Any counter plays going against spirit?


So nurse is fine... she's pretty simple and easy going I think. Doesn't take alot for her to be nackered out.

As for spirit... she's either spawned exactly where I was (I know they vary on where they spawn) ... or somethings definitely not right. I've had spirit 5 times today and she knows exactly where we are at all times. Is there any tips for counter play against her? Ive tried absolutely everything I can think of. I run Kindred & Dark Sense. Occasionally today running these 2 perks she's nowhere to be seen 🤷‍♀️ yet there she is stood behind me and there's me thinking "how ya get from the other side of the map to here on my exact location?" ... even being a locker rat hearing her coming, all lockers on the map and there she is....

Really need help going against her guys, she's so overly powered in everything she does and just feel I never have a leg to stand on in her matches.

Heard a few people saying she needs to be nurfed? How true that is I have no idea. But surely there's no way she could know where you are all the time


  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Anyone who says there's counterplay has been lied to

  • Jakojo
    Jakojo Member Posts: 214

    Yeah man just look at the shards.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    Ah okay thankyou guys. She's just such a pain. I've been sitting here all day asking myself if I'm really this trash at the game or if it is what it is with her. I can get past the nurse and slowly getting the master of Billy and his speed, spirits just my ultimate nightmare right now.

    And what ever I've tried to do has backfired incredibly awful 😂

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    No that was a help, il try practice on those runs. Thankyou ♡

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,081

    Hope and pray.

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158
    edited May 2021

    Step 1. DIE

    I've also had an abnormal amount of spirits today with stridor for some reason....

    Does she need a nerf? Perhaps?

    As for perks recommendation?

    • If you're a locker rat use Inner Strength + Head on and spice things up with Deception.
    • Dead Hard is an amazing perk against her.
    • Iron Will is a great counter towards her. Unless she has Stridor, in that case, refer to Step 1.

    Losing LOS at a loop is the bets counter to her stranding still "mindgame". If you can see over the loop, try crouching or do anything to lose LOS. Other than that, run around in circles to leave a massive amount of scratch marks in one area. Go around clockwise, then switch. Try being unpredictable....

    If she has Stridor + ur injured and she's phasing towards you, I'd recommend making some distance and crouch in a totally unexpected direction. Up to you how long you want to crouch for before u start running. I'd recommend 3-5 seconds at least before you start running again.

    You can vault a pallet / window once if she's phasing then do a slow vault immediately after, then walk or run depending on the situation. Some spirits expect this move a lot.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    Yeah cheers man il try that 😂 literally try to be positive knowing its her. Even my crucifix just tells me to get screwed.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    Understand I've actually just screen shot this to my phone to make a mental note of this 😂 absolutely legendary! Thankyou for this actually.. genuinely gonna try these perks. I've got iron will. Il have to try find who has dead hard now and e other 2 perks you mentioned.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,081

    Or there is the secret option of running Iron Will and No Mither.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,979

    So Spirit is a bit tricky to counter, but there are a few things you can do to help improve your chances. The general idea is you want to keep distance and make it harder for her to track you.

    Spirit has limited phasing duration, although duration and speed addons exist so her effective range can be variable. Safe pallets and safe vaults can help prevent a phasing spirit from reaching you, because she can't phase through walls. Any tile with a long wall you can vault to the otherside can just force the spirit to stop phasing as long as you can keep running away from the vault.

    Spirit mainly relies on sound to track you. Most maps now have areas that have ambient sound which can help make it harder for the spirit to hear you. You can also crouch to reduce the sounds you make from being injured too. Repaired gens are also pretty loud and can be used too. If you don't have any safe tiles to use, this can help.

    If you are away from safe tiles and can't really use the environment to hide your sounds, you can try to take advantage of server latency and spirit having no collision while phasing. Scratch marks are slightly delayed due to server latency so you can run forward, stop turn around and run through the spirit during her phase. Sounds get a little weird when both the spirit and player are in the same location as spirit can't discern the direction they sounds are coming from. That can create a bit of confusion and might throw the spirit player off as a last resort effort.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    Whoa perk is no mither?... sorry for the questions like a newbie I usually run Michael mainly 😂 gone off the killer side of things recently just to have an understanding how pressurising it is for the other side.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    Thankyou babe. So much help for this, will try all advice given ♡

    Took so long to master nurse, Billy and Doctor as well... when it comes to the Doctor I always end up running the opposite side the map where he's gone 😂 sounds silly but works. So spirit basically just works with sound and can pretty much counter by literally vaulting or pallets, and backing up into her when she blurs out? 😊

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Sounds more like your getting busted by bbq if i read it like that.

    Other possibilities are that you may be injured and she has the add on where she sees blood but no scratches.

    Or she hears you while you're injured, or even close to you while she phase when you go into a locker.

    There's a change she has surveillance and just knows you're there because you work on a gen she kicked.

    Imo she doesn't need further nerfs, the only thing they could ad without destroying her ( that's what most people want), is giving her a little animation or sound cue when she starts phasing.

    Haven't touched dbd in about 2 months now but I personally haven't seen much spirits when I still played.

    As far as I know there haven't been any changes on her, so if there is indeed an increase in spirits then I wonder why.

    Could also be an platform specific thing where there are more spirits or region thing.

    But there are multiple ways to counter her.

    Most important is to remember roughly when she used her powers.

    It's a thing many fall for eventhough she literally just used it.

    When she uses her power you can run back the exact way you came from, start walking or start walking in a different direction.

    When vaulting a window, slow vault back, and the next time you fast vault a window again just walk away from the window as she might think you slow vault back.

    Same with pallets.

    Run to a pallet but stay at the side you came from and drop it.

    She might think you're on the other side and thus waisting time while you run back where you came from.

    Drop a pallet and slow vault back over it and choose whatever you want from there.

    During a chase in the open and she's phasing, just stop and crouch and continue.

    She might think you ran back where you came from.

    As soon as she appears again and you haven't had a spot to hide, just start running again.

    Those are some of the thinks I use but make sure you stay unpredictable and mix it all up.

    You do that and she becomes confused and start second guessing almost everything she does, which leads to her making bad reads and most likely losing the match.

    Personally i never understand all the cries about spirit.

    I love killers where you need to think outside of the box and have to work for a change to escape.

    She's really not that bad and I recommend what I recommend to everyone.

    If you have problems with a certain killer, just play multiple matches as that killer in the red and purple ranks.

    See how they counter her, learn what her weaknesses are.

    That's the best way to fully understand a particular killer. 😉

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Hiding in a locker all game is what I usually do.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,498

    No one does that, just like looking at Meyers' hands to see it he has Tombstone or not.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,498

    People who play her usually have Stridor on, which makes your breathing louder, so if she comes close to you she will probably hear you. And don't underestimate a killer player's sight. If they see you sticking out a little bit or see a little bit of movement, they will find you. Against Spirit, you can run Iron Will, double back while she's phasing, crouch to sound quieter and stop your footsteps, move unpredictably, drop pallets early, drop pallets from the wrong side, fast vault then slow vault, etc. There is so much counterplay, and I would play her yourself to see what I mean.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited May 2021

    You can't counter a killer who gives no indication as to when she uses her power. Therefore, any action you do is just a pure guess, not counterplay. Counterplay is reacting to what the opposing team is doing. For example, Huntress pulling up her hatchet. You can react to that.

    Spirit gives you nothing to react to. Bad spirit players are why people think she has counterplay.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 910
    edited May 2021

    You know, I always thought poorly of the Spirit which I felt kind of bad about.

    So I went to meet her in a bar and clear the air.

    Didn't work out though. The bar didn't have any counters.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Look behind you a lot when she's chasing you. If you see her start to teleport, stop running and walk backwards (in the direction she was just in) for a few steps. With any luck she'll have gone past you and you can start running the other way.

    It's all I got. It's all anyone's got. If you're up against the Spirit just find a corner to cry in while you compose an email to BHVR asking why they keep fiddling around with every other character but refuse to nerf HER.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Well, at least you ensured that the bar now has spirits.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,070

    Most of the things people will suggest won't work if the Spirit is any good. It's one of the main reasons people think she needs to be nerfed. They repeatedly try things that won't ever work and fail to realize that maybe it's because those aren't the things they should be doing against a good Spirit.

    Don't try to slow vault back after a fast vault. Your scratch marks stop and your character grunts when you slow vault. It will never fool a good Spirit. What you should be trying instead is a delayed vault. The Spirit is listening for you and has a finite amount of charge. At a certain point she has to commit to once side a window or the other. The timing takes practice and if you kind of have to play a bit of Spirit to know it. Run up to the window and stop with enough space to get a fast vault. Wait, bait out the commit, and fast vault. Think of it like a stop and go.

    When you break line of sight, you need to walk or crouch away from obvious spots in the tile. Don't completely put yourself out of position, but you won't do yourself much good if you path predictably in spite of blocking LOS. Contrary to popular belief, Spirit can't hear healthy idle breathing from across the map with good headphones. 8 meters is the hard cut-off if you're healthy and not running.

    General rule of thumb is to make distance, break LOS, and stop leaving scratch marks if you're healthy. If you're injured, distance>break LOS>create a 50/50.

    She has an idle animation reset when she starts to phase. It is absolutely 100% false that she has no tell on her phase. I can provide examples of the animation change if you want.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The counterplay is somehow trying to trick a killer that knows where you are into thinking you aren't where you actually are, but are in fact in a slightly different different place.

    In other words, hope they suck and bamboozle them.

  • KolbyKolbyKolby
    KolbyKolbyKolby Member Posts: 606

    She can't track you with stridor if you never get found to get hit. Blend until you become part of the scenery.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598
    edited May 2021

    Yes please I need those clips. Make sure to juxtapose with a spirit faking phase too. You're amazing to have knowledge of spirits animations that the rest of the community don't know. You're a star Edgar.

    It's been debunked a long time ago. Don't provide false information lol. Holy hell I wish there was a downvote on this forum.

    Back to the OP's question:

    The counterplay to spirit is highly limited. Limted in the sense it's completely the killers discretion if it will work or not. The reason spirit is going to be nerfed is because of this fact. There is zero contest against a competent spirit player in chase.

    The most effective play into spirit is to not get found at all. The most feasible way to beat a good spirit player is to have that first chase initiate very late into the game as much as possible. Easier said than done though.

    In chase some further tips (note this doesn't work against a good spirit):

    • Walking over scratch marks or sidestepping scratch marks
    • double vaulting (fast vault into instant slow vault)
    • pre-dropping pallets while you know she's phasing
    • In a short loop where spirit is faking ALWAYS start running away from the loop and start walking (this will likely still result in a hit but it's always better than falling for a fake)
    • spend as much time as you can breaking los. (a good spirit is not going to phase when you've broken los)

    The reason these won't work against a good spirit is because if you pull any clip of a good spirit phasing correctly there will ALWAYS be an audio cue/visual cue that gives away the survivor. Spirit can make a blunder but that's not counterplay.

    Best of luck in the fog don't beat yourself up if you do go against a good spirit player nobody can beat them (there's a reason why the survivor content creators hardly showcase spirit games)

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    So let me get this right.

    Basically what you're saying is that when spirit stops mid chase you just keep running?

    Don't get me wrong here, but if everyone plays like that than I'm not surprised people complain about her.

    Sorry but if she stops mid chase (especially in the open) you react to her.

    And if you have a bit of distance from her, which you always have at some point, you can hear her phase sound.

    It's not as loud as when you're out of her TR but you can hear it none the less.

    You don't hear it when you're close to hear, that's why you don't work on a gen in hear TR for example.

    But sure mindgaming isn't a counter, you keep telling yourself that.

    You use that more than you think against other killers than you think.

    Apparently than I have, according to you, only played against bad spirits.

    Yes when someone plays spirit a lot than your survival possibilities will decrease.

    But that goes for every single killer.

    If i play as wraith than your survival possibility will decrease than when i play as for example as pig.

    People who say spirit has no counters are either people who follow the mass and yell whatever they do without trying to play and try to find it for themselves, or are just not so good as they think or just what easy games.

    But again, sure apparently I only play against bad spirits then 🤷‍♂️

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    Go back while she's in her phase.

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    Hope she's bad.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    😂😂😂 what she say? Promise to play nicely? You got a date with her again soon?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    If she has the right skin and you’re within breathing distance of her they actually do change

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,081
  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 752

    it also makes you die to every other killer in the game

    so, y'know. not really viable, since the game doesn't tell you which killer you're up against.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,081
  • DatFastBoi
    DatFastBoi Member Posts: 455

    Try to look at her animation. It resets when she starts to phase. It’s really subtle but it’s here. I don’t even think about it most of the time but it’s definitely possible to predict when she starts phasing. Other than that, well you can pray

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    No, I do not play like that, and neither does everyone.

    Well if you start walking when she stops mid chase, she can still hear you breathing and hear your footsteps as well, so it won't really do anything and you will still get hit. If she stops mid chase, you react to that and nothing else. So ok, she stopped mid chase and she is probably phasing, but you do not know her exact location and exactly when she started to phase. Some spirits might stop for a second to see what direction you run in, or what you start to do when they see you phase. But it doesn't matter, she has cues to find you during her phase, you are given nothing to figure out where she is.

    If I hear her phase sound when she is going after me, what does that do for me exactly? All I would know is that she is phasing for sure, but I still don't have anything worthwhile to not get hit other than guess what she will do.

    Yeah, let me just fake going this way and walk back- nvm she can hear me breathing and my footsteps.

    All you are doing against her is making educated guesses, and the spirit player making a mistake is not counterplay.

    People who say she has no counterplay may be following the masses, but they are still right in this case.