mid animation

and killers are getting free hits, I cannot believe people complain about Dead Hard.
I think it needs a rework because the way it is now is not dodging hits with your experience and correct timing because it's literally getting cancelled mid animation. it's just for distance the way it is.
and in some certain chases you need both aspects : the distance + the actual hit dodge, before you make it to a pallet or window or whatever
please do something about dead hard or just change it's description so new players don't actually try to learn dodging hits cause they won't be able to or just say you have a slight chance of pulling off a full dodging dead hard animation without it being cancelled and granting a hit to the killer.
"with your experience and correct timing"
... girl... its pressing E and zooming. No experience needed.
Also I haven't seen that bug yet, sometimes people dead hard completely wrong and the killer can m1 them at the end of the animation.
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mid animation means before the animation ended like you can see the animation take off but you still get put down and the animation does not go through all the way.
I have been looking at streams and it seems like it's a very common problem and all dead hard users know about it, turns out it's an issue related to dedicated servers. since I haven't played the game much after the introduction of Dedicated servers, I only found out about this recently. and to be fair I don't even know what you're talking about it's certainly not a bug neither am I a noobie to think that after my character finished the full animation I got hit. I probably have 35 times your hours in the game, no disrespect at all. I know what I'm saying.
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oh no, anyways
I have no respect for dead hard
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Nooo Tony my dude you got jailed.. Who will remind daily that swf needs balance now?
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dead hard can be used as a third health state!
There I said it.
Readies flame Shield.
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You have people on this forum who've argued that using Dead Hard requires talent lmao
pressing e is so damn hard for some of these blokes it seems
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Bug reports go to the bug report section.
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Pressing E is not hard. You still need to know how to use it though. You can run into a wall if you don’t time your dash correctly. I’ve seen it happen even to the most experienced players.
pressing E is as hard as pressing M1 to hit a survivor. They both still require some skill around it.
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it's not a bug it's an issue related to dedicated servers apparently.
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I guess you never seen the difference between a total noob equipped with DH and a good runner using it.
maybe you're right.. it's just 1 button. doesnt require any experience in the game. you dont gotta time it right .. you dont gotta know when to use it .. etc. etc... JOKE.
but thanks for commenting anyways.
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i've seen people dead hard and just slide across a whole wall and I am just sitting here like "Ah yes this is for dodging"
Nevertheless, this is probably something across the lines of dedi servers being doodoo and dead hard deading your hard
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ohh no, looks like its time to get good instead of being super bad. No free E key escape for u.
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we all dislike some perks in the game it's fine. alot of people cry about alot of perks so I respect that.
at the end of the day.. all perks that are in the game are in the game and people just got to deal with them :)
but thanks for commenting anyways <3
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we are not discussing weather I'm good or bad. we are talking about something completely different as you can see
but thanks for commenting anyways.
I can't really reply to your intellectual comment with anything more.
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says the person calling people total noobs. thanks for the irony.
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could you tell me who did I call a noob? and could you describe what being a noob in a game means?
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you literally said it a few comments ago. how iam supposed to randomly find the people u was calling a total noob in dbd chat? why would i describe to you that when im not the one saying it? lmao
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I said there is a difference between a noob ( new player ) using Dead Hard , and a good ( experienced ) player using it.
are you for real ? like you really thought I'm just randomly calling people noobs? how would I even know if " All the people " are new at the game?
could you please read the comment like 5 times and understand it fully before accusing me of " Calling people " noobs?
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If you cant even read what your saying then its best to not post anything. you said total noob, your calling somebody that but getting mad im saying people who use dead hard? are bad? get out the house please.
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ok dude I'm just gonna ignore you we are on different levels of brain capacity.
we cannot understand each other.
"I guess you never seen the difference between a total noob equipped with DH and a good runner using it."
this is the line I used total noobs in, if you thought I was calling " PEOPLE " noobs randomly in this line. then I'm sorry we really can't be having a friendly discussion anymore. we better off not discussing things.
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Well its clear thats so when somebody cant even read what they're typing.
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I can read clearly what I'm typing, seems like you keep misinterpreting it over and over .
here, I will post the line again, read it one more time
"I guess you never seen the difference between a total noob equipped with DH and a good runner using it."
do you think you understand, fully, what I mean in this line ?
is my intention to call everybody noobs just for the fun of it ? or was I trying to explain how there's a difference between a total noob ( new player ) using dead hard and more experienced players using it .
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So your calling people noobs, yet getting mad that im saying your calling people noobs. are you dumb?
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So.. a bug..
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Same difference. Something isn't working the way it should.
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While I despise Dead Hard, it does require good timing. But that's the only skill in it when used to dodge a hit. A good runner using the perk is obscene, though, since they can either make up for their mistake in losing distance by using it without needing to dodge a hit directly or can be greedy for that extra loop on an obnoxiously long tile.
Just because you don't want to accept it happens, this is actually a thing, that one can even see as killer or as another survivor watching the chase from nearby, regularly: they begin using dead hard, the animation gets to about halfway, then they get downed anyway. It always feels gross when I hit through it, but at the same time I don't care that much since, as I said, I despise that perk.
It needs changing to be more fair for killers and consistent for survivors, tbh.
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DH honestly breaks the game when someone experienced uses it, tbh.
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not a bug unless you think Latency related issues are classified as bugs.
I really don't feel like explaining or teaching you the difference, just google it friend.
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same can be said about a lot of perks then. Dead hard is just a perk in the game and people need to learn to deal with this fact. It does not work most of the times anyways
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Bugs in games are something and an issue caused by Latency is something else.
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Bro that so true, I had a game where I would have ended a 2-minute chase but guess what, they had dead hard so I had to leave them. It's such a dumb annoying perk
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How would it be a latency issue? If Dead Hard is canceling mid animation that has nothing to do with latency. The server see's youve done the input and is sending the info back.
Also even if its an issue related the servers, thats still a bug.
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again.. you either have no idea what you're talking about or you know better than the devs who said it's latency related matter.
please research more about why dead hard is affected by Latency before you just comment for the sake of commenting
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And yet, they all go to that section I linked to, meaning the distinction is irrelevant. And just for the record, "bug" is very commonly used as shorthand for "something isn't working correctly".
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The latency related issue with dead hard is mostly known for being exhausted on the ground. THAT'S latency since the client and server dont have enough time to communicate thus resulting on your screen seeing the exhausted symbol but on every one elses you just look like youve gone down.
So unless thats what you mean, and with how youve been describing it, it doesnt sound like it.
Also dont try acting like you know everything on the subject matter just because youve done one google search and then insulting people who are actually trying to understand your issue and educating you
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Idk how I missed the first thing said in this post, but yes. A server related issue is a bug. Bug is a term used for something that isnt working correctly.
Its essentially like saying "I didnt make a mess I just simply spilled my glass of water every where"